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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Was that an AMC Pacer that the second sleeper drove to Christopher's house? If so, Rittenhouse may be evil, but they have a great sense of humor. Does Rittenhouse train its sleepers in martial arts before their assignments? Because the first sleeper sure kicked ass, for a while at least in that elevator, even if one of his opponents was Wyatt. The entire sleeper project seems very inefficient to me. Why rely on just one (in this case two) sleepers to get a job done? Insert sleepers all along a lifeline and kill your target at the next opportunity. Why does Agent Christopher go home to a nice house and family each night, if the rest of the team is stuck in the bunker? Her whereabouts would be easily determined, and RH could easily find the bunker from there?
  2. I knew the kid was going in the water as soon as Getty tried to beg off from teaching him to swim. It would have been altogether proper if JP3 had actually gone down and required some medical attention to stay alive. Likely, though, that Getty would have shrugged it off as a failure on the kid's part. That is one messed up family. I haven't a clue as to Getty's motivation for the way he treats people, even his own family. He probably thought it was an extension of the swimming lesson incident, and that the only way to educate someone in life is the sink or swim method. His sadistic delight in sending Gordon to fail in Saudi Arabia was palpable. Personally, I hope he died bitter. JP2 should have signed the loan docs, paid the ransom, and then defaulted to the old man. What's he going to do, repossess JP3? Of course, he was in a drug-induced stupor anyway, so he probably couldn't figure out how to use a pen, much less the long game.
  3. Well, this show is definitely British, turning all the standard American themes of suspense shows on their heads. It's an acquired taste. Sandra Oh did an excellent job of showing Eve to be an operative who is in way over her head in all respects. 1-2-3-4? Really?
  4. The hair. The hair. It's calling you. You can't resist...Abandon all hope.
  5. The other method is to take away enough electoral votes from other candidates so that no one reaches the 270 vote total. That throws it to the House of Representatives, where Bess might have enough support to win.
  6. Maybe Google Earth still works. They just typed in "Rustic cabins outside the alien wall in Los Angeles County" and, poof, they had their choice.
  7. I think the team, Kendra especially, is looking more toward what might, and probably will, happen if he did receive an appointment to the Federal bench. If he starts hitting on women then, or harassing staff, it becomes a huge scandal for Kirkman. When the subject first came up, I thought they were saying Bhutan instead of Bulandia (?). I said to the tv, if Bhutan suddenly has a coastline, there are probably much more important issues to deal with at the moment.
  8. The New York City Public Library, the Museum of Modern Art, and Madison Square Garden are some of the most highly secured places in the city? Someone call John McLane. The Federal Reserve is in danger again.
  9. I think they offloaded enough coal from the ship to supply them for their estimated time it would take to reach forested land, at least. By forested land, I mean any vegetation that they could use for fire.
  10. I have to agree about the storytelling on this one. Very heartfelt. Hermann's statement that he worked the victim's bootlace for "only a second, maybe a half-second" was a good representation of how time compresses in a situation like that. I went back and manually counted, and he was there 8 seconds. It really doesn't seem that long when you're concentrating. That chief is terribly tone-deaf, announcing to Severide that he was going for the Commissioner's slot at the widow's reception. If they hadn't tied up the Halligan to make the Slammigan, the crew probably could have opened that side door without half the damage that the Jaws did. Pretty bad when the private contractors have to tell the FD employees that there's going to be significant changes in CFD leadership.
  11. I completely agreed with Willis's partner. He blew it on that call. Besides putting himself in danger, he had no way of contacting her about the situation. She would be forced to wait without word and then tell the FD when they got there that he was down the hill somewhere. Plus, he ruined any electronics that he had on him. I had to laugh at the hospital scene when the guy from the other car, covered in blood, hugs Willis right there in the ER. Showertime! I guess we were all supposed to go "Ooooohh" when the psychic lady dropped the brother bomb on Willis. So what? She could have overheard something. Jesse is still rockin' it as Mama. He pulled no punches with Mrs. Unfaithful Congressman. Coffee indeed. The doctor did not do an adequate job at all of telling ballet patient just how dangerous an aortic aneurysm is. The fact that he wanted to go back to dance because, "it's everything" shows that he either didn't get it or he had one huge martyr complex. AA's will kill you. In minutes. And nothing short of surgery will cure it.
  12. Attention Mike Ross from Suits! I understand you and the Princess are moving to Seattle to work for a small law firm, looking to take on the big boys in lawsuits galore. I have your first bunch of clients! Godalmighty, the level of incompetence in that episode was never ending. I realize that it has its roots in Shondaland, not known for attention to realism, but Seattle Grace Hospital does not exist. Seattle FD does. They should put a disclaimer up at the beginning of each episode, saying that the action herein do not represent SFD (or anybody else we can think of) in any way, shape or form. Well, Firefighter Gabby Hughes may have just shoved her turnout boot right down her throat with that scene. At least she owned up to it. Those had to be the dullest metal cutting blades in the world to not get through some aluminum without heating the entire rod up. I would think the danger would be more from vibration than heat. Of course, you would think that a tool like, say, the Jaws of Life located on the engine would have that required cutting attachment. Chief Ripley getting down with the edgy facial hair look. Side note: The IC on the ground doesn't tell the aircraft/helicopter when/where to drop the water, except in general terms. That's the pilot's job. But I get it. He's butthurt because his guy died. I'm a bit curious about the hierarchy on incidents in this show. I'm used to private ambo companies responding to scenes, and they alone decide who to take and who goes first. It seems like every firefighter at 19 is a licensed paramedic or better, so does the Captain du jour have the authority to hold an ambo at scene? I rant too much, so I apologize. I actually watch this show for the unintentional humor it gives me. I haven't laughed this hard since, oh, last week's episode.
