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Everything posted by Sasha888

  1. I agree, I think she LOVES making people uncomfortable. She likes to shock, push boundaries...whatever it takes to get attention. I mean, does anyone REALLY believe she loves CAT BREATH? She doesn't love cat breath, she loves the shocked, disgusted look on people's faces when she SAYS she loves cat breath. Just another shock value thing to get attention. There's no such thing as bad attention to Twit. Attention is attention.
  2. I always like any episode where Will & Karen are paired up. Also thought Jack on the phone with his mother was hilarious.
  3. (Bolding is mine) EXACTLY. It seems she always has to start off with exercise in a way that is not a "beginner" level at all...I don't know if it's just that she's not understanding that this is dangerous, or if it's because she can't admit to herself that she IS NOT FIT. She wants to jump into an exercise regime that's really more appropriate for someone who's already quite fit. I agree that she seems to like swimming & that would be more appropriate for her, but also she LUUUUURRRVES to dance - she has her own dance studio in the garage, for pete's sake. There are ways to incorporate dance into a GENTLE, beginner-level type of program. I'm doing this myself. I can't take high-impact exercise, for a number of reasons, so if I buy a dance-type work out video, I buy one that's low impact, or modify the routine (I happen to like some of the Bollywood dance style videos, which are sometimes higher impact)...so if it's a little too high impact for my taste, I throw in a more low-impact move in those spots of the routine. Whitney doesn't seem to understand this...she's either all in, or all out. "I'm not going to exercise at all, I hate it" or she throws herself into an exercise routine that's clearly past her level and abilities. My personal opinion is that she doesn't like words like "beginner" or "moderate" - she sees herself as way more capable than she really is, and terms like that offend her. But she'd be WAY better off starting with easier things and then build UP to more strenuous exercises. Throwing yourself into an exercise routine that is too much for you is just a recipe for disaster. You feel discouraged, you feel like "I am NEVER going to be able to this, it's so hard"...and you could even hurt yourself.
  4. You might be waiting awhile! I sure can't give you a reason why it would be a good idea. Good grief, she couldn't even send someone a text that she wasn't coming? But now she's done being overwhelmed and flies out there to meet them? Something is up with her, and it's not good. They should be running away from Melina as fast as they can.
  5. Yep, that's Whitney! Maybe super-size that order of attention as well....
  6. Thanks for taking one for the team and watching this so I don't have to. Flooded her hotel room? Idiot. And she admits to that while being filmed? Even bigger idiot. Starting up the bidet with your clothes on - and enjoying it...wow. I have no words for how screwed up this is. I swear sometimes she is just thinking "What's the craziest, most shocking thing I can do to keep the attention all on me?" and then she DOES that thing.
  7. I don't think they are at this point. The show has done a 180 from season one. They can't change the title and she's gone rogue so, I feel like they're going out of their way to show how un-fabulous her life actually is: * Can't apply her own chub-rub cream * Can't walk 4 miles without feeling destroyed * Can't shave the backs of her own legs * Almost broke a horse (the horse was struggling) * Can't dance any more (wiggling and arm waving does not count) * Can barely fit through doorways (she took up the entire width when she and Heather went to check Buddy's room a couple episodes back) * Is shown lumbering down the beach sinking much further into the sand than everyone else They're clearly focusing on showing how un-fabulous her existence is. Every episode she's in a humiliating situation and I can't believe she doesn't "get" it (or does she, is in it for the paycheck and, like a circus clown, doesn't care?). Totally agree with you. I should have been more clear...I don't think TLC thinks she's "fabulous", and yep, seems like they're focusing on showing her life as not at all that fabulous. I think Twitney still thinks she's "fabulous". And yep, she does't "get it". So yeah...I agree with you, but I wasn't very clear - I meant that Twit is irresponsible by acting like she's so fabulous, and even telling people (on social media) "if you lost 4 lbs that's fine, but I don't go by numbers on a scale, blah blah blah". I think she is the irresponsible one. She's still blathering on about how she should love her body, at any size, but if she really loved her body she wouldn't be destroying it with all this extra weight. I'm with you, I don't get why she doesn't see that she's being shown in these humiliating situations (can it GET any worse than the chub rub cream incident?) and that these situations clearly show she's not so fab. But there she was, braying away and making sexual innuendos while Todd put cream on her because her makeshift "rag on a stick" wouldn't reach. She'll also be bawling away one minute saying "I'm never going to find a man!" and then she's groping some poor guy the next...something is very wrong in that brain!
