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Everything posted by DollEyes

  1. It's all about That Beard. Since this is the Movie Crush thread, I agree that ED is hot and was hot in Valentine's Day.
  2. Maxie, Maxie, Maxie. To quote Dr. Peter Venkman in GhostbustersII, "I have seen some dumb blondes in my life, but you take the taco." Once again, Levi tells you a sob story and you swallow it, hook, line and sinker. You plan to marry Levi to keep him in the country proves that you're more snowed than the South Pole. Levi keeps playing you and you keep letting him, like the fool you are. If it wasn't for Mac, Georgie and Nathan, you would be completely useless. Kudos to Mac. Given all the time Mac spent with the late Mr. Mumbles, if anyone should know about phony blocks of wood like Levi, it's Mac. Somebody should do to Levi what Epiphany did to Mr. Mumbles. Mac's tearing Levi and Maxie new ones was classic. When things implode with Levi as they inevitably will, Maxie will deserve all the "I told you so"s she'll get, especially from Mac. I'm glad Nathan didn't tell Maxie that he has feelings for her because she doesn't deserve him. At least Matt, Maxie's first ex-husband, was hot and smart (getting caught for killing Lisa aside); Levi, otoh, is neither. I like Britt and Nik together and the thought of Niz makes me want to puke, but Britt shouldn't be using Spenser like this because it's wrong, pathetic and Nik's not worth it. Most of this shit probably wouldn't be happening in the first place if Nik wasn't such a shitty father with a spoiled, 50-year-old sounding brat of a son whom he barely tries to raise. Instead of wasting her time on Nik, Britt should be helping her brother deal with Levi, or at least trying to. OH HAPPY DAY!! CALOOH!!! CALLAY!!! I know that it won't last and the asshole will get vindicated in the end, but watching him get taken down a peg or two was might satisfying. I totally disagree. Patrick may have had a brief lapse of judgment re Rafe, but IMO he didn't deserve to be punished nor fired for it, especially by the international terrorist who had not only kept Robin prisoner for years, she's hired a known serial killer to work with patients, plus she forced Patrick to do the surgery in the first place after he told her he didn't want to do it, so if anyone deserves to be "taken down a peg" and/or fired in this case, it's Dr. O, not Patrick. Patrick's no saint, but Dr. O's a thousand times worse than he'll ever be, as far as I'm concerned.
  3. Re Andy, given that Jessica killed his other daughters, I think that ''forgiveness" is too strong a word for what Andy should want where his relationship with Jess is concerned. I think that "tolerance" would have been much more acceptable. Andy's proposal to Holly was sweet, Violet's potshots at Adele's ring aside. Leave it to Violet to take great moments and shit all over them, whether it was her dissing Adele's ring, claiming ownership of Jason for the umpteenth time or her blatant defiance of Lafayette's rule of not telling Sookie that she was "sorry for [her] loss" and telling Sookie about having 100 boyfriends die on her-99 of whom she probably either killed herself or they killed themselves just to get away from her, I'm guessing. Re Lafayette/Jess/James, I saw it coming in every sense of the word and I love it. The kiss was hot and the car sex was hotter. I felt bad for Jess for catching them together, but it was inevitable for several reasons, as Lafayette pointed out. Jess doesn't know much, if anything about James-where he lived, how he died, how he got turned nor who turned him. Chances are Jess didn't know that Danny, James' best friend, was also his first love. James could have told Jess this himself, but given her downward spiral at the time, he probably didn't want to make things worse. Jess could have gotten to know James better, but most of the time she was too busy wallowing in self-pity to care. Contrary to Jess' opinion, her and James' relationship wasn't the same as Jason and Violet's because at least hers and James was mutual; Violet, otoh, told Jason that he was hers whether he liked it or not and there was nothing he could do about it. Jess lost the moral high ground re James infidelity IMO when she not only fucked another woman's man a few minutes later, she fucked Jason, who's currently with Violet, who's not known for rationality nor restraint. In other words, "bitch crazy." Both Jessica and Jason know what a whack job Violet is and since Violet's another vamp, Jess can't glamour her into forgetting it ever happened. I believe that Violet will retaliate; it's just a matter of time. As for Jess/Jason's future, unless Jess turns Jason, I don't see them having one and since Jim Parrack''s back, Hoyt's another reason why they don't stand a chance. While the timing sucked and Lala was a little self-righteous, I agreed that if Jess doesn't love James, she should let him go. About whether or not Lala and James are soul mates, while Jesus was a good man and Lafayette loved him, I don't believe that he was or would be the only love of Lala's life. yeah, it was a bit OTT/on the nose but after watching them spend the better part of two seasons making a mockery of organized religion, one show throwing some shade at a few GOP luminaries didn't faze me much. It didn't bother me a bit. Compared to the anti-supe hate group who wore Obama masks and the implications that the Obama administration wouldn't help small towns attacked by H-vamps, a couple of potshots at the Republicans/Tea Party don't mean shit to me. Maxine's not being mentioned at the party is another thing that doesn't matter to me-and judging by the townfolk's ignoring her, I'm not the only one.