  13. I'll have to give it to Peter Jacobsen. Even his body language screams weasel. I want to grind his head into the dirt. I was expecting Checkov's booby trap to come into play. Did they run out of film time? One presumes that our gang has a steady supply of ammunition for their weapons and gasoline for the big dually that they seem to have acquired. After they shot the greyhats I was saying, "Grab their rifles, grab their packs." Are some drones under the control of the resistance now? If so, at least they're starting to level the field a bit. Someone shot down those airships. Okay, when Bowman and Snider crawl into the ski lift tower observation post, I sort of expected some half stoned, half bored teenage lift operator to materialize and say "Dudes, you can't be up here." I'm glad this show is back. Good summertime entertainment, and I don't relish freezing to death every week on The Terror.
  14. ON the way to jail, Dax gets a text: "Sorry you had to go down. We'll make it right. They'll never think to look for the second bug, now. See you in San Francisco. Andrea."
  15. This episode was brought to you by the fine folks at the American Institute of Psychotherapy. Because there's going to be a lot of it for everyone. Poor Red, spinning in his mind. "Weekend in Costa Rica, or looking for snotty FBI agent in a snowstorm?" Tell you what, Red, I'll go down there for you. Did Moore actually commit some heinous crime somewhere in the past to get himself a Blacklist number, albeit a second stringer 110? Seems to me all he did was to herd a bunch of chuckleheads up into the wilderness and write a cheesy paperback novel. You can tell that Ressler and Keen have a lot of concern for Aram. They didn't even try and stop him from walking up to the front door. Then again, he could have had a lot of fun with the residents. "No, really, the Dodgers are in Los Angeles now, and the Giants are in San Francisco. The Red Sox and the Cubs have both won the World Series. There's a tv show about Russian spies masquerading as Americans, and another about an incompetent FBI crew, and still another about bloodthirsty zombies. There are women on the Supreme Court, and we had an actor for our President. In fact, we still do". And on and on.
  16. I guess my question is really about the US's reaction to the fact that Russia infiltrated several agents into an American NGO, and set off a bomb at a convention. While no deaths resulted, the only repercussion seems to be a sharply worded Skype with the Russian President. Granted, they didn't have a lot of time in the program to put it forward past the discussion stage, it would seem appropriate for Dalton to do something public, as the news will get out pretty soon.
  17. And then get his beer back from Philip's refrigerator.
  18. So, is there a part 2 to this story? Somehow, I feel that once again the PD investigators have failed miserably at their job and there is more evidence around. Again with the legal blunders. The Prosecution goes to a consultant with a plea deal, and doesn't even notify the defense attorney? I was rather hoping that Bull's case would go to trial, and his ex-wife would be seated on the jury. Benny finally decided to declare a bit of independence from Bull, Inc., and in the process discovered that he really is an attorney. Nice moves in the courtroom, there, Benny.
  19. Maybe it was the fact (per Bess) that they wanted to have sex in a country that speaks French. Because they have to go all around the world busting ships in other countries' territorial waters, and on the high seas, for drugs and such. I am not making that up. News flash for Lt. Hill: The USAF has other airplanes besides fighters, if you really wanted to fly without killing people. A friend of mine spent nearly his entire 20 year career flying refueling tankers all over the world. Really good stories about it, too. And then there's Military Airlift Command, and probably spy stuff, too. Yes, they spent a good deal of money and time training him to be a fighter pilot, but, in real life, there is some debate within the Defense Department on the continuing viability of manned fighters given the current and future technologies, so your job prospects might be short anyway. But you went with the CO route, kid. Good luck getting that job with United Airlines. Will they deal with the proposed sanctions against Russia in a future episode? It was rather brushed aside in the crisis.
  20. When he first turned on Irving, he made a series of rapid stabbing motions, hitting him in the chest. The knife is barely visible. As Irving went down to the snow, he put his hand over Irving's mouth and held it there.
  21. I would wager that the shock waves that went through the FBI and the CIA were vastly stronger than even the public scandals after the above named Hannsen and Aldrich Ames were arrested. There had to be some career ending moments all through the halls.
  22. Basically the same as Vaffanculo, with the admonition "and die".
  23. I'm not that good. The Terror has me completely flummoxed. However, I watch on Comcast, which has a DVR feature that has most of the important cast members identified by their characters. It makes for easy reference. I wonder if the unknown subplot is that Team Rebecca tracks down the Apex ancestors, in order to become Apex ancestors themselves? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss?
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