  8. If Twit is actually seeing a therapist, either the therapist sucks or Twit isn't listening to a word of it. Any therapist worth their salt would tell her she's DEEPLY in denial and endangering her health. I'm betting that's exactly what TLC will do next week. "Move along folks, there's nothing to see here." Let's all just pretend we didn't see that she can't even take care of her basic hygiene, and can't even go for a stroll in a park. I'd love to see the truth, which is probably that she made everyone miserable and couldn't even get back to her own hotel room. Probably couldn't walk for several days. Bet it was a fun plane ride home, with Twit guilt-tripping her dad and pouting the whole way. This freaking idiot has no shame...NO SHAME at all. When my Mom was dying in a nursing home, and she couldn't get out of bed anymore, if she needed the nurse for any hygiene stuff while we were visiting, she kicked us out of the room. She did not want even her own children seeing or hearing anything. Twitney presents her butt on TV and shows everyone how she can't even reach parts of her own body with a STICK, and asks a friend to do it for her. Braying about it the whole time, like it's hilarious and so fabulous. No shame. Her silly little campaign shouldn't be called No Body Shame...it should just be called NO SHAME, period.
  9. Definitely agree. I honestly think she's worse than no therapy at all...because people think they're doing something good by going to see her. If they weren't seeing Nancy, MAYBE they'd see a therapist who could actually help them. (Not Meri and Janelle specifically...there's probably no help at all for them! Plus I think that's just a story line and they have no intention of actually ever getting along.)
  10. I should have realized no one would recommend Nancy for real. :-)
  11. Yes, but where is the ATTENTION for Twitney in that?? ;-) She doesn't want to be able to take care of herself. Queen Baby. I don't have a single friend or relative that wouldn't tell me to F OFF if I asked them to put cream on my bits-n-pieces. Nor would I humiliate myself by asking them, or let myself get into that situation in the first place (by that I mean just being too fat to care for yourself, not people who have legitimate reasons they can't do it).
  12. Hey you guys, I got fat shamed the other day! I was telling my brother he needs to buy another horse (his favorite horse died a couple years ago) - because he still has the horse I love to ride, the horse who threw me (love him anyway! but won't ride him again, and neither will my brother!) and a "bonus" horse an ex-girlfriend just left at his place and is also not good for riding. So I was telling him to get a horse for himself that he will actually ride, because this is something we loved doing together and because it's ridiculous that he bought an expensive horse trailer/camper a few years back that he hasn't even USED yet. He has to do his horsey chores every day, might as well get some that you can enjoy riding. Anyway - his response was "How am I supposed to get you up on a horse? Shoot you out of a cannon?" Hahahaha, laughed my ass off. He also admitted that he would need to lose some weight before attempting to get back into riding. We're both maybe like 20-30 lbs heavier than the last time we went riding, so it's not like it's an impossible dream...and he was also probably referring to my other limitations due to Fibromyalgia. But after I'd thought about it awhile, I realized if I lived in Whitneyland, I should have screamed like a banshee at him for fat shaming me, and made him pay for it for the rest of his life! How dare he! Frankly I thought my brother was hilarious, and there's just no reason to make such a big ass (pun intended) deal out of every little thing. But you know, obviously I'm in a lot worse shape than Twit, because SHE can ride a horse, she did it on her show, right? No way in hell did she get up on that horse, or get down from it, on her own. Also, in Whitneyland, I don't NEED to prove I can ride a horse right now, because I've ALREADY done it...at one time. (According to her "I don't need to lose 100 lbs, I've already done it!" mantra.) By the way, Twit riding that horse was animal abuse in my book.
  13. I like you whole post, except for one part - No one should ever see "therapist" Nancy. She's a joke and a total quack. Therapy? Yes. Nancy? No.
  14. She made me slappy, too. She goes from braying and laughing about making her friends do shit like rub cream on her ass, to being a whiny little shit ("Daddy, will you put stuff on my blisters, and put my socks on me") before the race, to a complete crying, blubbering, complaining, pansy during the race. Then hobbles across the finish line being supported by two grown men, and has to get carted off in a golf cart because she can't even get back to the parking lot to the car. And you just KNOW when they got to the hotel, there was going to be hell to pay. They may not show it on the show, but there was HELL-TO-PAY. I'm guessing they're not going to show what a raging bitch she was, or how they got her whining, cry-baby ass back up to her hotel room. And NOT ONE WORD about it being a shortened course, even though we all know it was NOT a full 8K. Nor did she "run". But I bet next week we're back to "look what a fabulous life I have, and now I'm also a surfer and ran an 8K!"
