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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. My first reaction to the beginning of the show was 'The Following called, and they want their plotline back.' Well, I was wrong about the boyfriend (so far), but it's still possible he's part of Legion. As well the FBI Asst. Director, the way the camera kept holding on her while they were talking strategy. Maybe I'm too jaded by years of suspense shows. Trope #102 - Never, ever kill the big bad. He has to be able to plot away next season. Trope #103 - Always beat down a bad guy until he doesn't move, but don't ever check on him. He might just up and get away. I did like Kick's look of triumph, and news puke's look of utter shock, when she laid the trap on him. Better be sure of your timing though, Kick. It would have been an uncomfortable hour if the team was late getting to you.
  2. That was one long hour to sit through. I presume they at least stopped along the way for some rest, because after a 22 hour drive, they would be in no condition to do anything. Leaving the other considerations about wildland firefighting aside for plot requirements, it was hilarious to look at those squeaky clean Nomex jumpsuits. And, of all the resources available on the West Coast, they picked the 7 people out there that don't know a goddamm thing about wildland fires. That whole sequence was cringeworthy. Note to screenwriters: It's LA County. There are no unmarked roads that no one knows about. A deaf firefighter? Really? How does that work, exactly? I did like how Sullivan told Jack (I think) "Just get to work. Shut up." I really wanted him to say "Whose cat is this?" Don't worry, Andy. There are always, (ahem) alternate methods of stimulation for the both of you. And wash your engine before you leave the fire, for Pete's sake! Even if the fire isn't contained yet.
  3. Jennifer Carpenter's character name is Erica Shepherd, if that helps.
  4. That's right! The Slammigan! Maybe the 27 house stole it in retaliation for 51's 'theft' of the attic nozzle.
  5. I liked that Capt. Hubble initially stepped on Severide's increasing Gabby-itis. Present your evidence, let the investigators handle it. Contrary to how they're usually portrayed, LE is quite competent at their jobs. But Severide is convinced that he's the only one who can see the truth. I think he hit it on the head when he mentioned that all his career he was trying to outdo Benny. That was so cringeworthy, I got up and walked out of the room for a moment. By the way, Casey, using the screwdriver for a lever works better if you use the point instead of the handle - more torque applied to the lock. It was just a plot device to introduce the fact that the power was off, so they could go look at the circuit box and notice that the lock had been tampered with, and from there put Severide on the trail. Because he's the investigatingest investigator that's ever investigated. I noticed that too. I don't remember him being that tall or big in Open Range, but then again he didn't have a lot of scenes. After his introduction to the candidate firefighter at the station, I would have put money on a suicide at the end of the episode. I'm glad they gave it a good ending, though. I'm surprised his own BC never noticed any change in behavior and steered him toward an employee assistance program. By the way, Mouch, if, maybe, you put a few hours into physical fitness, you might have been more competitive. Asking someone to throw an event for you is low, man.
  6. Tal has actually developed the evilest of evil plans and figured out how to reach through the fourth wall and assassinate the viewers! Yeah, it's only 27 people, but still....
  7. I remember a scene on ER, I think, where one of the patients was a user of medicinal marijuana, and needed some at the hospital. Of course, none of it stored on site, so the doctors are asking each other where to get some. They all look at the black MD and he blows up at them, saying "Oh, just because I'm black, I'm supposed to know all about weed? WTF!" I wonder if Iggy is going to bill the patient for the use of the Ecstasy. That was really dumb of Max to order the ambulance to return to the hospital to pick up more gear. I get why they would want a second ambulance, but, reality check, ambulances carry a shitload of gear, like oxygen bottles. for all kinds of medical emergencies. Transportation is much more crucial than treating on site. And then, they all load into one ambulance anyway, and appear to be traveling at a sedate speed all the way back to the hospital. I didn't even catch that the attorney was in the other ambulance. That scene went by too quickly. That explains to me how the target ambulance never saw him, but they should have. Always check the side streets. Other than plot requirements, why was Dr. Sharpe necessary for the trip? She is, as was exclaimed, the medical director for the hospital, which, presumably, has other patients that may need care and decisions made for them. Not to mention budgeting, finding rewarding jobs for people, fixing roof leaks, etc....
  8. Dowel Jones

