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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. L&O did that case much better, especially when Briscoe & Logan showed up at a house for some unrelated matter, and Jerry Orbach did a perfect face drop when he recognized the woman as a long gone fugitive. "Cuff her, Mike." Some attorney is going to make a boat payment off of all the work he has to do, changing names on school records, deeds, permits, etc. Add interstate flight to avoid prosecution (a federal crime) to all the other state stuff that he did. And the feds take that seriously. With regards to the complicity in the original crime, Bull states that, since the store clerk was in on it, there was no robbery. I don't think that's true. The two of them conspired to rob the place, and one ended up dead, regardless of the fact that the robber tried to help him. He can be charged with murder, I'm pretty sure. In many cases, the driver of the getaway car is also liable for the crime. I think they would have to put on a pretty good "I didn't know what was going on" defense. I remember Patty Hearst barely got away with her life at trial when F. Lee Bailey successfully steered any testimony away from another bank robbery in the Sacramento area in which a customer was killed and she was (allegedly) the getaway driver. That was a classic moment when the wife said "We have money. We can pay you."
  2. From Wikipedia, possums do indeed have 13 nipples. 12 in a circle with one in the middle. That's all I got for this week.
  3. I thought that Gail (Hillary Swank) said at one point that "He's only 16". I may have misheard. I was surprised at the comment, as I thought, based on the actor, that JP3 was an adult at the time.
  4. Philip's transformation into an American would be complete when he has to file bankruptcy after the failure of the travel agency. I wonder how the Russian Embassy would handle that? I have something of a different opinion on the outcome of Paige's encounter with the security officer, and its tragic aftermath. Perhaps it's too early in her training to advance, but he might have made an excellent dupe for the KGB. Paige starts dating him, extracting information, and distracting him so that agents could access various secure areas that he was supposedly guarding. After all, the guard was all too forthcoming with locations of buildings after meeting this unknown woman on a street. She could basically lead him around by his penis. For example, google Clayton Lonetree.
  5. If they had shown that, Bull would have smiled and said "Really, folks, I appreciate the gesture, but I'm not all that important. Please take your seats."
  6. Or steal it back, and destroy the Edsel lifeboat. Then they could rush around, chasing the baddies already inserted into the past, in a far more suitable conveyance.
  7. One of most revealing scenes, I thought, was when Getty III mentions that he knows about the friezes, and even comments about one of them. Getty I actually smiles, almost breaking his face, and gives the ever-so-fleeting impression that he might actually have something in common with this young squirt. Of course, it all goes downhill from there.
  8. I would have put money on Bess and Matt conjuring up that discussion to set up Daisy to adopt that dog, but I guess not. He/she was a cutie, though. I did like the way that Bess let the Ugandan chief know that "we know you are supporting terrorism but we're not going to say it publicly, and for that you owe your Don a service", or words to that effect. Slight nitpick: The promo lists the bombing as taking place in Mali, not Uganda.
  9. Just because the chief already told them there would be a replacement for Otis, and just because he was walking toward the firehouse at beginning of shift, wearing official uniform pants, how were they supposed to know he was a firefighter, right? Of course, if this was Shondaland, she would be banging him in the hospital bed.
  10. What? Rufus killed Jack? That means the fire never occurred, the kids all grew up normally, and Rebecca got a singing career?
  11. Does the Doctor's company own stock in Acme, Inc.? Because one of their anvils is damaged from being dropped. It seems to me that the WH could easily get a warrant in double quick time for a check on the phone calls. I think that entire scene was played out for some purpose in the future. And now that there is a dirty bomb somewhere in DC, civil rights must be curtailed, no doubt. For someone who was so well schooled in English, the West Hun Shu (or maybe it was East, I don't remember) leader dropped the ball with nuk-yu-ler. Go to school with the Bushies, did you?
  12. Sometimes I think the entire purpose of these different cases is so Bull can sex his way through the legal system. The actual particulars of the week are secondary.
  13. It's nice that Seattle FD can afford David Clarke Aviation Headsets (the green ones, often featured in movies/tv) for their crews, at $325 a copy. Or maybe they got them on the cheap from Chief Boden's brother-in-law.
  14. It was long rumored in Hollywood and other places that Louella Parsons got her lifetime column at Hearst Newspapers because she "knew the truth" about the death of Thomas Ince, a movie producer who died suddenly aboard Hearst's yacht in 1924. The official cause was heart failure, but many conspiracy theorists of the day said Hearst had him killed because he was making eyes at Marion Davies onboard the yacht. Even Patty Hearst plugged this theory in her novel. I would have thought they would have found a more age appropriate actor for Hearst, even with the cameo appearance. He was 78 in 1941, and rather portly already.
  15. As in (maybe), the main funding for present day Rittenhouse. Lucy for the goal when she describes Citizen Kane to Hedy Lamarr: "Spoiler alert. Rosebud is a sled." To which Hedy replies, "What's a spoiler?"
