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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Wow, did anyone NOT see that plotline coming with Louie? Oh my, complications will abound. I loved the station personnel doubling down on Brett's fear of clowns. Even if they were bad jokes. I find it difficult to believe that the subject of the pub massacre never came up with any visitors/amateur historians. In any case, Hermann should know that the fastest route to success is to get a mob guy killed in your establishment. Happens every time, even if it was up to 100 years ago. Damn, Severide is trying to tough it out with a 2nd degree burn on his neck? Solarcaine isn't gonna get it this time. I'm glad he went for the blood test for marrow transplant registry, though. He sure got busted in romance, though. Heh.
  2. How did Wyatt think he was going to sneak up on Clyde Barrow, famous for his sixth sense of something about to happen? I wonder how Flynn knew just exactly what that key fit. Did Henry Ford tell him? Since Bonnie and Clyde were actually shot down outside of Gibsland, LA, I guess our time travelers will have to go down there and remove the monument. Poor Rufus. "Of all the places you've sent me, I gotta go to 1934 Arkansas? Are you kidding?"
  3. I guessed it as soon as the victim was recounting the night's events under the influence of Fentanyl (Really?) and she turned around to see the waitress. the camera lingered on her just a bit too long.
  4. (Snark alert) Maybe Alex is really the big bad in this entire enterprise. She will mysteriously be absent from the bombing, have McLeish and Kimble arrested, and, suddenly, "I don't care what the Constitution says. There is no VP nor Speaker of the House, so I will assume the duties of the President until further notice."
  5. Say, you wouldn't happen to be on the edge of divorce from a certain Governor of Illinois, would you? How's that law practice going?
  6. My guess is that he was a bit tired of the 24 typecasting, and wanted to showcase a bit. I wonder if he was given a complete briefing on the entire season or just assurances from the producers about the growth of the character.
  7. It was to me, also. They put their lives on the line for her. But they could have picked up just the backboard and wheeled the gurney behind her. Just for information, a 20mm round is 3/4" in diameter. They are designed for air to air combat, or anti-equipment use. I would think that, at the velocity it was fired, it would have taken her leg off even without exploding. Noa, the female doctor who froze up, got a harsh welcoming to the world of serious trauma. I kept waiting for Lowe to tap her on the forehead as a "get back in the game" method. I was a little surprised, but pleased in the context that they used it, at Penn's insistence on magic. He is rather disdainful in real life of the term as it is applied to card tricks. This is because it demeans the amount of practice a magician has to put in to make a simple trick look like magic. Cigars on the roof. Cool. Now for some bourbon and poker.
  8. And Sloane. Really, really awkward.
  9. Yep, Bunker Hill, you do have a problem if I'm the first poster. Think of something, fast, Mr. Billionaire. Your show is on life support if this is any indication.
  10. Does a sitting President vote in the DC precinct, or does he cast a vote in his home district? The only reason I ask is that DC has non-voting representatives in Congress and no Senator, and that's all that was on the ballot. Couldn't Atwood have written a note to the President, to be handed to him as he was speaking? These people should be able to think on their feet. Plus, he let another opportunity to remove the courier from the equation. And the scene in the Oval Office. Sorry, all I could think of was Mystery Science Theatre 3000. "Push the button, Mr. President." Alright Leo, got that settled in your mind? Then cut your damn hair, stop moping, and start looking like an actual First Son. You'll get laid eventually. So, the results are in, there's a Congress and a Senate to be sworn in and educated about how the processes work, and they'll have a budget to work with now. Wait, what planet are these people from? We're talking about Congress here.
  11. Sorry about that. I went back and edited afterward. Asher did say that his stuff was available for everyone while he was putting it in the refrigerator. He probably assumed that everyone else would take that to mean the beer. Obviously Randall didn't, if he heard the statement at all. Regardless, you don't bring hallucinogens to a gathering without informing others that the drink is off limits. And I wouldn't drink any kind of individual drink either. That's just wrong.
  12. Ahhh, poor Boden. He just gets his life back on track, and goes and beats up another miscreant. Assault and Battery must not be a noticeable crime in Chicago when it's done because your son was a beating victim. I didn't even think about Louie. He's probably back at the apartment, downloading porn on the computer and seeing how loud the stereo will really go. It looked like the grain guy did survive. I think that was meant to give Casey a win after the warehouse death. Otis, what the hell? You bring all those mudheads into a bar? Way to drive out business. Hermann may be afraid to look at the books, but he had better. Maybe that is going to be plot point in the future. I was really surprised when Casey told James to run interference against the truck driver at the traffic accident. The boy is 17. There's no end to the amount of trouble Casey could get into if something went wrong there.
