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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Yikers - Sunny may have been coy - but I also was thinking along with Sunny that Trump said Caitlyn Jenner could use any bathroom at Trump Tower she wanted - and she actually did. I also thought the transgenders in the military still stood and was surprised.
  2. I'm wondering if she was forced to take the day off - like when Sherri was, and she roamed the streets of NYC crying all day. MM, otoh has dragged Clay Akin into her fight on twitter and it is not going well. Plus, WG didn't say MM was sick but MM is pretending she is with a cutsey cartoon.
  3. Now MM has pulled Clay Aiken into this on her twitter - it is not going well..... ETA - Meghan did, not twitter.
  4. DB - I kind of agree - except they are both brain washed. For one thing Geddie told EH what to say- and did like a parrot. Actually Hannity did too for a brief time. But MM is just smart enough to listen to her husband and stupid enough not to think for herself. Or the larger picture as a self proclaimed "political analyst." Which makes me giggle because she does not analyse anything and is hardly in demand. I think it is the bubble thing. And her status as her Dad's daughter, yet not a single credential to her name.
  5. Agreed Medicine Crow - but not as deplorable as MM. I'll never give her a break.
  6. I could not stand Elisabeth. Stalking the teens in the park kissing while her daughter wanted to go home because she was ill, asking Obama "where are the jobs" while her crap clothes on QVC were made in China, gays marrying a toaster, calling Cindy McCain fresh compared to Michelle Obama (that she fist bumped) and curling up in BW's lap after the pill thing. Yep - MM is giving EH a run for the money.
  7. POWS, Vets, those serving, those suffering from cancer or addiction only exists in MM's little McCain bubble. She, imo, is the worst conservative ever to take a seat at this table.
  8. LOL - knew you would not be happy Scorpio. It truly was disgusting and difficult to comprehend.
  9. LOL Medicine Crow - I figure that is what twitter is for and she is being shredded today.
  10. Man - I sure wish Sunny had expressed herself better about Rick Santorum, she brought him today up for saying on State of the Union - "How about kids instead of looking for SOMEONE ELSE TO SOLVE THEIR PROBLEM, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that." I actually gasped out loud when I heard that. But the show was so packed they could not discuss any subject more than 57 seconds.
  11. I am a very happy camper. I've been furious with MM since Sat and her retweets about the Marches. Now she is freaking out because someone called her out for her comments about fuck on the show today when in her bio on her twitter she says #fuckcancer. No one is supporting her that I saw......
  12. Wasn't MM talking about this site this week? Please correct me if I am wrong but this has her fingerprints all over it, imo.
  13. So true Tosia - and she re-tweets others opinions pretending they are her own without explanation. She does not have an original thought in her head for being a "political analyst." LOL
  14. I think they already had tickets because Sunny said she took her daughter. And it was opening night.
  15. Aaannnndddd - the last piece of the puzzle falls into place......MM loves Bolton because he is even more hawkish then she is. OMG. I am anxious too Joy.
  16. I'm still annoyed that MM threw Sunny under the bus today. OTOH - don't come to work sick Whoopi.
  17. Could care less if MM has kids.....and think her reason is really stupid. For a thinking person (?) it makes no sense. Wasn't it something to do with her body? OTOH - if she has kids and doesn't want them that is even worse.
  18. I'd sure love to know how Charlotte and Meghan are friends. I don't believe it for a minute.
  19. Wow - there are a lot of Pisces on here, including me. Well kind of, on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces.
  20. LOL - I always wore heels too - for decades. But not the 4 inch (or whatever they are) - they were called fuck me shoes back in the day and not professional.
  21. Speaking about MM being rude to guests - she is also rude to co-hosts, like Joy. And to Sunny again (like she did on the show when Sunny was in PR) on twitter at one of Sunny's tweets.
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