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Everything posted by Sasha888

  1. Glenn needs to remember the phrase "Be careful what you wish for" when he talks about Twitney having a child. It's just the most ridiculous thing for him to be saying...for all the reasons that you have all already stated. She IS a child, she doesn't need to be having one! What a disaster. I wonder if this is a story line TLC is pushing, or if Glenn actually thought of this himself. If he's saying this on his own, he needs to get his head out of his ass. She can't even take care of herself. Also I agree with those of you saying that having a child doesn't automatically make the parent of that child "grow up". Twit as a mother is an absolutely horrific thought. How screwed up would that kid be! Holy crap. If he genuinely believes this is a good idea, then I see where Twit gets her delusional thinking from.
  2. Dot, she might very well be doing something in Charlotte but it was on her FB on October 11 where she talked about Charleston. Perhaps the one in Charleston was so poorly attended that they needed to do another one to get some better footage. Perhaps I'm just cynical but the fact that she has to advertise that it is a FREE class makes me agree with you that the first one may not have worked out very well... Also I'm betting she had dollar signs in her eyes when she thought of this, and traveling around giving free classes is obviously not making money, it's spending money. Now I'll wait for TLC to spin this into a false story line so it looks like she's "working on her career". If it has to be free to get people to show up, it's not a career.
  3. This is exactly the kind of person I was thinking of when I said who "in their right mind" would pay for a class with Twit. I could definitely see sycophants who aren't in their right mind paying to see her and "dance" (using the term loosely). The question is, how many have the money and how many would actually get off the couch for it. Todd should run for the hills because he'd definitely end up as her care taker, and all the horrible duties that entails.
  4. I don't know if you guys can stand to watch actual episodes anymore (wouldn't blame you a bit if you can't!) but her new thing she's latching onto is that she & Todd need to take Big Girls Dance Class on the road. She wants to tour like The Fitness Marshall guy. To me this is just another sign off how totally narcissistic she is - and how clueless she thinks viewers are. You couldn't TOUR with the FM guy because you were so NEEDED at home, remember? And so homesick? Not because you couldn't actually do the workouts with him....needed so badly at home, homesick, etc. Now all that's changed? But maybe the bigger question I'm thinking of right now is how freaking delusional can you get? Right now you have a FAKE dance class and it appears that your 'students' are paid to participate in the class so there is SOMETHING in your life to film (or they are at least offered "the chance to be on tv")...at any rate many of us believe it's a fake class. In a real class, clients pay YOU to be a part of the class. They don't have to be paid or bribed to take part in a fake class for tv...so forgive me but I'm failing to see how this translates into a "tour". Who the hell would pay this woman for dance or fitness instruction??? Let me rephrase that...who the hell IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would pay this woman for dance or fitness instruction? If I paid for a dance class, I'd be pretty pissed when all the instructor did was stand in one place and wave her arms around a little bit. Two seats for Twit per flight would get expensive mighty quickly. I'd love it if she jumped at this idea, actually did it, and it was filmed with 2 or 3 people showing up in each city. I think she really expects hundreds of people per location would be fighting to get into her "dance class". I don't see it happening, Sweatney.
  5. I think so too. In fact I think several of her "friends" are just there for a TLC paycheck, and when that's gone, they'll be gone too. Buddy seems pretty sick of her sometimes. I don't buy that Ashley thought Twit was the best choice for a birthing coach - that was just a story line - so I don't think Ashley's as close with her as they try to make it look. I mean really, Ashley has a child now - she's going to be very busy. She isn't going to have time for Twit's nonsense, like her total emotional implosion over Avi, a guy she barely knew who she thought she was going to marry and was ready to convert to Judaism for - she's not going to want to drop everything and rush to comfort poor Whitney. I suppose some of her barnacles may stay as emotionally stunted as Whitney is, but some of them are starting to actually grow up and seem to be getting sick of her needy, "I have to be the center of attention all the time" bullshit. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be friends with her. She's an emotional black hole - she sucks up attention and affection but gives nothing back, and it will NEVER be enough.
