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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Good grief - I've usually always enjoyed Lu. Not this season. And the Countess thing is too much. Some 40 years ago my husband and I were able to take a long trip and lease our house for a year. An older couple came and paid upfront for the entire year. Her husband told us his wife was a Countess because she had been married to one once - and preferred to be addressed as one. Fortunately never met them again, they maintained our home - all good. But I couldn't buy that bs then and not now, lol. As far as I am concerned mess around with your hands at 50 - could be in trouble at 70. Let them be and count them as wise.
  2. OMG. Sigh. I mentioned upthread MM posted this segment that I now call The Screech on her twitter with a massive amount of criticism. Now her widdle feelings are hurt and she retweeted a hurtful reply to her and is pulling the why can men do it but when women do they are throwing the temper tantrum card. And, wait for it - getting even more crap for it. ETA - not a pretty sight......lol ETAA - a temper is not a party.
  3. Evidently MM will take any kind of attention - see comments on Mediaite above. MM posted this article on her own twitter and there are very, very few supportive comments for her.
  4. ^^^This. 100 times. Daddy must be so proud of his little pundit.
  5. I wasn't aware Sarah was missing things (other than work during her maternity leave). I meant she had a lot to deal with 100% right now. I stand corrected.
  6. MM has baby pundits coming up? WTF?
  7. I'm going to give Sarah a lot of slack - working and a new born and a terrible two? Seems to me MM wants attention and not respect for her brilliant political analysis (sarcasm) what with her bringing up shooting at a gun range. She took crap for that on twitter yesterday and doubled down today, imo. I have no problem with anyone doing so but I think she chatted about it for sparks today. I expected more from today after last week being so insane. Yet even I can barely remember what happened with all the bombshells and am not coming off vacation.
  8. Since I am a senior I have had a lot of pets. And cried and was inconsolable. But AFTER I made sure they were comfortable as could be and taken to be put down when they were dying when I saw and realized what was happening. I NEVER could have stopped to take selfies, or instagram, or a photo. Never! Anyone else not see she did not even mention the impact on her daughter? Alllll about B.
  9. I was tuning in and out since there was quite a bit of breaking news on CNN - lol, it was worth a snicker when Mika called Armageddon a "show."
  10. I pity the person that had to choose the repeats this week - so rare when MM is not throwing a tantrum.
  11. My little torbie rescue is renamed Maggie. From Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. She grew up in a trailer park but not with a family - rather under a trailer. And had two litters until one of her ears was snipped when spayed and then thrown back in to fend for herself. Later rescued at 2ish. Had her for 11 years, it took forever to gain her trust. She is the sweetest most affectionate kitty I've ever had and I've had several. LOL - if I tell her NO! (like if she scratches a piece of furniture) she comes running to me!
  12. Hey Back - it is delusionaI. And - Geraldo had a lot more time for Sunny compared to no time for Meghan.
  13. I think MM misspoke - she is hardly a political animal - let alone a politcal analyst. She retweets other's opinions and saves them for her blue cards, they are never her opinions.
  14. Oh yeah - and Geraldo never mentioned why Jared was so suited to mid-east peace, let alone with a lowly security clearance. Or the rewards for working for free.
  15. Aliyson from CNN New Day ad Oprah from 60 Minutes (and others) have interviewed Trump supporters in the Rust Belt quite a few times. Guess who has not - MM. I simply can't understand how she thinks she can talk for his base.
  16. Really - hate with a thousand suns. IIRC MM did not ask Geraldo any questions - just tried to climb on his shoulders to whine "we're just trying to explain." No, Meghan - he does not need your help and most assuredly was not explaining the base. LOL - he is friends with Trump, Ailes, Lauer, Rose and had his own sleazy past. Geraldo is blinded by friends and their liking him. Glad Joy got to him - and Sunny too with the possiblity of campaign money with Stormy. Geraldo, imo, completely wrong about Stormy (and the Bunny also paid off). Even if in Stormy's case it was a one night stand and not an affair. And please EP's - can we dispense with the endless John McCain stuff?
  17. MM is even today after the show saying she is still in the throws of food poisoning. She loves being a victim even after tweeting endlessly, getting a mani, throwing up, not sleeping, watching tv. Nevertheless, she doesn't want children, not pregnant, loves her husband's cooking and somehow went to work today with food poisoning. I call BS.
  18. Whatever (btw I dislike that expression) Jackie is my hero - not Roseanne. Isn't Sarah one of the EP's and not Roseanne? As far as I am concerned MM can not ever see the larger picture - just her narrow-minded Trump good, Hillary/Obama bad and not mention the military wife or the son of Darlene's or any of the other interesting issues brought up. I thought I might not tune in but decided it is balanced and interesting. Now I want to know how Trump helped the Connors keep their house.
  19. I noticed Nicolle gave a shout out to Whoopi, although I can't recall what it was.
  20. That figures. Thanks Alexis!
  21. What's her demeanor? Please, please! Is she pretending nothing ever happened?
  22. Wondering if next week is a vacation week for the show.
  23. Actually - I like they can talk about things with MM gone rather than tippy-toeing around her.
  24. I have Comcast and decided to rewatch Mon again but, but, but ABC never submitted it. Yesterday was weird and today a little better - but I'm thinking in addition to the monitor issue the panel is clearly aware of the crap MM is receiving. I believe MM is not sick (plenty active for sick) and is in NYC and on a time out. Or frightened to come in. Since Joy and Sunny have apologized recently I fully expect one from Meghan.
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