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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. OMG - I'm getting scaaaarrrrred listening to Judge Pirro and MM at the same time!
  2. What's odd is Meghan is not retweeting this article, or the one on Mediaite, she almost always does. Rather she is pulling out the my dad has cancer card because, you know, she is the only one that has gone through this or ever will go through this.
  3. I can't wait for HT's on Monday!
  4. I think all co-hosts are told to placate MM. Because her contract will not be renewed.
  5. LOL - I was married in 1979 and we went to Mexico for our honeymoon. I got sick and my husband called the doctor but I needed to sleep so he explored the resort Las Hadas. He returned and said he saw the most beautiful woman there - it was Bo Derek and they were filming "10". I was fine the next morning but we were not able to see any of the filming. Seems to me braids (cornrows) whatever - they have been around all cultures practically forever. OTOH - I have a very beautiful BFF for 50 years and 40 years ago she went to a Caribbean island and came back with them and looked rediculous! LOL ETA - I'm 71.
  6. Don't worry - 2 segments are already up on FB, unedited.
  7. Shutty Sara - I'm tired of things being kept behind closed doors and secret. Only breeds leaks and fake news and innuendo.
  8. Unfortunately we never hear about Whoopi's family and their successes - college degrees or jobs, etc. Perhaps they don't have them. Yet it seems WG has financially supported them for decades.
  9. Really Green - I LOL when Joy held up her arms and glanced at Whoopi!
  10. Really. When your mom is worth $200M her advice is rediculous.
  11. If MM needs to work 12 times harder than anyone else then she should try 25 times harder. And if she can't explain her most favorite book explaining Trump voters in the midwest then I am not interested in spending the money to read 2 authors take on it that live in red states. ETA - Sunny is self made as well, and Joy.
  12. I wonder, as well, why MM never really has anything to say about Puerto Rico when her FIL and husband are PR's descendants. According to Wiki her FIL grew up for a time in his family's native island of PR as a child, and was actually a Colonel in the army after 30 years. But seems MM is silent on all things PR.
  13. Yep atlantaloves - although today was a pleasure without MM. Actually Whoopi as well. And we had Ana!
  14. I think MM is deplorable - especially trying to make a name for herself at the expense of her father. She is causing all kinds of bad publicity for him when she should be supporting his recovery/last days and ruining his reputation. Regardless of what one thinks of him. Too much PR. While she is accepting awards and fighting with people rather than leaving him in peace.
  15. She is all over the internet tonight and not doing her father any favors - dredging up the past, etc. Deplorable. All for her fame.
  16. Yeah - I am so looking forward to not watching. Especially since some of my former favorite people kowtow to MM - like Tapper.
  17. Shrimp is delicious and very expensive and just needs little to to enhance it. Even Garten knows this.
  18. Or in her beloved state Az or her new love Montana. She is not doing Trump, her Dad, or herself any favors. Let alone the show.
  19. Seems to me MM is doing herself no favors - let alone her father, or FIL. Her FIL works under Zinke, enough said. And she is definitely not doing the show any good.
  20. I feel wonderful today - I wore my pj's out in public to run errands. Cotton tee shirt and plaid cotton long pants. I feel so fashion forward! Alas, I wore sneakers.
  21. Meghan has no sense of humor, not about the $5 library fine, the hen story, or Tara joking about the little girl having a better vocabulary than Trump. ETA - her biggest concern yesterday was being delayed 3 hours at the airport. Forget about anything else happening......
  22. Good grief - today MM couldn't even laugh at Sunny's hen story. She sure can suck the fun out of a room.
  23. LOL - Carole wears a LOVER tee-shirt. So stupidly unaware.
  24. I've been in politics ever since my mommy carried me in her tummy under Truman. STFU Mehgan.
  25. MM the bitch could not even join in the fun of Joy giving the audience member $5 for her library fine. Man - I cannot stand her. What a barrel of fun she is. sigh
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