  6. When she was talking to Buddy about the "race" (let it go already) she says (paraphrasing) that basically when she gives something her all, it usually ends in success. Ummm...what have you ever done that's been a "success"? You lost 100 lbs but gained it all back and then some, you tired to go on tour with the FM and went crying back home because you couldn't keep up, you signed up with trainer Will and did so poorly that he had to "fire" you... At what point did she get "used to always succeeding"? Because it sure seems to me like she NEVER has. That's kind of like me saying that while I was still a smoker, I "succeeded" at quitting smoking 365 times in one year. I mean, I did quit smoking every night...because I went to sleep. Yes when I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was light up, but according to her "alternative fact" definitions, you don't actually have to follow through on anything, so hey, I "quit" smoking for like 6-8 hours EVERY DAY! Wow am I amazing and successful or what!
  7. Whitney tells Todd about the Fitness Marshall's tour, and includes this tidbit - "Apparently, a lot of people asked about ME." (flips her hair and gives Todd the "I'm SO fabulous" look.) Cut to me, walking across my living room and trying to figure out how I can bitch-slap someone through a TV screen. (IF anyone asked about you, it was probably to ask why you are such a QUITTER)
  8. I really wanted to see her making everyone's lives a living hell on the rest of that trip...because you just KNOW she did. Hobbling up to her room, taking to her bed for days and ordering room service, while blaming everyone for making her do this and humiliating her...that would've been more interesting than this episode, which is so far pretty boring. But no...we cut to being back home and miraculously, all feet issues have magically disappeared! She's "dancing" again (waving her arms while not moving her feet...ugh) with no apparent signs of all these horrible, debilitating foot conditions she suddenly had when faced with some actual exercise.
  9. "The last few months have been crazy, but now I'm ready to focus on myself and my career." 1. When have you EVER not been focused on YOURSELF? You're the biggest narcissist on the planet, you don't need to put "extra effort" into focusing on yourself. It's ALL YOU DO. 2. What career? Before you focus on "your career", dumb ass, you first have to GET a career. You don't have one.
  10. She seriously made a BANANA MAYO sandwich? That sounds disgusting! Really? That's almost as bad as my Dad and his "Brown Sugar Sandwiches". White bread, a bunch of butter, and brown sugar. As a treat after work, before dinner. I should add that he was incredibly skinny his whole life and never developed diabetes or weighed more than like 140 lbs (6 feet tall) his whole life. If I could figure out how to have inherited his metabolism instead of my Mom's, believe me, I would have. He was also a big fan of the Fluffer Nutter (peanut butter marshmallow creme sandwiches). But the banana-mayo sandwich is a new one on me.
  11. The Brineys moved to Oregon, the Alldredges moved to South Dakota. The Snowdens still live in la-la land, where they believe they are WAY smarter and more evolved than the rest of us.
  12. And Janelle will dance around her living room with joy.
  13. I'm so sorry to hear that. Although I do have to admit, when I realized my marriage was over, it was scary, yes, but also very freeing. There were some tough things to get through, but I've never regretted my choice to get out of my marriage. Not once. I wish you the very best!
  14. I see the Alldredges moved to South Dakota. That's a bit closer to my state than I'd like. ;-P Melina coming there was pointless and just a scripted non-event that was boring, IMO. If this show continues, and they want to show 3 families, I hope they find someone to replace the Snowdens. I have not one fuck to give about them. I don't care if they find someone, how it plays out, if they never find anyone, I just don't give a crap at all. He's vile and the only thing I do care about is never seeing him again. At first I thought April was really being an asshole - but by the end of the show I thought it was all just a bunch of scripted nonsense. She suddenly "came around" to the idea of moving and the other two wives were just desperate to not lose her? Not buying it.
  15. I agree...I hope Christine is not saying things like "big ugly scar" IN FRONT OF Ysabel. But even so, she's put it out there on tv, and her child may (probably will) hear this. If there's even a slight chance (and it seems like there's more than a slight chance) that she will HAVE to have the surgery, don't speak negatively about it and make the poor kid more terrified than she already is. When you're talking about this kind of thing, the important thing is the person's health and well being...talking about scars? That just seems so superficial to me.
