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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Barry Manilow will be on next week! As many may recall he has refused for years because the producers would not grant his request to NOT be interviewed with EH on the couch....anyone else, sure.
  2. I'm really having a problem with Carla these days. And this is my fav daytime show. She has a fun reputation for being frugal on the show. Yet is on Kickstarter to raise money (250K) for a restaurant. And is worth 2.5M herself. It seems to me she has other means of raising money and the Kickstarters is for those with a great idea just starting out. But I do notice they aren't talking about it anymore on the show.
  3. Meredith is on a 9a here and nothing else is on so I would putter, shower, water etc and channel surf occasionally. I think her show is so disjointed with stupid games, yes the treats for Jasper, and I'm not up for inspiration at 9a. She can be very funny and I like her...but not her show. I haven't caught a thought provoking conversation yet but maybe I've missed them. Bottom line for me - show can't keep my attention.
  4. Really...Monica will probably be THE MOST FASCINATING. The rest....we read about them almost daily, and they are accomplished. But it is not like the time between fan mags and the internet when fascinating people were not constantly in the limelight. I also remember in an interview BW said she prefers shows like TMF because they have time to research, figure out the questions, and edit....vs a live show. Granted there were spontaneous moments like a dance with Swayze or a lapdance from Jackman or some nonsense like that boosting her ego. Sigh. Haven't watched in years. And so glad she is off TV and not prying into guests private lives whether current or long ago.
  5. Not a fan of todays show....and Whoopi's take over of it - let alone her opinions. Not a fan of boxing. Not a fan of the new set....let's see - how many colors are involved? Royal blue, red, turquoise, yellow, mustard, beige, light blue neon, rose, tan, purple, orange, and white. Plus the desk is light oak, turquoise white, black, and chrome. The chairs are chrome as well. Let's add the all the clothes colors and patterns into the mix as well! Plus I hardly think RO would give away the ending of a movie, RP.
  6. Really....and she hardly lives where she can grow her own lemon trees. About the Velveeta Queso (I didn't see Ree's version) but I have seen lots of recipes that jazz them up. Anyway, in the 80's my office had a lot of potlucks and one would bring the cheese/rotel version and a friend and I would say....bring the bean dip!!! She would reply there are NO beans in it. It happened over and over but she finally grew exasperated so we started calling "Eileen's No Bean Bean Dip" and requested that. LOL. Haven't had it in 30ish years though.
  7. I am getting so excited for Ina's new book that comes out the 28th. I don't entertain much anymore, and family gatherings are normally potluck. Plus my arthritis can interfere at the last moment. But I am doing a luncheon for 4 late in Nov and Christmas Eve for 3 and it dawned on me I could divide one of Ina's recipes (like the pastitcio, chocolate cake) and problem solved! And some fill ins to go with them..... I highly recommend to those interested to watch the video on QVC (just search Barefoot Contessa) and lots and lots of recipes are shown on a huge table. She is pure Ina in the 22M segment. So many ideas and recipes I'm apt to regroup over and over on a menu but so relieved to I can pull the little parties off and do both ahead! And for those that entertain lots of people at a time...win-win. Good grief...there is even a do-ahead turkey (???!!!) and a prosciutto wrapped pork tenderloin, stuffed potatoes - regular and sweet. And on and on. But then I love Ina's philosophy of make some things, buy some things, and assemble some.
  8. I hate her sing-song voice as well....enough not to tune in too often. Interesting she was on The Chew and didn't use it. I think they would have cringed. But I did see the ladies coming over for soup and to make the apple jelly...why would they stand all that time and not sit down and eat it all then? But then Trisha does this often as well. I don't get it.
  9. I don't know....but I think I would have been bawling at the track, not balling.
  10. OTOH I think Whoopi has lost weight and is a little more interested in new clothes. She seems to be comfortable in her "new" clothes. JMHO
  11. I've only been to 3 Broadway shows in a few decades (west coast) but surprised how many in the audience are very casual. They seem to dress up more here in Seattle and we're pretty casual.
  12. Anyone ever see the commercial that showed how far a simple sneeze sprays? And it is a bodily fluid. I've not seen any article or show reference that. Just other bodily fluids. OTOH, I feel safe...but very concerned for the nurses and their families and friends and all the people they have come in contact with. And just who were Sniederman's companions? I feel very badly for the restaurant. No reason for this to be put on them. Their reviews are fantastic...or were, at this point in time.