  4. Regarding Violet, now that she knows about Jason and Jessica's booty call, it's not a question of if she'll retaliate but when, how and with whom. My unspoiled spec is that when Violet's at Jason's place, she'll be thinking of ways to punish Jason and Jessica and then three names will come to mind: Adalin, Sookie and Hoyt. First, I think Violet will try to kill Adalin and frame Jess. As for Sookie, Violet might glamour Jason into hurting/trying to kill her, which could lead to Bill's trying to turn her to "save" her. [sarcasm] Whoo-hoo.[/sarcasm] But Violet's deadliest weapon of all could be Hoyt. First, Violet could glamour Hoyt into remembering Jason and Jessica and how they betrayed him, prompting him to want revenge. Next, Violet could turn Hoyt and as his new Maker, she could command him to kill Jason and Jess. if Hoyt fails, Violet would give him the True Death, meaning that she will have killed Hoyt not once, but twice. And for this and many other reasons, Violet must meet the True Death. Re Lafayette and James, my unspoiled spec about them is that James will not only become Lala's lover, he will be his Maker. Back in S2, Lafayette asked Eric to turn him, but since he refused, I think it was a case of "right offer, wrong vamp." However, before Lala gets turned, he could get a final visit from Jesus, who gives his blessing.
  5. For the most part, I liked it. I could've done without the umpteenth Bill flashback, but since he's been infected too, that pretty much balances things out, but only if Ms. Guess Who isn't his savior. As for Bill's being forced to fight for the South during the Civil War, that could've come up in Season One, especially during the episode where he gave that speech to Adele's church group about the Confederacy. Re Sookie and the party, while the timing was questionable at best, IMO the purpose wasn't. If anyone deserved to have a party thrown in their honor, it was Alcide. Too bad he wasn't there to enjoy it. It was great seeing Jackson again; Lettie Mae, otoh, not so much, especially since she went to the party for all the wrong reasons. LM didn't go to honor Alcide or Tara; she just wanted to get her next fix from Willa, hence her stabbing Willa and becoming a party pooper in the process. After what she tried to pull, LM's going to be on top of everybody's shit list, human, vamp or whatever, for a long time to come. As for Nicole, she had a point, but this was about celebrating life in general and Alcide's life in particular, not just for shits and giggles. Arlene was great this week. She not only helped Sookie admit that she mourned Alcide, she helped her deal with it with two things: "time and tequila." Speaking of booze, while Keith, the 300-year-old vamp who saved Arlene is hot, Arlene's buying hid claim that Arlene's "the most beautiful woman [he's] ever seen" just proved how drunk she was. Arlene's pretty, but IMO she's no more the most beautiful woman to Keith than Sylvie was the love of Eric's life. Speaking of Eric, he and Pam impressed me. First, Eric finally did right by Willa by apologizing to her for being such a shitty Maker to her and releasing her. Eric's getting worse may have had something to do with that, but better late than never. Kudos to Willa for telling Eric and Pam that Tara was a better Maker to her than Eric and Pam combined. Willa also gets props for telling Eric and Pam about Amber, Sarah Newlin's HepV-infected sister, whom I like. Like everyone else in Sarah's life, Amber was used by Sarah when it was convenient for her and became collateral damage when she was through. Next, Eric and Pam went after Sarah, who was responsible for spreading HepV. "Selfish bitch" is the nicest thing I can call Sarah. She's so self-absorbed that she ran back to her parents like there was nothing wrong. Sarah showed up at a Republican fundraiser looking like a member of Occupy Wall Street? Seriously? She not only stuck out like a sore thumb, she might as well have worn a sign saying "Please Kill Me" in Japanese. Sarah's selfishness not only got her own parents killed, she basically signed Amber's True Death warrant, so whatever suffering she gets, she deserves, as far as I'm concerned. Last, but not least was Eric's going all Northman on the Yakuza's ass, especially Gold Tooth Guy, who got what I call "a Viking facial." Unfortunately, Eric had to let Sarah go, but hopefully, Pam caught her.
