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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Well, chief Boden did order a medevac specifically for "a female patient with a head wound". On this show, the copter crew might have said "Nope, this is a special trip, reserved for a female with a head wound. You'll have to order another ship for the guys with eviscerated abdomens and amputated limbs. Unless you want to commandeer a vehicle, of course."
  2. I was really hoping somebody at Grandberg was taking photos of the lovely couple, so that the headline tomorrow would be "CFD Captain in Adulterous Affair With Reporter! Is he feeding her false information on the trailer fires?" Apparently they decided to go the more direct route. By the way, Casey, close the freakin' door! I'm gonna love seeing everyone's faces when the engine and squad pull up to Casey's apartment. That babysitter has some splainin' to do when the parents get home. Just for reference, the difference between 60mph and 50 mph is 8 seconds per mile. Was it really worth it to leave all your lifesaving gear in the ambo (unlocked, by the way)and drive like NASCAR to save maybe 40 seconds? Oh, and there may be some paperwork involved here when the guy gets his car back. I get that the ambulance personnel may work daily shifts (although they seem to have bunks at the house, too), but Boden should be on the same 24 hr. shifts as the firefighters. Yet, there he is at Molly's after the day is done. I had to laugh a bit at Emily's reason for staying on as a medic: "The med school people were all cutthroat, and I was just like them." And the fire department is different, how?
  3. Why didn't Gabriel apply for asylum in Canada? It seems like it would be much easier to obtain, and a lot closer to Dani. The art case actually has a sort of parallel in the real world. I was recently reading of a battle over a painting called "The Farm", by Impressionist Joan Miro'. He sold it to Ernest Hemingway in the 20's, IIRC, before either of them were word famous (naturally). Hemingway gave the painting to his first wife on their divorce, but then she loaned it to a gallery for display. When it was returned, it went to his Havana estate (for reasons unclear). Thirty or so years later, they smuggled it out of Cuba and New York's MOMA began a tedious restoration. Hemingway killed himself, as everyone knows, and his will was not as specific as everyone hoped. The museum wanted it, his first wife wanted it, his fourth wife wanted it, and the whole mess ended up in court. The eventual decision was that his first wife was paid off, and his fourth wife got the painting. She eventually donated the painting to a completely different museum. Helluva story.
  4. I don't think it's his neck that Casey is sticking out.
  5. Debriefer: So, tell me what happened. Weller: This girl came to the apartment with a lame story about locking herself out, so we let her in but she was a plant and two thugs and a hottie came in and kidnapped us. They made us knock out two guards and break into the most unsecured secure FBI facility, and then put on bomb vests to get to get into the inner vault and steal some evidence, but we outfoxed them and disarmed the vests, and then Jane, I mean Remi, turned on me and took the evidence, but I outfoxed her and put a bomb in the box. She locked me in the building and got away, but I blew up the bomb and killed the thugs and the hottie. Debriefer: Okay, that about covers it. Go on home and get some rest.
  6. And then there's the matter of tuition and fees; ~$15,000 just to get through the door at Cal. Lots of Adele-o-grams there.
  7. You know, if I were given a reasonably accurate date for my own death, and I wanted to live my remaining life to the utmost, I sure as hell wouldn't spend my time hanging around a bunch of mopey friends who can't get their own lives in gear. I would be maxing out my credit cards on skiing or sunbathing, touring someplace different every week, or, like the song says, "I went skydiving, I went Rocky Mountain climbing, I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Manchu...".
  8. Grace: "Please, God, please, PLEASE, PLEASE, DON'T LET HIM DIE!" (Vigorously weeping)" God: "Oh, all right. Quit bothering me. I'm watching The Good Place."
  9. But now he can put it on his mantle and watch the Super Bowl every year.
  10. I don't know. Out in Nevada this year, Dennis Hof, a brothel owner, was running for State Assembly. He died two weeks before the election, but still beat his opponent 68%-32%.
  11. I would like to add one small item. About 2:30 into the show, the scene has the doctors walking into a floor from the stairway. Very clearly marked on the inside of the door was a sign that said "Re-entry to this floor not possible." Which means that the door couldn't be opened from the stairwell.
  12. Out in Arizona, a Border patrol officer had a reveal party that involved him shooting a bullet into an explosive-filled balloon of the right color. 44,000 acres of wildland and $8 million in damages later, he's going to have to work a lot of overtime. I see that someone else watched American Graffiti 2. Even George Lucas partially disowned that film. Toad's scene is the only thing I really remember from it.
  13. If Randall and Beth actually divorce, at least he has an apartment available with his name on the lease. In the right area, too. (/snark). Jack's CO told him over the phone that he had 48 hours to ship Nicky back to his original unit. I didn't even think of that until reading the comments. It kind of fits together, now. However, wouldn't the Army still list him as KIA, or would he be one of the MIA if his body was not recovered? I have some doubts that Nicky is still alive, though. He was pretty deep into drug abuse while he was there, and it would take a monumental effort on his part to overcome that before he ever got situated back in the US.
  14. I think we're all misinterpreting what he said. He literally took the bus. It's still parked out at the intersection.
  15. I was thinking much the same thing, as the plot was so plodding most of the time that I found myself wandering into "what if?". How did the portal come to be discovered? How long did it take to build that complex tunnel system (in Berlin, no less)? Why did they even want to have a connection? What does it serve either world? And, perhaps most telling, leave it to government to set up a bloated bureaucracy to deal with it. Management, Strategy, Housekeeping, Accounting, Interface, Diplomacy. Who's paying for all of that?
  16. Dowel Jones

