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Mrs. Hanson

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Everything posted by Mrs. Hanson

  1. I have said this before to someone else on this forum but the fact that you thought about it this much makes me believe we would be friends.
  2. Let it out Chenoa333!!! That is why we are here!!!
  3. I bought Hailey's reasons for not having her Mom or Dad as ICE because.....even though my parents have passed, and before I remarried I still had my now husband as ICE as I did NOT want my sister or brother as ICE (namely sister knowing my business. Andy showing up made sense, the others not so much. I know Andy was second in the line up but ANdy is more stable. I am with you - plus he is married, has stepkids.......leave it alone, writers.
  4. My hubby stumbled into this story and thought the twin sister was the birth mom's daughter - that is how aged the birth mom was. Rough life, indeed. I think the twin and the birth mom want A LOT more than birth son can (or is willing) to give. I liked the guy whose parents reunited after high school. What a happy and adjusted fellow! I hope this story ends well.
  5. I am with you Thumper. Love Minnesota, I do - but is IS gray for a lot of the year. I like warm colors in my house. Especially this winter!!! It would NOT leave. Anyone catch Florida couple last night? He was a chiropractor, she was a real estate agent. His wants: Move in ready, ranch, open spaces, no garage. Her: Two story, defined spaces, garage, new tile and a white kitchen.....and a pool! They were so boring and so far apart in their wishes I truly did not care how they compromised. I was with her on the garage, though. I live in Minnesota and I have never, nor will I ever, live without a garage.
  6. The Warm Pizza Bride - yes I remember her step step, quickstep jazz hands was cringy!!!! I also have contempt for the brides who are wagging their finger at the camera, as if to say "No, NO fake flowers for me!" like it is the evil of all the Earth. If I were in that intro, it would look like this: "Meet Mrs Hanson, a laid back Minnesota Bride. She likes to sit around eating Nut Goodies and not worrying about what others think of her wedding." Cue to me lounging in pajama pants, eating said Nut Goodie.
  7. You should look up "Arthur's Basement" on FB, it is a private group for lovers of KoQ. No politics, no advertising, just people having fun. To piggyback off the mold episode - yes Doug was very immature and his Dad was very condescending towards Carrie. I never understood how they were so broke, either. Double income no kids, and I assume Arthur would get SS or something. The other times I have not liked Dougie: When he became a bartender and encouraged a guy who said he could not drink to "have just one." Seriously? Also - when he would not let Buster get the credit for making the block. Doug just looked petty, not because Busterman was in a wheelchair, but because Doug looked petty trying to take the credit for a high school football move from long ago. Also agree with poster from upthread about Doug "slut shaming" Carrie about sleeping with the brothers and the uncle. First off his friends were all "That's not what I heard....." Shut up alleged friends. Loved Deacon - totally hot. Wanted him to hook up with Holly while separated from Kelly. Loved the wedding scene where their microphones were on: "I hope you enjoyed our little skit!!" I liked Carrie "dating" the cop to get out of the ticket.
  8. But no one was sick...... Me three. Raj, she is still married, she lives in Texas....just no falling in love with her, please. Man, Will Wheaton and Jerry O'Connell have aged VERY well!!!!
  9. Me too. When I was 19-23/24 years old I wanted to date other 19 to 23 or 24 year old guys, not a guy who has a daughter close to my age! (I know for some people that is cool but for me, hard pass.) I see the part about him being embarrassed by his mom, however once he lied about the initials of Hailey's workplace, it crossed over into him lying about Hailey's job. Per Nathan Fillon, real person: Not surprised he showed up to deliver one line. He started on soaps and have never shied away from that as some actors do. He went back to One Life to Live for cameos and short stints, so one line on a sitcom doesn't surprise me. Still don't like the character of Rainer, though, lol!
  10. The fact that you put that much thought into this makes me think we would be friends.
  11. Never thought Ranier was funny, never saw the chemistry.
  12. Me too! (Born in 65) I called my future inlaws Mr/Mrs until we got married and even then it felt odd calling them by their first names. When I reached adulthood, my neighbors growing up were like, "Call us Jim and Marie!" I said, "Okay......Mr Smith." Seriously, I could not do it!
  13. Hubby and I were watching tv and we were like, "Was that Wynona Rider?" My how the might have fallen.......
  14. My mom made us kids promise HER we would not put her in an assisted living facility. We all said, (and I paraphrase here) "Well we can't make that promise." She was not pleased but oh well.....sometimes the best everyone has to give is not good enough.
  15. I don't like that Hailey went back to the professor. Once a guy lied about my profession as he is embarrassed at what I do, I am outta there. Even after he tried to apologize. LOVED Andy coming back!!! (UO around here, I know!) Dylan: We have a monotonous marriage" Oh Dylan. Then the two of them: "Here it comes......" At least Andy isn't back with Crazy Beth. Love the poking at Gwyneth Paltrow!!!
  16. I am sure in Thailand there are places he can watch more than TV!!!!
  17. Loathe, hate, despise.......how can I count the ways? Okay, look, Dad is dead, your mom needs A LOT of care.....she needs more than you can give. Emotional blackmail....UGH! I am going to hell but......methinks Dad would be all for someone else taking care of Mom, too. I will show myself out......
  18. Are you my twin? My dad got annoyed if he came home and bikes were in the breezeway. He once loaded my bike (which I paid for myself - fancy 10 speed) onto his utility truck and took it to work for a week. Per the bolding: nowadays that mom of the kid you yelled at would show up, yell at YOU for making junior upset then stalk and harass you on social media. We once had an above ground pool - nothing fancy but a pool. We had these dirty filthy kids who always wanted to swim. I was like, no, because 1) they were filthy and 2) they were the types to climb over our fence and help themselves, day or night. I told them they could not swim, if their parents did not like it they were welcome to come and talk to me. They never did.
  19. Okay, the bun episode: I can watch that one over and OVER! I belong to a Facebook club dedicated to KoQ and you would not believe how many women put up photos of their buns!!! (I did, to be honest!) When Deacon says "Ass Ugly" it cracks me up!!! The episode on tonight is where they go to the Inn in Vermont and have listen to Deacon and Kelly hump through the whole weekend. Too many good lines to quote and go over here!!!
  20. "Four couples get together and discuss what went wrong in their marriages and judge each other's divorce papers." Is there really a marathon on Mother's Day? ROCK ON!
  21. I completely agree with you on the likeness issue. and let's face it, if I judged everything I ate by the personal life of the owner/CEO/Board of Directors.....I would starve!! I think the estate wanted some cash.......
  22. Bolding mine - I want to know too!! Holding a dance? Playing Duck Duck Gray Duck? A spirited game of dodgeball? Me? I go in, do my business and leave. No need to linger! And yes count me in as someone from the "It Takes a Village" generation: Born in 1965, everyone knew everyone's business, rode our bikes everywhere, it was awesome!
  23. Okay I was not sure what to make of the super peppy way too chirpy Canadian couple. Why are you moving to Amsterdam right before your daughter graduates high school? You can't wait a year? Hey daughter - are you paying rent? Then shut it. And they pulled out the whole "We are spending so much time together as a family!" line - like really? You can't do that in Canada?
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