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Everything posted by Starchild

  1. On the first point, Kim mentioned on their podcast that the ex-flight attendants caught the turn because Penn missed it and Kim pointed to it. The girls were close enough to see that. So even that was something they didn't do on their own. As for the mega-skin, to be fair, Penn said it was a super hot day, the hottest they'd experienced to that point in the race. By the way, I noticed for the first time that, in place of a wedding ring, Penn has Kim's name tattooed on his finger. That's...pretty romantic.
  2. Cheese guy was awesome. "They jump inside." I felt bad for him that he couldn't manage to actually induce vomiting. What a glorious bastard. I found myself super annoyed at the ex-flight attendants ("did we mention we lost our jobs?") going on and on about what a strong team they are when they accomplished nothing on their own this leg. Following another team around and switching their detour choice to avoid doing it by themselves. The twins have realized that they'll blow you off if you're not helping them out (and rightly so, it's a race after all), but I kept yelling at Kim and Penn (my faves) to just. stop. helping them. I said the same thing during the last two at the roadblock and Nat read my mind lol.
  3. Starchild

    S06.E03: STD

    Chuck may be rich but he is not in the billionaire class. That protest in the street made me laugh. When he shouted his slogan and people joined in, I thought, would randoms on a Manhattan street really start shouting in unison like that, even if they agreed with the sentiment? These days I figure they'd do what I would do, which is shake my head in pity and walk away.
  4. Dudebro teams almost always seem to be like that. All "whoo" when they're in front, but almost insulting to other teams when they dare to pass. When they low-key dissed Arun/Natalia and Sherri/Akbar for just catching up, I flipped the bird at them. I noticed they "whoo'd" extra aggressively once they caught up, like an implicit f-you. Or maybe I just don't like watching alpha-male teams dominating the race; I've always preferred balanced unpredictability, where anyone could end up in first at the end. As for what went wrong, every time the alpha-males got their cheese soup up to 85, Dusty the experienced cheese maker said it was too hot and they had to reduce the heat. One of the other teams (Sherri?) said when they got to 85 they kept it there, and that was apparently the right move.
  5. I didn't realize they were supposed to? Where does it usually air down there?
  6. Why are we spoilering aired episodes?
  7. Not sure why they couldn't leave their packs in the car, but Kim and Penn might explain in their recap video. It us ally drops a couple days later, so they have time to see what questions people are asking.
  8. Maybe he was able to impersonate Chakotay's voice. While I was watching I recall thinking "Oh that's weird, he sounds like Chakotay. Wait, is he supposed to BE Chakotay, who was commanding this ship some time in the past? Has he (or some part of him) somehow become this robot guy?" I mean, we don't really know the timeframe of this right? Maybe Chakotay was given command of the experimental Protostar, which was fitted with a Janeway hologram, and the ship got lost somehow. Maybe hundreds or thousands of years have gone by. Maybe we're in the Discovery timeframe now. Maybe something happened to Chakotay where he evolved into this cybernetic life form, or his essence was somehow installed in it.
  9. So they're going with an "eat the rich" / ESG theme this season? The end was ridiculous, you just used the power of the people and the EPA to shut down the cannons, acted all superior about saving the bog turtles, and then...fired a cannon? Realistically, he should have been arrested for violating the TRO right there.
  10. They did, in fact, write a book about how to fight well. https://www.amazon.ca/Everybody-Fights-Why-Not-Better-ebook/dp/B08BYJT1ZS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2CMZKQSQ0ECEW&keywords=holderness&qid=1642827943&sprefix=holderne%2Caps%2C352&sr=8-1
  11. I'm the other way around. Found them in 2021 and I'm watching TAR this season for the first time in years because they're on it.
  12. Penn reminds me of a Labrador Retriever, and I can't dislike that.
  13. And Isaac and Nigel! Hey Trevor had a dog in his obit pic so he can't be all bad.
  14. It's probably like at least 400 years old or something.
  15. I read in some pre-season article that 7 teams came back from the suspension, so that makes sense. (9 - 4 + 2 = 7)
  16. I guess I'm the only one who heard the crack when Dex broke Logan's neck? Quick question: maybe I've forgotten something, or am overthinking, but when Logan was eating with Harrison he said "you got here around the same time Matt disappeared, do you remember anything?", there was a very quick cut to Harrison remembering being out in the woods. They showed someone moving through the woods in the snow, presumably it was either Harrison, or it was Harrison's POV as he watched someone. What was that about? I thought it was setting up that Harrison was actually present during Matt's murder, hidden and watching his father, but then it didn't go anywhere.
  17. Subway? Very "Person of Interest". So no one cares that Harry is probably risking life in prison here? "Never use a computer again? Sure Mr. President whatever you say [wink]"
  18. What I recall is her saying pick what you like and then tell the salesperson to go with the opposite.
  19. I haven't seen Joey in decades, but his face looks really different to me. Even after knowing who it was, it was hard to tell.
  20. I would have preferred to see McCoy over Crusher in the sim.
  21. I wondered the same thing, and the best I can come up with was that Starfleet got a vote (was she representing Vance maybe?). Mind you, I don't know why the both the civilian and military arms of the Federation would get to vote, but I think it might just be a clumsy way to have Michael once again in the thick of things. After all, Earth now follows her recommendations so she's obviously awesome. There's a pop culture review YouTube channel that refers to her as a "Space Jesus", and I can't disagree.
  22. Nick was boring, but Sarah was a hoot. I would have loved to see her as a companion. Great snark, shades of Donna Noble.
  23. Hm, I got the sense he developed the portable spore drive on the sly, so he could use it in service of his personal agenda. Oh yeah, I see it. Didn't he say he met someone from another universe in prison and after he escaped he wanted to go there because that universe sounded better than this one? It's insane that anyone with a personal transporter can just pop into where all of the galaxy's most important government leaders are in one place. And if it's a question of giving security access to people's personal transporters, they should be a LOT more careful with it. It seems that every rank of Starfleet and even its civilian consultants has access. That's crazy.
  24. Grey's been saying he wants to be a Guardian, what is that again?
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