  13. I had to laugh at that scene, thinking '30 years and the tree hasn't grown enough to obliterate the carvings?" But it was cute. Milana Vayntrub must have got teased a LOT during rehearsals about that cell signal scene. Speaking of rehearsals, how great and well trained were the actors in the game scene when Randall is talking nonstop over their own conversations? That takes some work. Ghost Jack alluded to something really serious when he said that Rebecca had her own troubles to work through but she kept the family together. I don't think it was just the prospect of losing Randall. And that is a very real possibility. My brother and his wife had to spend countless hours in court and other places, defending their adoption of a son from an on-again, off-again drug addict. They eventually won, but it was trying. I feel for Kate, who now realizes, courtesy of Olivia, that she is placing her hopes for a new life on an external savior (the surgery). It may be the catalyst, but she has to change her own life. Randall has built this box around his world and thinks everything outside that box is the enemy. My take, anyway. Now this happens.
  14. Point of information only: DEFCON is inverted, meaning that 5 is the lowest condition. I learned that from one of the forums, actually.
  15. Does anyone have any insight as to the episode titles lately?
  16. I thought it was a 2 hour round trip, as he said he would be back by the end of the movie.
  17. I remember seeing a photograph of an FBI agent/sniper at an airport during an attempted hijacking back in the late 60s/early 70s, I think. He was set against a brick wall with his rifle on the wall and his coat off, presumably for more flexibility. He did shoot and kill the hijacker, but I also read later that instead of commending him for his actions, Hoover reprimanded him and banished him off to some out of the way office simply for taking his jacket off. Maybe the entire reason for Flynn's trip back was to murder the scientist. He organized the computer malfunction as a distraction, which obviously worked (I think) as the word was out that there was a communist spy in the house who wrecked everything and murdered one of the scientists. "Oh, hi, Houston. You're back. Yeah, we've already been outside. It's pretty awesome. What do you want us to do now?"
  18. Will the last person not involved in the terrorist crisis please stand up? Last week I really thought the three "rescuers" were all involved, and this week I still do. And Nimah/Raina, what the hell is going on? Judging from the size of those air ducts, it must take a nuclear reactor to power the HVAC for that building. By the way, I loved the scene where the posse comes to the floor with the sign on the stairwell door that states "Roof Access". Yet, right behind them is another flight of stairs. Where did they go? Why in the world would an agent candidate murder a man in cold blood simply on the directive from a cell phone? I would like more explanation, please. Can't we have a Thanksgiving episode on some series that revolves around Black Friday, just for fun?
  19. When the tv first came up in the bar, it showed the polls closing in 30 minutes, but then what seemed immediately afterward, they called Ohio (1 hour west of DC) for Dalton. Oops. I didn't really understand Russel's agitation at losing the coalition one day after the ship boarding. It would seem to me that the President would come right out and say "Iran has abrogated the agreement and we unilaterally embargoed a ship carrying centrifuges designed for nuclear weapons production. We stopped probable nuclear proliferation". Period. More info to follow. Besides which, there's two months before the House votes, anyway. There is time enough to campaign the House for your votes. And, to be sure, time enough to screw up. But, the Russia/US partnership announcement was a worthwhile workaround anyway. The delegates from the eight undecided states were almost laughable. "We hate Reynolds because he wants to go to war. But unless you can guarantee beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will not take the nation to war, we will go with the guy who wants to go to war." Yeah, that's a plan. Note to State Department staff: Election Day does not postpone the world. Drink (and fornicate) responsibly. I couldn't find any reference to the labor strife that Henry showed to Jason. Does anyone know if something actually occurred there? I caught one small editorial slip. In the conference with the wavering delegates, Bess referred to Dalton as "Dalton", rather than "the President".
  20. All of those family traditions started on that one unfortunate night, added onto the fact that Rebecca broke with her parents over the many insults she had to deal with over the first 8 or so years. It's not like the Christmas dinner in A Christmas Story, which would have been a one-off deal. That's why I think they're so important to the Big Three. Although, I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall (or tree) when they were deciding exactly where to put a 3.4 mile hike. Older furnaces, yes. You reached in with a match with the setting on Pilot, and lit the fire. After warming up, you turned it to On, and, whoosh.
  21. As a fireman, I went to many a strip-and-burn in a winter rain. They light off the interior stuff, like seats, carpets, etc. with flammable liquid and it burns quite readily, at least for awhile. It behooves the arsonist to not stick around though, as flame attracts attention. Is Ludicrous Mode an actual Tesla setting, or was that just a shout-out to Spaceballs?
  22. Interesting conflicts on this episode. I would think they would have moved the cult members to some out of the way observation rooms so that the ER beds would be available, seeing as how they are in semi-permanent Code Black. Ms. Death by AED was quite the spectacle. The cult members could have easily avoided the entire situation by filling out some sort of Do Not Treat/Do Not Resuscitate orders and have them on their persons. My guess is that they're going to try it again, and be more successful, upon their releases. Dr. Asshat barely made an appearance this time. When Angus flashed that x-ray, I swear the name on it looked like Trevor Noah. I had to freeze frame it to see that it was Trevor Nash. Where are they going to take this Dad's girlfriend relationship? Hopefully not Hallmark Movieland. I can slightly relate to the colon cancer patient's relationship with her step daughter. My wife's father just died, non unexpectedly. She has two sisters, and one's first reaction about the funeral was "Don't spend any money frivolously." Then she went through the house trying to claim various pieces of furniture, even while her dad's wife is still living there. Families. Ugh.
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