  6. According to the Academy, if the miniseries or movie has the same actors/characters but different plots, such as American Horror Story: Coven, then it counts. I have no problem with cable and/or Netflix shows getting Emmy nominations. Lots of people used to say that the invention of TV would threaten live theater, but Broadway still exists. Cable TV has been around for 40 years but great network TV shows still got made. M*A*S*H still got made. Hill Street Blues still got made. The West Wing still got made. 24 still got made. The Cosby Show still got made. Buffy the Vampire Slayer still got made. The X-Files still got made. Lost still got made, among many other shows that have been/still are being made despite the existence of cable. Network TV needs to step up its game. So it doesn't have the artistic freedom that cable and Netflix has? My response: "Boo-fucking-hoo." However, it's not just about art; it's about commerce. To quote the old saying, "It's show business." Two of the most important aspects of big business are competition and adaptability. If a major industry-like television-doesn't learn to compete and adapt it could become obsolete.
  7. Kudos to Willa for putting Eric on blast. Had Eric not been so selfish, he wouldn't have abandoned Willa, Pam wouldn't have abandoned Tara and he might not be infected in the first place. I don't normally blame the terminally ill for being sick unless they deliberately do so, which Eric did, because of Sylvie. Not Godric or Nora. Sylvie. I don't always like everything that my favorite characters do either, but they have to inspire more love than hate from me, which Lafayette does and Sookie, Eric and Pam currently don't. As for the Sookie/Eric scenes, I've never thought that Sookie/Eric was a good idea, especially after the infamous "snow-globe sex" and the less memories of it, the better. As someone who has heard of them, I gave a shit about them and have since Season Four, when Kevin was attacked/almost killed by a werepanther and Rosie said that he was "the only man [she] ever loved." What "grief?" From what I saw of Sookie, she was way too busy running around cooking up yet another one of her hare-brained schemes, which only succeeded because of dumb luck than anything else IMO, to be bothered to mourn for Alcide in any meaningful way. After all Alcide has done or tried to do for Sookie, if she doesn't shed more tears than she did at the end of this episode for him, it would disrespectful to his memory, as far as I'm concerned.
  8. I saw Bonnie & Clyde and it was not only dreadful, it was yet another example of why Hollywood shouldn't remake a classic when the original was much better. As for Flowers In the Attic, that sucked too, Ellen Burstyn was by far the best thing about it and she deserves the one nomination it got. As someone who has seen the performances of Chiwetel Ejiofor, Martin Freeman, Billy Bob Thornton, Idris Elba, Benedict Cumberbatch and Mark Ruffalo in Dancing On the Edge, Fargo, Luther, Sherlock and The Normal Heart respectively, I respectfully disagree.
  9. From Planet Terror, Cherry's "Dance of Death": (warning: graphic violence/language): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v756aJDxMZU Loved the Nicholas Brothers' clip. Fred Astaire even called it "The best dance ever put on film" and if anyone should know great dancing, it's him.
  10. I'm in a "Grindhouse" mood, so here are two of its best fight scenes (warning: graphic violence/language): First, from Planet Terror, when El Rey rescues his ex-girlfriend from hospital zombies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP81mNyrQfY Next is the final fight scene from Death Proof, which featured three badass chicks (including stuntwoman Zoe Bell as herself) vs. Kurt Russell's "Stunt Man Mike," the serial killer who killed their friends: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXowTxmhQ5w
  11. Another disturbing and heartbreaking TV moment was Matt Bomer's performance in the last 45 minutes of The Normal Heart, the HBO movie based on the play about how the rise of AIDS in the 1980s affected a group of gay men in New York City. It was horrfying to see how AIDS would reduce Felix, (Bomer's character) to a thin, weak and dying shadow of his gorgeous, smart and strong former self, especially during the shower scene when he's naked, covered in lesions and can barely stand. If Bomer doesn't win an Emmy for his performance, then there's no justice in the TV world, as far as I'm concerned. Sorry. The only reason I didn't spoiler-tag the title was because IMO, if if it's been broadcast, it's not a spoiler. I'm not trying to be sarcastic by any means, but it seems like everything's a spoiler these days, whether it's been shown or not. I loved it. The little shit. Ditto...I giggled I sang the chorus from Chicago's "Cell Block Tango": "He had it comin'/ He had it comin'/ He only had himself to blame...."