    Season 01

    "And for pete's sake, don't even think about calling the NYPD, because they're right there, you know, in New York."
  17. Jack will sit him down and start to give him the famous Jack Pearson monologue about life, honor, duty, family, etc. Nicky will finally lose it and fall on one of his grenades.
  18. To add to this, he said that his CO befriended a local woman, who did him many favors, but, in the end, sold him out to the VC who threw a satchel charge in his tent one night and blew him to bits. He was the only target. I kind of get why Nicky would have that hostile attitude toward them after that, even the children. I somehow think that it will play into the story later on. Paging Leslie Knope... I loved his retort. "Blasphemy!"
  19. Matt and Roni, Jay and the chess champ, and Stevie and Dmitri all get a (rent-controlled) apartment in DC. Zany hijinks ensue.
  20. Dowel Jones

    Season 01

    Back in the day, before Quantico, the FBI would set up an actual perimeter before conducting a rescue/raid operation like that. Instead, we get a random van coming down the access road right up to the FBI tent/snack center. And the FBI overhead doesn't even track the family Craycray running out of the building and into another one. And somehow little Koresh manages to get out on foot and get all the way back to New York, where, under the guise of a fake ID, gets right into the courthouse as a bailiff. "The regular guy's sick. I'm his replacement." Works every time. I wonder if OA has any guilt over the things the US military has done in the past. He sure is angry at the rest of the world. And Maggie showing up to work with her hair down? Special Agents. They're just like us! I had to laugh a bit when Maggie told the techs at the embassy scene to dig the bullets out of the bodies and get them over to ballistics. The techs nodded 'okay', but I bet they were thinking "Screw that, that's a job for the ME." Menacing Russian heavyweight at the end! Dun dun dun.
  21. That could be the reason he was muted. Max, being Max, would be jabbering away at everything and everyone in the hospital, and then they would have to coach him on proper slurring, or endure thousands of posts to the tune of "That doesn't happen after molars are removed."
  22. I would add that you can highlight just a sentence if you wish, and not repost the entire comment. A sign pops up (Quote this) and your highlighted section shows up in the new post. Some posts can be long, which is fine, but you may not want to quote the entire post. Welcome!
  23. I would like to give the cast members credit for their message of support for the victims of the California fires. That was nice.
  24. Maybe The Good Place is just a bar in rural Canada. No bad jokes allowed.
  25. Not to be too disparaging as everyone gets it differently, but I guess I better start checking eBay and Craig's List for a soul. The round robin transplant? Been done (somewhere). The manic teenager that no one understands? Code Black. The tender moment between Max and wife after the trauma? Mark Greene called. He wants residuals. It's an interesting show, but it doesn't have me on the edge of my seat.
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