  16. This is pretty much what I heard too....however, I think the discussion is a bit heated here, because people have some personal experiences with scoliosis and surgery...some good, some bad. I guess my personal take on it is, I know little to nothing about scoliosis and I like hearing about other posters experiences with it. If not for you guys standing up and saying something (even if not everyone agrees), I would only get the Browns' view on what's best. Just my 2 cents...I like hearing what everyone has to say.
  17. According to them, yes, they are supposed to be forever. But what I hear Kody saying is "Do what you want, Meri, be independent, but don't expect to have a romantic relationship with me". And it seems to me that Meri wants that romantic connection back. I don't think she's going to get it. He's over it, he's done with her, he's not interested in even trying, IMO. It sounds to me like he's offering her a sad little consolation prize - a platonic friendship - and it seems that's not really what she wants. If it were me, I'd take that as a hint that it's never going to be a "marriage" again and get the hell out.
  18. Kody - "Some of my wives will have a tendency to join me in that big picture of the whole family, and others of my wives will tend to see things more in their microcosm." He's talking about YOU, Meri. You're the one who doesn't see the family as a whole, and just sees "I want, I want, I want". I hate it when Kody is rational and has a valid point and I have to agree with the asshat. ;-P
  19. No honey, you're not. You're not wise. If she's implying she took out a mortgage based on her income from LuLaRoe, that's the opposite of wise. That's a pyramid scheme company, and when the trendiness passes, the bubble is going to burst and you'll be sitting there with a garage full of ugly clothes you can't sell. I'll honestly be shocked if any respectable mortgage company gave her a loan based on "LuLaRoe makes dreams come true."
  20. I agree with you...and I hate agreeing with Kody but Meri is so ridiculously selfish. Meri says she wants to be part of the family, but she's just been told how severe Ysabel's scoliosis is - how could anyone not see that right now, every extra resource the family has needs to go to help this child. I think when Meri wants something, she's going to make damn sure she gets it, and she doesn't care who she has to step on to get it.
  21. God, Meri does love her ugly shoes, doesn't she. "We drove to the therapist together, it's a big dill!" Yep...that bodes well for your therapy session. (Maybe I shouldn't be sarcastic, since Meri & Janelle actually CAN'T ride there together - sheesh.) What a pack of loons.
  22. I know they probably wanted to film this scoliosis discussion with just the 5 adults, but it's really disturbing to me that Maddie's in the background goofing around on her laptop. It makes it look like she doesn't give a shit about her sister.
  23. My Dad's cat is a nose licker. My Dad would make this horrible face and hold his breath so as not to smell Sylvester's breath, but he let him do it! Now that my Dad has passed, Sylvester tries licking any face he can get at. I'm patient with him...his breath is gross but I'll do anything for a sweet kitty. He now lives at my brother's and sleeps with my nephew - who, much like Grandpa before him, complains about Sylvester's "kissing"...but lets him do it! I can't imagine anyone actually liking it, but whatever. However, Whitney plays this up to the max. She throws it into EVERY conversation she possibly can, because she's such a whore for attention. I'll never forget the video of some cupcake place asking people for suggestions for unique cupcake flavors, and Twit said "cat breath cupcakes!" Give me a break. That was said purely for attention.
  24. If we were all "born" with our adult foot sizes, our mothers would be some serious super heroes! The fact that she constantly tries to imply that her "plight" is the same as conditions that one really cannot help (like that video of her with burn victims, amputees, etc) really pisses me off. Those people did not choose it, and have probably had to put up with some really hurtful remarks. Because of something they did not do to themselves, and cannot change. I just find that so despicable. Her extreme "victim" mentality makes me want to barf.
  25. Didn't see those pics of the race on FB, but one pic really caught my attention. It said something along the lines of "You can't change your shoe size, it's something you were born with. #NoBodyShame". Really? Is she really going to equate a person's shoe size with eating yourself to 400 plus pounds? Because there is a world of difference to me! No, I can't choose to change my shoe size. But I CAN choose to not eat myself into morbid obesity. If she's implying that changing our bodies with diet and exercise is just as pointless as trying to diet your way to a smaller shoe size, then she has really lost her marbles. Or never had any marbles to begin with.
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