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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Dowel Jones

    Season 01

    It was taken directly out of an episode of Quantico, if I remember correctly.
  2. Can anyone tell me how Erica managed to maintain her ninja skills through 3 years of solitary confinement, such that she is able to knock out various well trained personnel with one strike?
  3. (Camera pans back from the last scene, to show Jack Nicholson struggling with his partner) "Relax, Jack. It's Shondaland."
  4. If Agnes gets a Blacklist number, I'm all in! Throw a tantrum, girl.
  5. The absurdity of Diaz's experiments is in itself Blacklist-worthy. Just because a human being can drink some salt water does not impute some evolutionary advantage. How much of the the world's population lives away from salt water? He did have a point there, though. The SUV caravans are comical. I thought that the kid was shot by the henchman who let off a burst from his own weapon after he was shot. Which brings to mind a question I always have in these situations involving a big bad with an entire crew of henchmen. How much are they being paid to take a bullet for their boss? Who signs up for that detail? Are you really going to shoot it out with heavily armed agents? Points to Reddington for saying "That's not a code, that's a greeting card." How true. Spinoff: Blacklist: Agnes of God.
  6. On to the next critical item: How are they going to make it possible for Andy to bypass all channels and get promoted to Ripley's job? /snark
  7. No, that would never happen in real life. I have been through a situation much like that, and all us off duty firefighters gathered quietly in the waiting room. No bullying going on, because we respect MDs, RNs, etc., just as much as they respect us. Even accepting Station 19 as a cheesy nighttime soap opera set in a fire station, sometimes the antics are just too much. Generally I just blank out on the episode as soon as it ends. I'll finish out the season, but it's a beached whale as far as I'm concerned.
  8. As long as we're all confused, why hasn't Bull ever been called out on his tactic of underhandedly obtaining the jury lists before the trial. Isn't that illegal? His staff made the point that, at least on this case, they couldn't get the lists ahead of time. It's not like TAC's strategy is any great secret; people would likely be aware of it by now. So why hasn't a DA ever spoken up?
  9. Dowel Jones

    Season 01

    I was a bit confused about that guy too. I wouldn't think that they would just pull some guy out of white collar crime and stick him out in the field at a moment's notice. I thought he had a red shirt on, too. As badly as other shows portray the FBI (I'm looking at you, Blacklist and Enemy Within), this show goes the other way, with the agency violating every principle of the 4th Amendment and, in OA's case, basic human rights. While I'm not rooting for the putative bad guys to win, it's more than a little disturbing that the show's producers are putting this out there as acceptable. Please stop shouting at the staff, Jubal. They aren't going to work any faster at data research just by you shouting "C'mon, people, let's move." At least some of the serfs get a line or two during the episode.
  10. The most dangerous kind! They tell you what to do every day, and complain to high heaven about how you don't call them, and lord help you if you go out with a girl without their approval. 🙂
  11. On the other hand, I have driven vehicles with that style of shoulder belt, and it is exceedingly uncomfortable, to the point where I slid it down to my shoulder. But that's just me. I don't understand the mother's reasoning. She hoped to get a mistrial, but in all likelihood, any new trial would be just as damning to her husband as this one, even if it were moved out of venue. Plus, now she's on someone's hook for the murder of her son. That inmate who killed him can provide evidence that she ordered the hit, and he can possibly extort her for all kinds of favors. Never, ever assume an inmate won't throw you under the bus for their own benefit. Plus, she's lost her younger son, too. No doubt he will figure out that she ordered the older one to plead guilty and testify against him, and he would have to be a complete jellyfish to hold on to that "this family sticks together" crap. Change your name, find another medical school, and never look back. At least Bull got paid for a change.
  12. It was still on "record" and showed up on my DVR one evening. That's the only reason I knew about it.
  13. I was thinking more of just push her down or punch her and start running. No need to use the mallet. Of course, he already picked it up and put his fingerprints on it.
  14. Once again the FBI launches a raid with several agents and an entire squad of HRT people, and nobody thinks to watch the doors. The assassin simply bolts out the back and down the street. Ressler Keaton decides to shoot him, excuse me, tackle him because he wants to extract a little bit of blood revenge, and it backfires on him in a big way. Tal seems to have the ability to circulate around the city in a big way without any cameras catching his face.
  15. Well, it's back, and they're still as craven as they were. Just a note on technology, that was a tri-cone drill bit shown on the oil well. It was not invented until 1933. The two cone bit, similar, but obviously different in appearance, would have been around in 1910-1915 or so. Likely it still would have chewed right through the concrete and even the steel pieces, as it was designed to chew through solid granite. It changed the oil business dramatically, and made Howard Hughes Sr. a wealthy man.
  16. I was wishfully hoping for some kind of crossover where Katarina meets Elizabeth Jennings (older/younger/whatever) and they start swapping stories. Finally they look at each other and say, in unison, "Are you fuckin' kidding me?"
  17. I missed the meaning of the episode title, as it wasn't a blacklister. Anyone?
  18. Hey, at least we got a mention of Liz's baby, if not her actual name. Interesting end to the episode, when Reddington tells Grampa to repeat everything that he had told Liz about what happened.
  19. It's a good thing that there was an alternate suspect almost immediately after McCaffery was arrested, as every bit of evidence that Ressler and Keen found in the cabin would be inadmissible due to the non-warrant search. As soon as the hot makeout session started, I knew that she was the one. Then the guy finds the meat mallet and, instead of laying her out on the floor and running, he goes into the standard television expose' of 'why did you do it?' All that liquid nitrogen gone to waste. It could have been pressurizing some kegs of Guinness Stout. Could anyone make out the destination on Dembe's ticket? I laughed when the gate was designated as 'TBD'.
  20. If they have a structure fire, how do the firefighters get up to the roof? Most engines/trucks carry metal ladders now.
  21. I have forgotten what the call for the engine was, but it's possible that everyone would be away from the rig at some point, allowing the kid access. In real life, far more problematic is the fact that most compartments are jammed full of stuff and there isn't room for for 3 1/2' - 4' high kid to fit in there. Additionally, given Hermann's past behavior, he should have dressed the crew down for leaving a compartment door open after returning. That would have led to everyone on the crew denying that they did it, so when the kid was found, it would have been a much faster leap to figure out how he got to the station. ETAL I think it was actually Casey who found the door open, but he should have told Hermann, who then should have told the crew.
  22. A BIG clue should have come up when he said that he parked up the road a bit and walked to the station. He wasn't even wet when they first met him.
  23. With all the hints that they are dropping about Kick's kidnapper's "Legion", I can't help feeling that this uber-nice boyfriend of hers is a plant, setting up for a future episode.
  24. I thought the episode was pretty good, too. It didn't have too much of the dumb stuff that they do on incidents, ladder work excepted. The biggest complaint I had was that Hermann was insulting and disparaging the guy, and I was saying "Don't antagonize the guy with a gun. He's already killed someone (allegedly), and he can't get any worse by killing a second person." Yup, me too. I kept wondering when the subject was going to come up. Foster and Kidd are one step closer, and so are Casey and Brett. With his luck, his surprise ticket will be to......Puerto Rico! I think that Severide actually ran the gunman into the front of the ambulance as she was coming into the bay. Then she stopped and they dropped to floor.
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