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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. I'm pretty sure that Paul's ex is the same as the woman in the dark last episode, saying that the Crossovers must never leave the camp. Is that Eve? That's Marshall, the resident trailer guy and sometime jailbird. I wish they had picked a different name for him, as it's a little distracting when the LE guys are saying "Get out of here, Marshall." Sometimes it's just location, location, location. A skydiving friend of mine lost her GoPro off the helmet at 8,000'. It hit some soft dirt and came through just fine. I didn't get a good look at the photo, but wasn't the head HSI guy/early arrival in the photo with the woman? Sometimes I think TV cops should spend more time watching TV cop shows. That should have rang her alarm bell right away but she just stood there staring at it until she got shot. I get the feeling that every single Crossover has some kind of backstory, and we will get to see it over the course of the season. Sound familiar? I did find it a bit funny that the hawk took out the drone. Hope he didn't get torn up by the rotors. Next time fly close to the ground. Oliver was strangely non-reactive to the fact that Reese walked over to the two fishermen and came back with both poles, especially after being mocked by them. Did he not see anything?
  2. He could have started as high up as he could reach, and cut downward. I think that's what I would do, because of the better leverage. Plus, it would alert the men inside that a hole was opening up and that the knife was approaching someone.
  3. After seeing the close up of the brain damaged sailor, I have an idea as to the purpose of the sealing wax. I think it was to slightly glue the eyelids closed, with the provision that, if the sailor awoke from his coma (highly unlikely, but...), he would open his eyes and break the sealed wax. Thus, anyone who looked at him would realize that fact. Just a thought. Unpopular opinion: When the polar monster showed up in the background behind Lady Silence, the first thing I thought of was Coca-Cola. I'm going to hell.
  4. Villanelle was given strict instructions "not to do anything naughty" by her handler. It will be interesting to see how this plays out next episode.
  5. Oh my God, a secret Rittenhouse mission. They went to the Kennedy Space Center, hacked the television cameras on the LEM, and forced NASA to fake the whole thing later in the Nevada desert.
  6. If only, if only... I would have thought that Paul and Angelo would have stopped the guy and commandeered his truck. Angelo should know his way around and thy could have driven a long way away in a hurry. I don't think either of them were thinking that far in the future. How far was that train going? It looked like it was making 20-30 mph all day long and into the night. Your son's been kidnapped. You haven't heard word one for several days. You think it might have been a good idea to keep the phone handy, instead of buried in the sofa? Maybe it happened that way, maybe it was a plot device, but, Jeez. I'll bet the goons left the old couple to clean up the mess, too. Serves them right. Betrayal is a heavy weight. And don't expect any of that hefty reward from the gang, either. Altogether a rather gripping episode, even if we knew the outcome. It's tragic that Getty Sr. thinks that the gang will recognize the offer of $600+ expenses as a ruse to conclude the deal, and not even considering the possibility that they would consider it a grave insult. Leonardo, you got lucky, at least for the moment. Saved by the car.
  7. Nope. Now it's time for the Rasmussens to be secret lobbyists for some nefarious corporation that wants a lucrative contract for widgets or whatever. Note to camera folks/post production folks: You need to blur out the street signs a bit more. Duck Pond Drive (the Rasmussen's street) has several locations on the East Coast, but none of them remotely close to DC. Busted. And, please, get better CGI for the backgrounds. That aid worker scene was groanable. The way Jay rattled off his spiel in Spanish, I was really hoping the parents would look at him astonishment and say "We don't speak Spanish that well anymore." I had to laugh at Bess's straightforward "Seven times" reply to the Honduran President's question at the US meddling. Hey, it's what we do. She could, however, have sold the plot as "intelligence revealed that elements within the military have been implicated." Of course, the truth would out eventually and the Honduran President would likely go down, but I think it would be seen more as an internal matter than something that the US had meddled in. Their better path would be to find something with which they could hold the opposition guy's feet to the fire in either case. At least the show did touch on the world of realpolitik, in which various nations do what is in their own best interest, regardless of the morality.
