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Everything posted by dargosmydaddy

  1. Yeah, not going to work any better for me...
  2. Just watched this one (this whole Thursdays at 8 thing is sooo not working for me...), and maybe I went in with low expectations, but I didn't think it was so bad. I like Nathan's and Duke's relationship with Mara/ Audrey (and with each other, of course). Nathan seems no more annoying than last season (which IMO means nowhere near as douchey as season 3 Nathan).
  3. Did I miss something (quite possible, as I wasn't exactly riveted...) or were the kids recording the song with Crosby on the same day as all the other fiascoes (as in, a school day)? Granted Snowflake Academy probably doesn't have a strict attendance policy, but what about Sidney, Jabbar, and Victor? And does Crosby just randomly volunteer to baby-sit Nora? She wasn't singing, there was no reason for her to be there...
  4. Well, he has had 200 years to develop the skills... he could have taken the sloooow Sherlock course, and still have come out ahead.
  5. I don't watch Castle, so I was thinking Sleepy Hollow meets Elementary. Clearly ABC is hoping to cash in on the snarky, hot British guy + minority female sidekick formula. And considering I find the supernatural element of Sleepy Hollow rather OTT, and the lack of ongoing storylines on Elementary rather boring (OK, so they got some ongoing storylines, but they don't do anything for me... go away, Mycroft), I really enjoyed Forever as the best of both worlds. And I have to admit that I never quite saw what all the fuss was about when Ioan Gruffudd was on Horatio Hornblower (blasphemy, I know), but DAMN, he sure grew up fine.
  6. I'm glad Forever looks to be a decent show. Good-bye, Chicago Fire.
  7. Hmm, good point. But he saw at least the first guy, and heard about others. And don't get me wrong, I'd be freaking out, too-- definitely one of Haven's more disturbing images-- but if you knew about the possibility, I'd think you'd at least be able to remind yourself to breathe when it (inevitably in my mind, but I guess not in Nathan's) happens to you. But I seem to continually want to make Nathan smarter than the Haven writers want to portray him, so... maybe he really didn't even consider the possibility. Oh Nathan, indeed. Oh yes, please! I've been thinking that forever. I'm fanwanking that there is a side to Nathan's trouble that hasn't been revealed yet regarding his ability to heal... but yeah, probably not. The writers could really try to remember that "doesn't feel pain" does not equate to "can walk around perfectly fine despite any injury," but whatever. I don't hate Dwight, but AC's acting leaves a lot to be desired (he seems to subscribe to the same "bug-eyed reaction" school of acting as the actress who played the psychiatrist in season 3), and I'm not excited about Dwight being both Chief and head of the Guard. Could certainly lead to some interesting storylines, but Dwight's my least favorite of the regulars/ semi-regulars, and I'd rather he be in the background.
  8. Oh, Nathan. I really enjoyed the fact that he's equal opportunity stupid around people he cares about. Or maybe not even really stupid (wishful thinking?), but willing to put himself on the line at their expense. I did find it dumb that he freaked out so much over Duke sewing him shut, though. It's not like his nose was sewn shut. He could breathe. I realize the whole thing was incredibly freaky/ creepy, but Nathan should have been prepared for it after seeing it happening all day, and then going to confront Duke. If he didn't realize there was some possibility that it would happen to him, too, then he really is quite stupid. That being said, I loved both Nathan/ Duke scenes (that one and the one in the beginning where they're both wrapped up in their own misery), and I thought both LB and EB nailed their characters' grief. I'm still a little iffy on ER's Mara, but she certainly had some fine moments. And add me to the Gloria love train-- she's awesome. I found the Vince/ Dave stuff mostly boring, but I did like Dave's line about being bribed by soda and pornography. (I think that was this week? I didn't get to watch last week's episode when it aired, and watched them back-to-back last night, so they're blurring together.) I'm hoping next week's won't be as awful as it looks in the promo. At least we get the return of EB's short hair!
  9. You and me both! I'm still waiting for some interesting explanation of Nathan's magical healing abilities, but I know it's not coming...
