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Everything posted by ebk57

  1. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Frank Howard has died. A large part of my misspent youth is gone. How can the guys I grew up watching and admiring all be dying now???
  2. ebk57

    NFL Thread

    Or the late, lamented Raljon Taters (Commanders). That was time I look back on fondly... or hysterically, whichever fits. What a bozo Jack Kent Cook was.
  3. ebk57

    NFL Thread

    Thanks. I'll do my best to avoid them for the rest of my life.
  4. ebk57

    NFL Thread

    I don't know who the announcers doing the Ravens game on CBS are, but they are AWFUL.
  5. I really enjoyed this one. I didn't hate any of the sketches and I love Dave and the Fighters of Foo. I liked Nate, although he sorta faded into the sketches. I was convinced he wasn't in many sketches until I just read @Galileo908's recap and realized he was in most of them. I guess that means he fit right in. This was a good one.
  6. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Well, despite trying not to care, this game was kinda fun. And the anthem is finally over...
  7. She sounds just like the "porn stars doing commercials" from SNL that Vanessa Bayer was so good in.
  8. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    I like H.E.R. a lot. She's fabulous. She sounds great tonight and looks great tonight...and I think the anthem will go into the 4th inning at this rate.
  9. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    This. I can't not watch, but I really don't want to. Maybe Sinkholes R Us will fill my order before it's too late this time. This brought a tear to my eye. Thanks. I took off work Friday and Monday because one of those days was going to be game 1 here and I had tickets. Now I'm getting vaccines on Friday so I can recover over the weekend. Sigh...
  10. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Indeed! (depending on who wins...)
  11. May I ask from where? I used to love going to Moby Dick, House of Kabob near the office, but haven't been there in ages.
  12. ebk57

    NFL Thread

    I admittedly don't pay much attention to the TV, but are Jim and Tony actually at the stadium? That recent speechy thing they just did while standing up in front of what looked like a green-screen made it look like they were in a studio instead of sitting in a broadcast booth at the stadium.
  13. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    They talked about the ugly turf - it has coconut shavings in it. I'm not sure why, but it does. They said the stadium tried real grass for a while, but since the roof was never open, it died. I don't understand why they couldn't open the roof during the day so some sun could get in, then close it a couple hours before game time to cool the building down. But then, I don't understand a lot of things. The field is still ugly.
  14. We have this on a coffee mug. Which, to bring this to the topic, is a peeve of mine because we have about eleventy billion coffee mugs because Mr. ebk tends to by them everywhere we go. I do like this one, though.
  15. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    I am just noticing how ugly the field is in Phoenix. I know it's mostly indoors, and if it was outdoors it would be desert, but still it doesn't look remotely like grass. Yuck.
  16. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Couldn't get through to Sinkholes R Us quick enough...sigh. I don't like the Rangers, but I reeeeeeally don't like the Astros. Really.
  17. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Ugh... I hate this game. Is there any way I can order up a sinkhole in Dallas really fast??
  18. Just for you all because I like you... I'm sharing this from the Washington Post. Having read this, she's even more annoying than I could ever have imagined. The Woman, The Little Pill, The Big Story.
  19. He is, indeed, taking tonight off. Which is wise since he didn't sound so good last night. Hope he feels better soon!
  20. My best friend's birthday is on Halloween, so we have an excuse to be out of the house. Yay!
  21. I thankfully haven't seen that one...yet. Thanks for the warning.
  22. I agree that's annoying. But I'm talking about actual screaming. The woman in the Jacuzzi commercial screams when she sees her new, prefect shower. The woman in the phone commercial screams when the guy proposes. If I'm not paying attention (and I try not to pay attention to commercials), I'm startled and a bit alarmed when I hear people suddenly screaming on my TV like they're being attacked or something.
  23. After opening and monologue... I liked the football/Swifties sketch. Just Pete was hilarious. WU was pretty great although the Coach Prime thing went on a bit long. Everything else was fine. And Taylor Swift. I didn't even realize she was there (shows how close attention I pay) until I read it on the hellscape that is Twitter. So I just ran through my DVR recording and yeah - there she is. The world is a weird place right now.
  24. Commercials with people screaming. In addition to the Jacuzzi Bath Remodel commercial, now the Google Pixel phone commercial has a woman screaming in response to a proposal. Not cool. And really annoying.
  25. Opening was lovely. Monologue...took a turn... I was confused during the credits when JAJ showed up in the regular cast until I remembered it was a new season. Hi everyone!
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