  12. From the 1983 remake of Scarface, the scenes with the chainsaw,Tony Montana with his sister (especially near the end) and all that coke.
  13. My unspoiled spec re Levi is that since Mac's paying Maxie's bills these days, that could include the phone bill and one day, Mac could check it, find that there was a call to the judge the day before the hearing, meaning that he can prove that Levi's a liar. Unfortunately, it could already be too late because by the time Mac learns the truth, Maxie could have just married the creep, who would protest his innocence and refuse to divorce Maxie. However, Maxie could finally profess her love for Nathan, who would not only reject her (at first, anyway), he would put her on blast for all the times he's warned Maxie about Levi, all the sacrifices he's made for her when he didn't have to and her accusing him of framing Levi when it was vice versa. If Maxie wants a chance with Nathan, she should work for it. If Nathan does take Maxie back, it should only be because she's earned him.
  14. Yet another tacky thing Wendy did was slut-shame Rihanna. On Wednesday's show, Wendy said that Rihanna wasn't the girlfriend type and that guys should do her but take penicillin afterwards. George Clooney (whom I heart) has done way more playing around than RiRi, but IIRC, Wendy has never said anything like that about him. IMO, Wendy's a stupid, hypocritical, trashy and tasteless bitch who wouldn't know class if it fucked her.
  15. Which will be the part where I like Nathan/New Girl much better than Nathan/Maxie. Ugh, I hope not, re Rosalie. I'm down with Nathan's hooking up with someone else, but the only Anna I'll accept him with is Anna Devane, so that she can get her cougar on and Nathan's a huge upgrade from Duke. Rosalie doesn't deserve Nathan. Between Madeline, Dr. O., Britt, Nina and Maxie, the last thing Nathan needs is another shady bitch in his life and Rosalie's one of the shadiest. Nathan deserves better. Nathan definitely should put Maxie on blast for the way she's been treating him. Nathan has gone above and beyond for Maxie where Georgie's concerned, only to be repaid with scorn, insults and accusations. Since Nathan has risked his career and reputation for Maxie's sake when he didn't have to, the least she could have done re the ICE situation was given him the benefit of the doubt. When Maxie learns the truth about Levi, she'll not only owe Nathan a huge apology, if she does want Nathan, he should make her earn him because if any guy's capable of finding dates in PC, it's him.
  16. It's official: Maxie has joined Carly, Kiki, Dr. o, Nina, Tracy, Olivia, Delia, Sabrina, Rosalie, Ava and Felix as one of the dumbest bitches in Port Charles. She has been dumb before, but when it comes to Levi, her ignorance is of titanic proportions. Maxie believes that Levi's word is gospel while everyone else's is bullshit. Poor Nathan. If Maxie was even remotely as smart as she thinks Levi is (for some reason), she would have asked herself how dumb would Nathan have to be re calling ICE to not only protest his innocence but offer his own phone to prove it, only to have the number on it after all? If Nathan really wanted to hurt Levi, he would've kicked his ass after Levi sucker-punched him in the park that day-which Maxie saw-then thrown Levi in jail for assault, which he would've deserved. If Nathan wanted to hurt Maxie, he would have not only had Michael press charges against her and Levi for disturbing the peace with the brownstone protest, if Nathan hadn't wound up handcuffed to Maxie, he would have pressed charges against her for resisting arrest, which would have done even more damage to her chances of seeing Georgie again, if not destroyed them altogether. ITA that Levi not only framed Nathan, he probably did it while Nathan was in the shower and Maxie was gone. Nathan could've asked Levi to show his phone to prove that he didn't call the judge the day before the hearing, but he probably already deleted the call anyway. As for Maxie's throwing Nathan out, while her name is on the lease, she's not the one who's currently paying rent, as Mac could point out, meaning that if Nathan goes, then she and Levi go, too. Levi. No contest. Sonny's disdain for Franco warms me more than his disdain for Spinelli. Choosing between Sonny and Levi is like choosing between crabs and genital warts. Levi, by a country mile for me. At least PS can act, has charisma, has chemistry with his love interest (Lucas) and doesn't make me want to kill my TV everytime I see him, unlike Levi-or Felix, for that matter.
