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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Even Paula couldn't support MM.
  2. Good grief - MM couldn't even handle the show with 2 other R's on it!
  3. What a barrel of laughing monkeys. I can't imagine how they will cover the Olympics.
  4. I knew one 50 years ago......me. Once. A college final and I passed, but immediately realized not the best decision.....
  5. LOL, even Trump thinks he has a button. And Joy knows he doesn't.
  6. What's up with MM not wanting to give her Dad's recipe for ribs when it is all over the internet and he made it on Rachel Ray's show? Good grief.
  7. I'm looking forward to Ana as well. And dreading MM. As much as I love Biden and his comforting her I think The View is not a platform for MM as the daughter of a Senator that is seriously ill and her public grieving. I feel very unkind about saying that - I've been through it at 70 yrs and I think it should be private among family and friends. In addition I'm annoyed there are discussions that are not allowed because MM is there.
  8. Really - why make shaped cookies when they are not recognizable?
  9. Yep - When Whoopi is not thrilled with a co-host - think Sherry, Raven, both Rosies or anyone smarter than her (exception Joy) she goes after them, like Sunny and Nicolle. Could be WG's life advice or lifestyle or smarts or theirs .....or those that have it more together than Whoopi herself. Sarah and Joy seem to be teflon.......
  10. Seems to me Carla's recipes are often vague.....even this one posted on their website. Looked good though. Perhaps Oreos with out the white, or chocolate cookies......and the peppermint is in the ice cream and the topping......
  11. I'm thinking I don't/can't trust Meghan - she was so adamant Moore would win over the past week and then today just blew that off. She is hardly a political pundit/analyst to me. All I want from her is a view - like the rest of the panel - not a lecture from someone trying to teach because it is the only and right way to think in her opinion. I love how sensitive Sunny is to immediately pick up on how Biden wanted to switch seats to console Meghan.
  12. I was happy Biden mentioned Kamala Harris as well. I'm a senior as well and could see her as VP and I know she and Biden would work well together as did Obama and Biden. I was very happy to see MM was not tribal at all during the interview.
  13. Gotta say I loved when Ana Navarro was on and MM had to get out immediately she and Ana were friends - and made no difference in AN's views.
  14. Not so sure MedicineCrow - I think MM is fragile and hardly a tough chick. I'd appreciate her view but hate her trying to convert/educate me. And she truly needs to lighten up.
  15. I so agree hudsbee - MM is rinse, lather, repeat on a daily basis - with eye rolls, smirks, and sneers thrown in, imo. Very boring to me.
  16. Seems to me with 5 co-hosts and producers at the pre-show meeting everyone doesn't get their way. And that especially pisses MM off.
  17. Thank heavens that was very odd for Joy and unusual. I see no pattern, although wish she hadn't. But again....no pattern and this was 11 years ago.
  18. I took one for the team today and timed the commercials - 1000-1005, 1010-1016, 1020-1025, 1029-1036 (guest), 1036-1041 (guest), 1041-1047, 1052-1058 (sell). And that doesn't include "27" welcome to the View's, walking in, what we're not going to see, selling other things, wrapping up to go to commercial..... Yet somehow MM manages to get pissed off once again and have a melt down. sigh
  19. Ree's cookies look like her kids helped and under age 10.
  20. IMO MM truly was putting words in Joy's mouth by her ugly assumptions. Man, I can't stand her.
  21. The problem with Franken (and I've always rooted for him) is that too many women have come forth to think he was stupid, silly, and immature as a comedian (or Senator). Where do you draw the line on sexual abuse? A sexy leg thrown in the air while laying on a table and the guy is sitting in a chair? I realize there are degrees but Senators should be role models. And that crap needs to be curbed right now.
  22. MM tweeted her thanks to all the conservatives that have sent nice tweets. And here I thought she was for unity and not division. Hence why she is trying to educate us.
  23. Seems to me when a guest is invited on the show to push their book they can damn well answer the questions! Have to laugh at MM however - she can't drag the co-hosts, the viewers or AN or CL into discussing her rediculous theory on her people.
  24. I've decided that Candace and Meghan are very similar but at least Candace knew when to walk away.
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