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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Don't forget to have the new intern get tattoo'ed over every square inch of their body. You could be nice and use temporary tattoos.
  2. In my opinion, the show still tends to swerve from the believable/interesting to the absolute absurd from week to week, so it's best left up to a matter of taste. I still watch, but always on DVR and sometimes not for a couple of days. There are some plot arcs that are best served by browsing the comments for Season 2 if you don't want to binge watch.
  3. Note to bad guys everywhere: Never, EVER tell your big bad that there's a problem and the police are on to you. It never ends well for you. On that point, inside the car killings always show a blood spatter on the window. That means there's a hole in the victim's head. That means that the bullet came out. Where did it go? Not through the window, which remains intact. At first I thought Dembe was flying the copter, and I said Whaaat? There is a true story of an Allied POW (in Stalag Luft 3 of Great Escape fame, if I recall), who discovered that he resembled the Commandant. He cobbled together enough clothes to resemble the guy, and waltzed right out through the front gate. Unfortunately, the real boss came out of the office and, like Red, he got only a short ways down that road.
  4. Just once, for funny's sake, I wish the bad guy would have a voice that sounds exactly like the computer altered voice they always hear on the other end.
  5. Maybe the baby will be fine, Kate will be fine, but the tests reveal that Toby isn't the father. Ha!
  6. Off topic, but... I worked for many years as a wildland firefighter and on some extremely large or catastrophic fires, such as the Cedar Fire in San Diego County, a sitting President will make an appearance as a show of support. It's generally the worst thing that can happen to the operation of the fire. Outside of the photo ops, everyone hated it. Aircraft were shut down, movement around the camp was restricted, meal times were disrupted...blecch.
  7. I was actually thinking of Maggie from last week's episode of A Million Little Things.
  8. The teacher made the point that Deja had been held back one grade, so her skipping 8th grade would actually put her on grade level with the freshman class, at least age wise. But, if she's not ready for it, it will fail. I have a solution for Randall. Act like a veteran politician and just blow off your constituents. Let your staff handle all the problems, maybe show up for a council meeting now and then, and take care of your home life instead. Let the media ravage you, who cares? Then walk away from it all at election time. My heart broke for Rebecca when she was watching that video of Jack and herself. Although not nearly as severe as that, I have the same reaction to a song that I hear every so often.
  9. Show of hands. How many people were thrown for a moment by the cancer patient's blonde and pink wig? I sure was. Didn't we just cover this a week ago? Oops, time warp (for me). An email system that allows a 5 character password? No vulnerability there. And how many unread emails has Kapoor collected in his stay at New Amsterdam? I also liked those musical title parodies. The writers must have had a good time thinking them up. Max, shut up during LaMaxe (misspelling intended) training. That was cringeworthy. I was rather hoping that the Cardinal would offer up the $9K/mo. medicine out of the RCC coffers so the two believers wouldn't have to sacrifice themselves on that altar to save their son. To be honest, when the boy said "You'll go to hell, and I'll go to heaven, and never see you again", my first thought was Kid, you got the rest of your life to rack up the points to go to hell (tips hat to certain other show).
  10. Well, that was a finale of sorts. I guess. The ""You're boring" comment was so deeply insulting to Hodel's self image that it destroyed him better than anything else she could have done. Except maybe put a bullet into his groin. I'm hoping she knew that ahead of time and planned to cut him short. So Jimmie Lee made it, but I imagine she's not going to be running around the house for awhile. Was Jay expecting to be killed somewhere? Is that why the detective slipped him the handcuff key?
  11. That was kind of my initial thought too. Meet with the family, put a bullet in a random person's head, then turn to the patriarch and say "If she dies, you die. You know I'll do it." Okay, that is juuuust a bit outside (thank you, Bob Eucher). In real life, diplomacy so often requires making a bad deal to avoid a worse deal and, as was pointed out, those arrangements usually prioritize the interests of the US over the moral high ground. The other thing not mentioned was the dippy social media "influencer". If I were in Bess's shoes, I would have her brought to the Embassy, confiscated the camera with all the raw footage, made copies of it to show the Afghan media, and then had a long, private conversation with her, somewhere around 85-90 decibels. Then I would have cut short her visa, sent her home to Daddy with a letter detailing what she had done and the possible consequences, along with another copy of the unedited footage that she put together, so she could explain her actions. And then, I would have leaked it to the American media. Oh yeah, good lead in with the first world problem of prayer/no prayer at the dinner table. Now that Bill will be taking up residence as Casa McCord, look for some Hallmark storylines.