  16. The same tv-Seattle in which Seattle Grace Hospital is located, with all its shenanigans. I don't follow any of the SR shows anymore, so please answer this query: Why would an MD quit a job as a doctor to seek employment as an entry level firefighter? I said, afterwards, did it make any sense to take off the captain's SCBA when the ambient room air has been depleted such that they were worried about introducing more air to the room? Doesn't help him any. Station 19 needs some refresher training on hazmat first responder. You don't drive your rig right up to the unknown chemical and then get out and walk up to the trailer. There is a procedure that keeps everyone safe. I had a short laugh when the team went in to check on the woman with the bad smoke alarm at the end. One of them had an axe hooked to the halligan, and I thought, "That's not a Slammigan, is it?" Wrong network. A faulty electrical appliance malfunctions and starts a fire. Where did they get that idea? It should be good and entertaining for a season. Shonda will crater it next year with ever increasingly absurd plotlines after that.
  17. About the only thing that really interested me is the fact, previously unknown to me, that DC has its own National Guard, responsible to the President. All others are under the control of state or territorial Governors.
  18. The terrorist had a deadman's switch, requiring constant pressure to keep it from activating. By the time he activated it, Reade and Jane had pulled all the detonators off of the boxes (conveniently labeled "high explosive" in case the USAF didn't already know), and the det cord went off relatively insignificantly. What I didn't understand was why he wanted to blow up that little island. I didn't hear of any plan to transport the individual missiles to various sites (beyond the map), and it looked like that was Plan B.
  19. I get the plot requirement of having the team discuss whether they should report the suspected abuse to CPD, but in real life, I think most if not all states require first responders to report suspected abuse (child, spousal, elder, or otherwise) to the police. And is Antonio the go-to guy for all PD matters? I though he was in gangs and Intelligence or some department like that. Just call the nearest PD office and speak to the appropriate person. I was mildly surprised, based on previous results, that Boden actually followed procedure a few time this episode, even if he should have written Severide up. That was pretty serious. I'm sure viewers on the East Coast, at least, know by now that FDNY lost one of its members due to his getting lost in a house fire and succumbing to smoke inhalation. RIP. I'm glad the posters here identified Lily. I had no idea who that woman was, because the Mollys North plot went south in a hurry. Brian is called Otis because he is the elevator specialist on high rise fires. Do they name his replacement Otis, or is Brian going to make a spectacular recovery due to some hotshot surgeon in Med? Sorry, but when Antonio told Sylvie he had a date, I immediately thought of Nelson from The Simpsons. "Hah hah." I have long since given up on nitpicking the multiple safety violations that occur because of the production requirements, but the Squad guys opening the garage door without SCBA or even helmets, and then Cruz entering the garage with only a bandanna? Please. Then there was the original vehicle accident. "Okay, we're done here. We'll just leave the passenger to explain what happened to the police, because they don't need our perspective at all." ETA: What about the brisket? What about the chair?
  20. Were the plans for the Eyeball lost/stolen/destroyed somewhere along the line in past episodes? For the life of me, I can't see why Team Lifeboat is expending time and money trying to duct tape that old rattletrap back together instead of starting construction on a machine comparable to the Eyeball.
  21. And why is the FBI the lead agency in attacking this fortress, with all of six people on the force? I liked how Reade said "no weapons", even though they were silenced and a fistfight causes a lot more noise. Ummm, nominations, please? Whoops, they're closed, sorry. Crawford's ploy is so transparent, it's laughable, which leads me to my perennial question about mad dictators. Why the hell would anyone want to be in charge of the entire world? Show of hands, here. Anyone else think the fountain pen that Crawford gave to Roman is either a bug, a tracking device, an explosive that can be detonated remotely, or some other deceitful purpose that doesn't have anything to do with the Sunday New York Times crossword puzzle?
  22. It's interesting that, after a year in prison, Jonathon has managed to keep the same styled haircut and close facial shave as Cameron.
  23. I know much of the activity on the show is in deference to plot furtherance, but in real life, would the SoS speak directly to the President (or other ruler) of another country? The equivalent agency in other countries would be something like the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and I doubt they would have immediate access to the US President, acting or elected. Just a nitpick. The team really stepped in it this time. As soon as they came up with that plan, I was saying 'You better check that one with the boss.' Bess showed amazing restraint at the end there. If any of the actors were actually at the end of a contract, that would have been their exit. Not that I've ever thought up a plan without permission or anything.... Another question: Was it established in earlier seasons how Henry ended up as a USMC aviator? I ask this because his statement about enlisting caught my ear. If he was Jason's age, he would not yet have graduated college, and in most cases aviation school requires an officer rank which requires a college degree. But then, he's Henry. It was great advice to Jason, though. Favorite line of the night: "A 1995 film based off of a Jane Austen novel" "Clueless." Silent pause...
  24. I would hope that Reddington's threat/promise to Garvey would extend from Liz to anyone on Team Post Office, at least for the moment.
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