  17. That wasn't a movie, it was an HBO miniseries. On the movie front, the phone scene with James Stewart and Donna Reed in It's A Wonderful Life was full of chemistry, whether it was when they first put their heads together, the way they looked at each other or when George grabbed Mary and claimed that he didn't want to get married before he gave in and kissed her anyway, with their wedding soon to follow.
  18. No, it's not, for three reasons: From The Man With the Iron Fists, the fight between X-Blade and his enemies (warning: graphic violence): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7dt0-wID6A Next, from Blade, there's the final showdown between Blade and Deacon Frost: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taqnAzd1fyg Last, but not least, there's the epic fight between Michelle Yeoh and Ziyi Zhang's characters in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OxQ-2gR1DU
  19. Did my eyes deceive me or did I actually see a final season episode of True Blood that not only didn't suck (no pun intended), it was kinda awesome? There were visits from old friends (alive, dead and undead), continuity, an origin story, plot lines wrapping up and an epic showdown. Sookie was less annoying than usual. In her own tactless way, Sookie did get Holly to open up about her ordeal and Jess to eat again, with a little help from Lafayette on the latter. Loved seeing Hoyt and Jackson again. Shame it was under such bad circumstances. The only tragic things about Maxine's death was Violet's killing her and & Hoyt's blaming himself for leaving her. Jason's telling Hoyt about Maxine was extremely tough for him for several reasons, whether it was the memories of his & Jess' betraying him so badly that Jess had to glamour Hoyt to forget about them or the knowledge that it was Violet, Jason's girlfriend, who killed her. As for Jackson, his telling Sookie that "[Alcide] loved the fuck outta [her]" made her feel even worse, as it should have because she was the selfish idiot who got Alcide killed in the first place. Sookie's telling Jason that they had to pull themselves together to get the hostages back was good advice, but it also helped Sookie temporarily avoid dealing with her own guilt where Alcide's death was concerned, proving that Sookie's such a pain in the ass that even her nobility is selfish. However, I'm glad that Sookie helped Holly remember what happened and that Andy's there for Holly. I hope that Andy and Holly survive to the finale. I'm rooting for them. The way I see it, what's upsetting is that Alcide loved Sookie and while Sookie didn't have to cry the whole episode, by the time she did cry, IMO it was much more relief about Arlene living than guilt about Alcide dying. Re Bill, he earned a few cool points from me when he volunteered for Sookie's rescue mission, when he saved Eric and when he killed Vince. I still think Bill's an asshole, though. Just because Bill says he's not an asshole anymore, that doesn't mean it's true. Re Eric and Pam, while I thought that their bonding over Pam's admission that she stole the idea for Fangtasia from Ginger was sweet and 90s Eric looked hot, I hate what they've done to Ginger over the years, turning her from an intelligent young woman to a screaming nitwit- that is when they're not draining her and glamouring her to the point of, to paraphrase Nan Flanagan, "[forgetting] her own last name." Eric and Pam's general badassery shouldn't erase their shittiness to Ginger. However, I think Eric's killing Rosie, in its own, twisted way, was doing her a favor, because she missed Kevin so badly that she just couldn't see herself with anyone else, so I believe that Eric helped her be with Kevin again, in his way. On a lighter note, seeing the Magister again was hilarious. If it wasn't for him and Ginger, Eric and Pam wouldn't have Fangtasia; they'd just be stuck on the tail end of a dying industry, aka the video store. On the Jessica front, Sookie was right to give her tough love. Sookie needed all the help she could get, Jess is tough when she has to be and Sookie needed her at full strength, which meant that she had to end her two month fast and eat ASAP. While technically it was Sookie who convinced Jessica to start feeding again, it was Lafayette who was the actual source and he was the one who at least had the guts to admit that he was responsible for his lover's death, unlike Sookie. However, while Lala was the one who did the deed, it was because Marnie made him, therefore Jesus' death wasn't Lala's fault, while Alcide's death is all on Sookie. Lala didn't deliberately ask Marnie to possess him, but Sookie did run back to Bill without Alcide's knowledge or consent. Sookie gambled with Alcide's life and he lost. Props to James, who was the one who went to Bill, told him about Jess "eating" disorder and asked Lala for help. True, it was Bill's idea re the latter, but I believe that Lala helped Jess and James for their sakes, not Bill's. About Sam, while he was right to want to save Nicole and their baby, his going to Fangtasia's without back-up was stupid, even by Jason's standards, hence Jason's stopping Sam at gunpoint. The H-vamps would have been asleep during the day, but so would the vamps Sam would have needed for back-up. Had Sam stormed Fangtasia alone, he might have gotten himself, Nicole and their unborn child killed. Glad that the H-Vamps and the vigilantes were killed and that Arlene was saved. While it was nice seeing Terry again, Sookie was right about the real Terry wanting Arlene to live for the kids' sake. Speaking of the kids, it was also great to see Coby and Lisa again. They've grown a lot since they were "teacup humans," asking Eric to pop his fangs and fly, to Pam's disgust.