  12. Barbara came right out and told Delilah "Mitch is PJ's father", so I assume they have told him that same thing.
  13. After his miraculous recovery from the head injury some seasons back, he can face anything, right?
  14. Another problem is that Barbara and Mitch have to invent an entirely new timeline to tell Patrick. They could say that she became pregnant right after meeting him, but, as with most young boys, he might just want to see the firehouse where Dad works. And then Mitch has to keep everyone there on the same storyline, because they would obviously know that he met and married Barbara while she was at least a few months pregnant. Too many chances for someone to slip up and put some doubt in Patrick's mind. And now, enter the video from Jon.
  15. I had to laugh a bit when Maggie was trying to explain how there is no one answer for everything. It almost seemed like she wanted to say "It's not just one stone, it's..it's.. a mil.." before coming up with "it's a lot of stones." So, Mitch is angry that Delilah, the wife of the guy who was friends with Barbara's former boyfriend before Mitch ever met her, wants to know what Jon said to her? Something doesn't add up here. Yet another little thing for S2. Having a baby while she's trying to establish herself as a chef in the uber-competitive world of restaurants. Good idea, Rome. Get the sports car.
  16. Just a note of warmhearted snark here for everyone, it's Chaplain. Charlie died several years ago, but, in retrospect, he would be a great addition to Station 51.
  17. Dowel Jones

    Season 01

    Not to mention the fact that they can pull up enormous data on any person they want, even if they have no criminal record. It's The Machine, I tell you. Based on the previous explosions, I would think it would be much safer for the two occupants in the restroom to shelter in place. What if there was a secondary device out in the lobby? In addition to the lawyer comments here, I have a question. Why do people who are being chased down a street/alley/etc. always turn around to see if the cop is still behind them? Did you think you lost him? In the midst of all this sexual discrimination/harassment exposition, Jubal has one of the assistants research some data, and casually puts his arm on her shoulder. Hmmm.
  18. Wait a minute. They broke down the door old school without using the Slammigan? It made a cameo appearance last week. Maybe it needs a better agent. Laugh out loud moment when Severide gets done chewing out the Commisioner's voice mail, only to find out that Boden ordered the equipment. You could just see his mind whirring; "Is there any way to remotely delete a voice mail?"
  19. Not to mention the original occurrence would still be on people's minds when the plane lands, and the two occupants would be absolutely mobbed by everyone. So maybe they have to die before either person can get their story out. Welcome to Season 2, 3, and 4.
  20. I realize that courtroom procedures are routinely stretched on this show, and sometimes taken into the back room and slapped senseless, but, in real life, is a defense attorney allowed to argue that the jury acquit a defendant simply because the punishment would be too severe? It's the judge's decision on the level of punishment, and the jury is to decide only the issue of guilt or innocence, or so I thought. Did TAC have two mirror juries going on this one? Bull still pining for Diana.
  21. (Shuffles boot around in sand, pulls hat down) Aww, shucks. Tweren't nuthin. Ah'm jest here for the rodeo.
  22. Since Dembe was billed himself as Red's "spiritual advisor", I thought the Minister D reference was going to him. Wrong. Even though "Reddington" was acquitted of treason on the shaky ground that he did not actually divulge the information about the submarine, I would think the Department of Defense would prefer charges of violating innumerable codes of conduct, and they would not be as likely to put up with the theatrics that he displayed in the civil courtroom.
  23. My current theory is that Dr. Koehler did radical facial surgery on them, and they are now living happily on another network. What's up with the fighting? I get that Liz would probably lose a shadowboxing fight, but Dembe getting knocked down? Is he getting soft? Completely yes about the fight in the kitchen. Red did promise the other inmate something about a red hot stick, so he's a man of his word, but that was just a bit too obvious.
  24. My guess is that none of the three got killed, but the bullet went through the window and hit some hapless redshirt across the street in Apartment 828.
  25. I had completely forgotten about Alter Ego until Ressler and Hannah met up in the bar. To tell the truth, after walking in on him and Keen interrogating the handcuffed drug mule, I am amazed she actually agreed to meet Ressler for an "after action review". And speaking of Alter Ego, did it ever occur to Ressler that there might be some repercussions should his business dealings with, and eventual relationship, with an employee of an organization tied to a recent Blacklist case might just come back to bite him or the task force? Of course not, because that sort of thing never happens in this universe. I will just assume that Ressler knows the name of a good Kaplan-style cleanup crew to fix up the apartment floor. I'm sure there's just a wee bit of blood on it now. In addition, the bullets in Marco and his two henchmen ballistically match those of Ressler's and Keen's weapons, assuming they didn't use Reddington Specials. When the crime lab does the analyses, won't those matches show up somewhere? Not that Ressler has ever hit any of his targets in recent memory, but still... So, what are we to make of the nurse practitioner's fate? What did Scotland have to do with it?
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