  10. The minute they got rid of Jordan made season 4 so much better for me, though Wade going off the deep end did seem very rushed/ WTF-esque.
  11. I think D involves Duke as one of the speakers... B might be Duke, too.
  12. And some more premiere spoilers... Jennifer’s fate is the hot topic as the season premiere plays out – different people need to find her for very different reasons. Things don’t look very good for Dave, either – though there’s a final scene with him that will make you go hmmm. Now, I present you with a game: See if you can ID who says quips of these premiere quotes: A) “ That lighthouse just can’t catch a break.” B) “You try operating a supernatural doorway to another dimension using a vampire novel and a positive attitude!” C) “The handsome ones don’t have to be very smart, do they?” D) “Be careful, she took down Dwight.” / “And I will never let him hear the end of it.” E) “I’ll always love you, Parker.” http://tvline.com/2014/09/05/homeland-season-4-spoilers-carrie-quinn/
  13. Hmmm... definitely blood there, and the expression on his face makes him look like he's feeling the effects of some blood loss, but... shouldn't there be some pressure applied to the wound or something? It's just odd that he and Duke are sitting there so relatively calmly (if depressed) if Nathan's bleeding.
  14. I thought the James actor was one of the weakest they've had on the show, and that's really saying a lot. Still drives me crazy that Nathan got shot multiple times, to the point that he's incapacitated and sends Duke after Audrey, but
  15. That might have been an embarrassing brain cramp rather than the person actually thinking rabid= rabbit. I know I have a tendency to substitute similar sounding words when I'm typing fast. Or maybe not... I once had a student (and I teach high school mind you) write a sentence about vicious "pipples." I finally figured out she meant "pit bulls," and corrected it on her paper. She was all like, "Really?!?" when she got it back; she really thought these dogs were called pipples.
  16. Five teasers for the premiere: http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/08/haven-episode-501-see-no-evil-5-teasers.html
  17. Speaking of Dwight, I've been thinking how his bullet proof vest makes no sense. He's a bullet magnet; the vest is not. So why don't bullets attract themselves to parts of his anatomy not covered by his vest, rather than conveniently hitting the vest? (Now I'm picturing Dwight wearing a bullet proof suit and matching helmet...)
  18. Anyone want to speculate on the trailer? I am wondering about Mara shooting Nathan... to me, it looks like he had a vest on (it's a quick clip, but he looks kind of bulky), which Mara should be able to tell, too. So considering the TV trope that bullet proof vests are like magical shields, and the added benefit of Nathan not being able to feel pain (whereas a normal TV cop would be writhing around for at least a few minutes if hit in the vest, Nathan might be knocked over by the force but could quickly recover), what's the point? If she's trying to kill/ incapacitate him, why not hit him in the head or leg? If she's trying to scare him... it's not too scary if he doesn't feel it, is it? Unless he's not wearing a vest, in which case things are going to get interesting.
  19. Hopeful, yes, but doesn't sound like he actually knows anything... I don't know what to think. At first it seemed like the delay was a bad sign, but the fact that we still haven't heard makes me think there's some hope, though I'm not overly confident. **Edited because I know the difference between "hurt" and "heard," even if it does make for an amusing typo :)
  20. I missed series 3 when it originally ran on PBS, and I randomly tuned into this episode on an affiliate last night and it was driving me CRAZY who the husband was. I knew I knew him from somewhere, but I never would have guessed GoT.
  21. So did I hear correctly in that the bomb four years ago not only killed but EVISCERATED that guy's kid, but the guy, who was sitting at the same table, was relatively fine? (I know they said he was injured, but he can still walk, is unscarred, etc.) How did that happen? And the bomb in the evidence room was totally a police plant, right? (Used to destroy the guy's computer and giving them a distraction to be able to kill him, also explains why Andy wasn't killed, since it was not meant to be that powerful.)
  22. Best description of Nick ever, and so, so true. Hope there's a lot of Nick in the second half of the season, and that then Peter Mooney is able to move on to bigger and better things, because he is both talented and hot.
  23. I like all of Nathan's death episodes, so this one was actually a season highlight for me. Love the way Duke immediately runs to/ clutches Nathan's body at the end.
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