  20. At least my eyes and stomach were spared the agony of Fecas sex and I hope it stays that way. I'm among those who just can't handle Franco's being an art therapist. IMO, Franco's not an "ex serial killer" because his victims didn't come back to life when his tumor was removed. In Franco's case, like Sonny's, as far as I'm concerned, once a killer, always a killer. There isn't enough STFUs in the world for Maxie. Her blindly believing every lie that comes out of Levi's mouth at Nathan's expense is bad enough, but her being pissed at Dante and Mac too proves that Maxie's not just stuck on stupid; she's marooned there. At least Nathan and Mac encourage Maxie to think for herself, not that she has the brains to do so, since she's still taking Levi's word over theirs. Mac said it all when Dante asked him "Not a Levi fan?" and he responded, "Is anyone?"
  21. The Magister to Eric, after Eric got pissed at him for calling Sylvie "a cow": "Put those fangs away, if you want to keep them." Pam, to the Magister: "Did we fuck and I blocked it out?" Eric, about the video store's porn section: "Leave it to humans to make sex this depressing." said the Sookie and Sylvie-fucker. Talk about "depressing!" Eric, to Pam, after Pam confessed that she stole the idea of Fangtasia from Ginger: "You are such a bitch." Pam: "But you still love me?" Eric: "Always."
  22. Re Silas, he's not the most child-friendly person in the world and he did try to help Rafe. The problem is that he just didn't try hard enough. Silas put Sam, her family, his job and Nina above Rafe, with tragic consequences. Silas didn't mean to neglect Rafe, but he did anyway and he feels guilty about it, as he should, hence his anger at Patrick. I totally disagree. TJ's no saint, but he's not a stalker, a cokehead or a baby killer either. Having a hit man for a guardian is bad, but a serial killer who killed for pleasure is worse. Rafe didn't snitch to the cops out of the goodness of his heart-he just wanted TJ out of the way so that he could have another shot at Molly, which backfired, big time. Rafe was a scared, confused boy, but he was a teenager, not a toddler. Rafe knew better than to do drugs and get involved with someone who would order him to run innocent people off the road. Silas and/or Sam could have helped Rafe before it was too late and Rafe should have let them. There are plenty of people have had it just as bad or worse than Rafe who don't fuck up their own lives or the lives of others as much as Rafe has. On the Q front, when RC deems to let Leslie Charleston come out and play once in a while, magic happens, especially when Jane Elliot's involved. Love Snarky Morgan more than ever, especially when Tracy is the target. It seems like RC has no more respect for JE than he does for Sean Kanan, if PodTracy is any indication. Given Tracy's current willingness to betray her family's legacy, if not destroy it altogether because of Fluke, she deserves all the snark she gets. Tracy's intended method of asking Silas for Rafe's heart was morbid, at best. Fortunately, Kiki stepped in, like Rafe, proving to be useful for the first and possibly last time, which still makes her more useful than Dunkledick. I wouldn't call Levi a piece of shit because shit's more valuable than Levi. Maxie is just a puppet to Levi-a brainless toy that's easily manipulated. Because of Levi, Maxie has changed her look, her personality and her life and not for the better. Ever since she met Levi, Maxie hasn't just taken leave of her senses, she's abandoned them altogether, hence her willingness to marry him. As for Nathan Vs. Levi, I'm Team Nathan all day, every day and twice on Sunday. That Levi would assume that Maxie cheated on him with Nathan says much worse about Levi than Maxie while Maxie's choosing Levi over Nathan says much worse about her than Nathan- a guy who has a real job, pays his own way and has real friends, unlike Levi. As for who looks better at least half naked, Nathan, by a landslide. Bodies like Nathan's/RP's are the reason nudity exists; otoh, when it comes to Levi, I would say "the more clothes, the better, " but all the clothes in the world couldn't help him. Levi is to sex appeal what Kimye is to class-absolutely nothing. ITA with those who think that neither Nathan nor Dante dropped a dime on Levi because he did it himself in order to make himself look good and Nathan look bad. Then again, that's typical of someone who had the nerve to