  15. I really enjoyed that as well. After being put through chub rub cream duty, Todd TOTALLY deserved to whiz past her, flower in his hair, and do his little spin! Freaking hilarious.
  16. True, but we're kind of just going on April's word that it "always takes her two hours". I'm not ready to accept that as an absolute fact. I do think Angela isn't really showing any interest in being part of the group. At least, not in this episode. When she wasn't attending to her baby, I didn't see her trying to engage with any of the older kids...if she doesn't want to interact with April, interacting with some of the other children is something she COULD do, but didn't, that I saw. April is my least favorite from what I've seen so far...but that doesn't mean I'm firmly in Angela's corner. Angela has lots to work on also.
  17. This is my new favorite phrase. :-) I don't blame you. I don't blame you one little bit for being angry about this. She's also dragging down millions of people who don't fit into the "ideal weight" category, but even though they have a few extra pounds, are fit, eat healthy, can care for their own basic needs, etc. She's trying to put herself into THAT group - when, as you said, she really belongs in the "cripplingly obese" category. Frankly that's an insult to all of us (me included) who need to lose some weight and are trying to do that. SHE'S NOT TRYING. AT ALL. And she's pretty darned open about that. If she wants to give up on herself that's fine, but then don't try to lump yourself in with people who ARE trying. Or worse yet, tell people they SHOULDN'T be trying and should just love themselves the way the are. Not being ashamed that I'm a work in progress is okay. But not being able to shave your own legs or put your chub-rub cream on yourself is NOT healthy and is NOT okay, and I wish she'd stop trying to cram it down my throat that not only is it okay, it's FABULOUS!
  18. Hunter on the car ride to the "race" - "Look at that little graveyard. Those are all the people that died during the 8K." Hahahahahahahaha! I'm not usually a fan of passive aggressive behavior, but I laughed my ass off and did a slow clap for Hunter on this one! Seriously, it has to be hell having this woman for a sister.
  19. Yes. I'm sorry but you don't get to claim you "never back away from a challenge" when you back away from the challenge of living a healthy, normal life on a DAILY BASIS. When Will was her trainer, he "challenged" her to eat healthier, by sending him a picture of all of her meals. She took one picture of a meal (that she did not eat because it had vegetables in it, and that's just too "yucky" for ToddlerWoman) and never sent another pic ever again. That's backing down from a challenge, Twit. So was bawling and going home from the Fitness Marshall tour, because it was just too hard (nobody buys the homesick/need to help Babs garbage...you couldn't keep up, PERIOD). And there are NUMEROUS other examples. What you don't back down from is a chance to play the martyr and be the center of attention.
  20. Yep...and the rag on the stick didn't work. She had to present her ass in the air for a friend to put chub rub cream on her. So we're actually even past "rag on a stick" rock bottom. And the way she laughed and brayed her way through Todd rubbing chub rub cream on her nether regions while being filmed pretty much tells me there IS no rock bottom.
  21. I think she was trying to reach the other hole... Whatever the hell she was trying to reach, she couldn't...and nobody in your *fabulous* life should have to do it for you. (And if you DO this for someone, you're an ENABLER). Not usually a big Todd fan, and maybe he was "enabling", but he needs an extra 10 grand for doing this episode. At least.
  22. No, but you're in for plenty of "Owwwww mah feet! Mah feet!" ;-)
  23. You will not be disappointed...plenty of Ugly Crying Face. Twit should be forced to have her "oww owww hoo hoo ahh ahh" crap as her ringtone. We all had to listen to it - she should have to listen to it, too! ;-) Maybe listening to that every time her phone rang would bring out and ACTUAL "warrior spirit" in her, and make her think about putting down that next slice of pizza.
  24. I noticed that too...he said it was always rocky. Previews for next week - Heather crying and saying she doesn't know if it's completely, 100% over. Get some self-respect, woman! You got dumped. You're not the first person to get dumped and certainly won't be the last. You are a grown woman - stop acting like a 7th grader who got dumped by her playground crush. I get why she's friends with Twit now...they have delusion in common. Oh and by the way sweetheart...Buddy was no prize. Get over it.
  25. You will LOVE the part where they show everyone taking down the tent, the race timer, and the whole finish line she-bang before Twit ever even gets NEAR the finish line area! Just some barnacles, cheering and putting a lei and a medal around her neck, which she immediately, petulantly rips off.
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