  8. What??? He had an internet connection? I want that app!
  9. Regarding Mason's skyward gesture and pursed lips at Rufus's question about Robert Johnson's fate, I will offer this snippet of lyric from Bill Morrisey's "Letter From Heaven". The whole song is available on youtube, if you wish. "And me, I couldn't be happier, the service here is fine; They got dinner ready at half past nine and I'm going steady with Patsy Cline And just last night in the barroom, I bought Robert Johnson a beer; Yeah, I know, everyone's always surprised to see him here."
  10. Rittenhouse wanted Robert Johnson dead? They're on my all time shit list now. Kill Kennedy, Lincoln, Marie Curie if you will, but don't even mess with Robert Johnson. Although I have to say, the premise that all rock & roll derived from that one personage is rather far fetched. Muddy Waters did just as much to popularize electric Chicago blues as a forerunner of the R&R rhythm, but, what the heck. Was there a possibility that Agent Christopher was trying to send Wyatt off to his death so they might actually get something done for a change? Dufus Wyatt, after invading the HQ and shooting one guy already, opts for a physical takedown of random Rittenhouse employee on the mezzanine, instead of just shooting him outright, which, of course, gives the other employee time for a last second alarm. I got a kick out of the home team calling Wyatt on the radio even though the head cam clearly shows him in a knife fight. The team kept speaking of albums. Did they actually make albums in 1936, because recordings were done at 78 rpm, instead of 33 1/3. Each single was self contained. Side note: Since the recording in the hotel continued after the shootout, it's probably fortunate that the records were broken up because the discussion/argument would have been caught on record, too. I loved Connor getting his moment while listening to the Stop Breakin' Down recording on his return, and hearing himself. Rittenhouse did succeed in changing history, though. Don Law, killed in the hotel, would have gone on to become Columbia Records chief producer, recording artists such as Bob Wills, Carl Smith (June Carter's first husband), Lefty Frizzell, Ray Price, Flatt and Scruggs (no Beverly Hillbillys theme song? Oh, no!),, Marty Robbins, and the big one, Johnny Cash. That's one helluva dent in American musical culture. One nitpick. It's Cavalry, not Calvary. Oh, and where did Lucy get those Mom Jeans?
  11. I would think that they would appeal to his sense of adventure and video games and hockey. Have another hockey player/agent befriend him, get him interested in some low level hacking or other computer activity, and then lead him into something illegal. They could then hold that over him and get him to do ever more illegal stuff like spying. Your basic honeytrap.
  12. I found it interesting enough to keep going, so far. After watching Timeless or Station 19, I'm not too worried about lapses in logic. The show did introduce too many subplots in too little time, I think. Hope they'll get some sorted out as time goes by. I know that if I washed up on shore after time traveling through the ocean, I wouldn't mind setting up in that summer camp for a few weeks. Especially when the feds are putting on the feeds every day. But, I'd have a few escape routes and plans ready for a moment's notice. The band at HarborFest was pretty good. It would be interesting to find out that Port Canaan was only one of several landings for future refugees. Maine, Texas, Southern California, maybe (that would be too much fun).
  13. I would hope that there was an off camera instruction from Boden to Casey that "You will apologize for your actions or you will read about it in you letter of reprimand." After what happened in the bar, I was surprised that Cordova, as big as he is, didn't rearrange Casey's nose. That was a serious blunder on Casey's part. Even though he claimed he didn't accuse him, Casey in effect did just that and it taints any further investigation. Of course there would be a safer way to rescue the baby, such as a couple of safety lines to the stroller to ensure that it doesn't fall, and maybe putting the firefighter (and not the chief officer, by the way, because who's in command, now?) on a ladder braced to the bridge, but, hey, that doesn't spell excitement, does it? Well, at least I sort of got my Streetcar named Desire moment when someone in the burning house yelled out "Stella! Stella!!!"
  14. I sincerely hope that the test shown for captain wasn't the only measurement SFD uses for qualification. If it is, they deserve the quality of lops that these folks are. Regardless of Herrera's defense of her actions, the truth was that she was trying to better her test score, pure and simple. The training had morphed into a genuine problem with the collapse of the building, and it is drilled into every firefighter that, when a mayday evacuation is called, everyone evacuates. The interior groups don't necessarily know the entire picture, and the only thing worse than leaving a victim is staying inside and creating two (or more) victims. The Chief was absolutely right in chewing her out. The pothole incident was just to cloying. "I wuv you" "I wuv you too." Meanwhile, our intrepid firefighters stand around, thinking "What should we do?" Maybe get some of the extrication tools out of the truck and improvise a bit? Nah.