compare themselves to Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Dr. Martin Luther King during the brownstone sit-in. If Maxie had any semblance of a brain left, she would ask herself, after losing as badly in court as she did a few weeks ago, why Nathan would deliberately do something that would cost her even more time with Georgie-like, say, getting busted at an illegal protest? Little by little, Levi has taken over Maxie's life, taking her away from her family, her friends and now, with this green-card marriage, he's taking her freedom, too. As stupid as Maxie's been lately, at this point she and Levi deserve each other, as far as I'm concerned. Re Sonny/Ava/Delia, Delia not only looks like Roxy Balsam, she thinks like her, too. Ava's clearly not the brightest bulb herself if she thought that sending Delia to Sonny's office to steal the flash drive would work. Speaking of not working, there's Shawn and Jordan. Jordan is smart and capable; Shawn, otoh, is neither. About Lucas/Felix/Brad, Fecas the morning after was even more cringe-worthy than I expected. Nathan and Dante have more chemistry than Fecas, with or without shirts. Golden Girls marathons? Seriously? Stereotype much, Ron? They couldn't have watched Game Of Thrones or The Walking Dead instead? At least it wasn't Sex and the City. While I'm glad that Lucas ended things with both Felix and Brad, he's not exactly innocent himself. He slept with one guy, despite still having feelings for another. I believe that Lucas should concentrate on spending more time on his career and with his family, for the time being, anyway.
  23. Re Rafe, while I usually don't care about him, when he opened his eyes after Nina told him to die as a favor to her, I loved it. That was the first and last time I have ever found Rafe useful. It's about time someone put the fear of God in Nina and if it's Rafe, then so be it. IMO, besides (possibly) Patrick Silas, Sam and Rafe himself, Nina is the person most responsible for Rafe's fate. Nina knew about Rafe's drug problem, but instead of telling Silas, she kept her big, psycho mouth shut for the wrong reasons. Had Nina told Silas the truth about Rafe, he probably wouldn't have believed her, but her conscience, or whatever passes for one, would be clearer than it is now. it has to do with him wanting to look good to others in Port Charles and make them believe he gave two shit s about "that baby," and that's about it. Patrick only cares about himself, he's Sonny with a stethoscope. I totally disagree. Patrick's no saint by a long shot, but at least he hasn't called women names, thrown barware at them or shot either of his baby mamas in the head during labor. The definition of a sociopath is someone who's utterly incapable of human feeling whatsoever for anyone but themselves and IMO that's not Patrick. I don't blame Patrick for his attitude towards Rafe. Gabriel is dead because of Rafe. To me, it doesn't matter how long that Patrick loved Gabriel; it matters that he did. I don't blame Patrick for what happened to Rafe on the operating table; I blame Dr. O. She not only knew damn well Patrick's operating on Rafe was a huge conflict of interest, Patrick and Silas told her so, but she didn't listen. Dr. O's so busy getting off on being in charge that she doesn't see the big picture. She talk good games about "efficiency," "team work" and "putting patients first," but only when it's convenient for her. As if Patrick hasn't/isn't suffering enough already because of Dr. O., I think he's was forced to operate on Rafe as another way to punish him and his family, especially Anna. By making Patrick operate on Rafe, Dr. O not only made yet another mistake, she's exposed the hospital to a potential malpractice suit, which should be grounds for dismissal. That Dr. O's a Franco fan is another strike against her. It would serve Dr. O right if Victor learned the truth about Nathan being his son and her keeping it from him all Nathan's life, making him so disgusted with her that he never helps her again.
  24. Being the Wolverine fan that I am, I had to bump it up with two fight scenes. The first, from X2, was Wolverine Vs. Lady Deathstrike: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4Hdubzs7kk The next, from The Wolverine, is the train fight-or rather, the inside, outside and the top of the train fight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odvLt7YmooU
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