    Season 01

    And maybe Maggie and OA about warrantless (I don't think the 'exigent circumstances' would hold up) barging into an office simply on a guess, threatening citizens with arrest, and beating of a surrendering, unarmed suspect. That was bad. So, their vaunted technology of facial recognition turns up one, only one match from the photo taken at the beach. And it fortuitously matches a drug lord. OA is gonna get laid tonight. Yeah, I thought Kristen was gone too. Maybe TPTB thought her erstwhile replacement just didn't have the on screen chops to carry the role. Who knows? I look at all those techs in that room and I think of internet Solitaire, Call of Duty, reading Primetimer forums, etc., every time Jubal's back is turned.
  9. I found the interrogation scenes interesting because they differ so much from American police shows. The two detectives very calmly state to the suspect "We think you did it and you're lying to us" and proceed to lay out their case to him. Whereas, in US cop shows, the emphasis is usually on the police trying to trick the suspect into an admission. I have to say, half the time I am talking to the tv, saying "What the hell did you just tell him that for?"
  10. There's not a lot that can be done to upgrade this show, in my opinion. It really has become just a glossy soap with a lot of interchangeable characters.
  11. Sorry folks, I had the right sentiment, but the wrong tv show!
  12. Does being an internet spammer get you on the Blacklist? In my book, absolutely. For the record, I didn't open the link. Too dangerous.
  13. It's somewhat puzzling that Carolyn, after sequestering "The Ghost" in an isolated container and torturing her to reveal what Peel is doing, is pursuing a more or less legal (at this point, anyway) path to catching Peel in whatever he is doing that is so dangerous to national security. Why not just shanghai him off to the container and deal with him directly?
  14. Maybe the entire staff is conspiring to kill him, so they can get back to an ordinary life?
  15. I kept thinking (and still think) that Finch would start naming some accomplices or people who knew about him and just ignored the facts. I'm too used to twists, I guess. I can imagine the frenzy the London press would be having with each new discovery. Even that blogger would eventually get noticed again.
  16. I think the plot is to assassinate not only the President but the VP, the Congress, the Cabinet, and the Supreme Court, save for one easily manipulated, milquetoast Cabinet member. Hey, who would ever think of doing that? I rewatched the first shootout and Liz seemed to run out of bullets after three shots. Didn't do the morning checkout? I did like Reddington's 'shoot first, ask no questions whatsoever' approach to the second shootout. Any competent analysis of the CCTV footage would show doctoring. Besides which, remember the mailman? He's still alive. I know it's way late for this, but Aram's OCD monologues are just tiresome. Just explain the results, please. Even if the Scooby squad doesn't get it, we the audience do. Points to Reddington for the exchange with Cooper: "You were right, Reddington". "Tell me something I don't know, Harold."
  17. I concede that the "supplies needed" was mostly a setup for the conversation, but, in real life, every fire department has ample supplies and fire equipment to tend to most big wildfires. Add to that a huge warehouse in Southern California with everything they might need, plus another in Northern California, plus all the major cities in between, made it a bit humorous to me that they would go all the way to Seattle for some equipment. People are a different matter, but no one mentioned anything about heading south.
  18. On a side note, I found it interesting that Los Angeles was asking Seattle for supplies for their wildfire. I guess the writers forgot about the rest of California, Oregon, and most of Washington.
  19. Dowel Jones

    Season 01

    I vaguely remember him meeting her on the street and issuing a warning/threat which, at the time, seemed pretty ominous. The problem with letting a plotline like that go for so long is that viewers obviously forget about it and, when he makes a reappearance, everyone is mystified. I think a law school could integrate any number of episodes of any cop show as examples of how to defend a suspect. It gets laughable sometimes.
  20. "Ambulance 61, respond to a report of an anvil being dropped at Station 51..." What is the training protocol for fire investigations in this CPD world? How did they miss a dead dog when they were doing overhaul on the building? And when you're investigating a fire for arson, wouldn't a timer attract your attention right away? "Oh, we thought it was just a device for the hair salon." With an insulated wire attached to it. And Hermann? Jeez, all you had to do was put some water on the fire, but Squad managed to package up the victim, set up a hoist with the aerial, get her of the fire escape and onto the ground, and there's still flames showing on the first floor. I guess retired investigators get to take home all those unsolved files. No chain of custody issues there. Plus, what if another battalion has suspicious fires with the same clues? "Nope, can't find any related fires. Hey, let's put in a call to Kelly Severide. Maybe he knows something." Good move on the charades, Otis. Real ladies man, you are. I guessed Emergency as soon as she started in with the steering wheel, but I missed on the discovery of Pluto. Now, I would really have been impressed had they gone with Rescue 8. Props to Klinger for having the sense to stick it to the 51 crew and make them sweat, all the while cutting his own deal at 27. Of course, they deserved it with that ridiculous "Copper Clapper Caper" they dreamed up. Sorry, old Johnny Carson/Jack Webb reference.
  21. Dowel Jones

    Season 01

    That's correct. The attorney killed both the FBI agent and the biker that he was dealing with, and then the "club president" killed the attorney in revenge, because he had to stand up for the gang. I've already forgotten why the agent was mixed up with the attorney, as my attention span is pretty short with this show. Anyone remember the Russian thug that threatened Sela Ward's character way earlier in the season? I guess that plotline got filed away.
  22. Well, Max is finally getting dragged down to the real world where us mortals live. Get ready, Emergency Department. Now that everyone has a get out of jail free card, expect the wait times in the ED to increase by 500%. It was interesting that the tv host referred to Sharpe as Dr. Helen, and she corrected him. Were the writers trying to set it up that he was condescending to her? I guess Ms. Montgomery wants some serious time off, or she wants out of her contract, for them to have her request a permanent leave from the hospital. I didn't feel sorry for the junkie at all.
  23. Shondaland is the name of her production company. Geographically speaking, it's where good plotlines go to die.
  24. What, there's a mole? You mean Tal needs help to outwith this band of nincompoops?
  25. Was this bad actors' night? The Asian gang were laughable, the security guard was so heavy handed...Maybe I shouldn't have wine while I watch this. I'm getting to the point where I really don't care what the outcome of the investigation is. For that matter, I'll throw myself under the bus if Sevvy gives me $18,000,000 for turning myself in as the killer. I'll figure a way out and disappear.
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