  13. What do you guys serve with the Wedding Soup....it sounds wonderful for a luncheon I'm planning in Nov.....thanks!
  14. No, Nicolle is not reasonable on MJ....just this morning she was going on about the 20 year old movie OutBreak about an outbreak of Ebola that was airborne....some fear inducing crap like that about movies and the fear taking over. I saw a clip of it on MJ facebook. I noticed she didn't bring the movies up on this show later this morning, lol.
  15. One can also go to QVC and put in Ina Garten in the search box to see her segment promoting her book. She had around 15 examples from it all ready prepared on display. I just have to get the book!
  16. I don't know.....Rosie O is pretty smart and she might realize the tide of worship on Whoopi is fading fast.....and that next year she will be moderator. WG is kinda, imo, digging her own grave. Plus she is way too pushy on exactly how to raise a kid (that is now 40ish?) when she wasn't around much back then. WG basically shuts down any discussion on child rearing from RO or NW, and even RP that doesn't. And RP is entitled to an opinion, imo. Odd....WG saves the final words for herself.......or is it?
  17. Plus the major problems of the Dallas Hospital, seemingly inept CDC (let alone no Surgeon General and budget cuts) is cause for concern. Perhaps not individually for most of us.....but I think how we can now see how this can get out of control very quickly. Plus, the Dallas hospital nurses might walk off the job....and where are the necessary "hazmat suits"?Transparency is needed. It is also one thing to put one's life on the line....but your families as well? Then we get the stupidity of Snyderman thrown in for good measure.
  18. Nicolle Wallace had the audacity to say on The View that she was looking forward to Snyderman returning to her job so she could keep us informed about ebola. (paraphrased) WTF?
  19. The photo makes me uncomfortable.....like SS is a ticking time bomb emotionally. It's hard for me to explain...but shouldn't Sherri be happy rather than so need-ily grateful? Or am I missing something?
  20. Question for Nicolle - why on earth would I want to hear any info/advice about ebola from Nancy Sneiderman after SHE broke quarantine for a bowl if soup?
  21. I think Ben was very mad at being somewhat (or) responsible for the $5,000 loss in the tip, not appreciated by the girlfriend, and too hardheaded about being A chef on dictating what one would like when it is a charter and the primary/ guests that. At least a good primary would want the guests to be happy and this primary at least wanted his girlfriend accommodated. One cannot dictate one's preference in cuisine - and he kinda ruined the romantic dinner. He could have added some of the other guests dinner menu to the romantic dinner and given the girl something to eat - or something she liked. I doubt the boyfriend would have minded. I've always wondered.....wouldn't red rose petals, when stepped on, leave stains on the carpet?
  22. I think Sherri was floored by Brand - he quickly returned her flirting and she could not handle it. Plus he did not even mean it which was the funniest part imo, and she was speechless. Of course the lesson "learned" was lost to Sherri. Although she sat far away from him the next time he was on the show, iirc. Agree Former Nun...or have a family member (not living there) or friend, CDC, agency, whatever provide food. Part of the protocol that is not addressed. Even quarantined people need to eat...unless this was just a lark to them. Or get supplies in, mail, etc. And were the 3 of them quarantined together?
  23. I live in WA...it is now legal but very difficult to get - my Uncle had cancer and was not able to go to the 5(?) doctors necessary to sign off, to weak and an ordeal....and then passed away. My Mother's Dr, otoh, helped her in the hospital before this was allowed...she was there during Christmas and she wanted to pass between Christmas Eve and NYE, for her children's sake. And it was inevitable it would be very, very soon. She had been a florist shop owner once and always cautioned her clients not to send poinsettias to those that passed during the holidays.....the holidays are difficult enough for those left to be reminded with them. I am very happy that the show discussed this as I think it is a person's right to choose. And glad the panel and so many here agree.
  24. LOL...and she isn't even on TNG anymore....she will really take any attention she can get- good, bad, indifferent, or from the good old days.
  25. Jawn is part of that Christian Comedy Club group. Hardly big time and they all seem to think the others are the best.comediens.around today.
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