  15. Why stop there? Set the dial to the year 01, find the Garden, and sidle up to Adam. Whisper in his ear, "Dude, no matter what she says, don't eat the apple. Trust me, you'll thank me later." How about that for changing a timeline?
  16. As a measure of how far society has come in accepting mental disabilities and treatment, I vividly remember the 1972 election when George McGovern's first VP-nom, Thomas Eagleton, was outed by columnist/muckraker Jack Anderson for having been hospitalized for depression in the past. He was forced by the DNC to withdraw from the ticket because of all the negative publicity. As an aside, the Republican ticket had Spiro Agnew as VP, leading humorist Art Buchwald to comment, "Would you rather have a VP who has been treated for mental illness, or one who hasn't?"
  17. Overruled is when Benny fails to actually form a question for the witness, but thunders on in his own testimony for the jury. Sustained is when Benny fails to actually form a question for the witness, but thunders on in his own testimony for the jury, and then apologizes to the judge.
  18. So, Dr. Frost is the mole? I think she's hoping that Kirkman will resign as she suggested, and they can move to Vermont and make jam. Having second thoughts about the VP now, Tom? When was she confirmed, anyway? And it's going to be a fractious relationship with his Cabinet, too. Plus, he can't really fire all the Gang of Eight at once; that would raise alarm bells everywhere. So you guys really want to get rid of Lyor? Just have Hannah Wells buddy up with him and, bang, he's a dead man walking.
  19. On a side topic, I read one time that a magazine (Esquire or Vanity Fair, I believe), sent a check for $500 to Getty Sr., with a request for an article "of any size" recounting his rise to affluence and how he made his money. Getty's reply: "Some people find oil. Others don't".
  20. Or, he could have continued on in aviation, broken the speed of sound one day out in California (eat it, Chuck Yeager), and gone onto the astronaut program, where he died in a tragic accident in 1959. John became President a year later just on the sympathy vote.
  21. I was expecting the ADA to object to the cop's admission that people will file restraining orders as a prelude to action on their own part. Really, he has no idea on what goes on in the trial arena unless he is called to testify. But no, it was admitted. Did the prosecution call any witnesses beyond the cop and the sister? I wasn't paying enough attention. That's a pretty thin case, unless a lot occurred off camera. Why wouldn't the defense include an innocent by reason of temporary insanity defense? So Chunk got chunked. You have a client, Bull.
  22. You got that right. I have taken to wearing sweat pants while watching late at night. For dramatic purposes, probably yes, but in real life, animals seem to get away with anything. That's not a rationale for pointless dumping of food outdoors, for the record.
  23. As many posters have pointed out, the Rittenhouse plan is more than a little obtuse. Given the razor thin margin of the 1960 election and the irregularities (well known even at the time), Rittenhouse would have been far better off manipulating the voting in key states to give Nixon the win. They could even staff his cabinet with lackeys to support their mission, and Kennedy would have become more of a footnote than a star. Perhaps Kennedy or Johnson could have pulled it off in 1964, perhaps not.
  24. If I were Martine, I would make tracks for anywhere else but Rome. That cop who took the interview was all but broadcasting that he was mafia, too. Chace, it's okay in the rest of the civilized world to take off you hat when your inside a room. I hope those two other kidnappers at least have the slightest fear that Primo will kill them as soon as the ransom is delivered. Right now, they're dead men walking. I had to laugh at that poor attorney's struggle with the newspaper. Bureaucracy is like that.
  25. Emma must have watched last week's episode of The Americans. Sure glad Wyatt is along to provide the muscle for the travelers. He even got knocked down by teenage JFK. With the new JFK getting shot in Austin, and the Tower killings a couple of years later, Austin would not be the place to go anymore. No more Austin City Limits. It would have been cool if they had in fact chosen some unknown for the coin. Stuart Symington and Pat Brown were both in the running for the Democratic nomination. An astounding Who? from the audience... Other advice Rufus should have given to JFK: Keep your dick in your pants. Vietnam is a lost cause. Get out now. Watch out for J. Edgar Hoover. And listen to your conscience, not those racist Congressmen from the South who wanted to maintain segregation.
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