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Everything posted by bmasters9

  1. Hate to break it to you, but for those who had been reading the comments on YouTube without watching the video (myself included), YouTube not only disabled the "all comments" link, but also has apparently disabled the "all_comments" workaround that replaced the "watch" in the video link. Now, you're not even allowed to read comments without having the video playing; if you try to replace "watch" with "all_comments," it just defaults right back to the video. That incredibly dismayed me, for reasons unknown.
  2. I got the 8-disc complete collection DVD release of that for my father's 76th birthday last year; it's one of his favorite miniseries, and he was very appreciative of it when I got the release for him.
  3. That is true-- she is indeed not 79. In fact, she was born Oct. 30, 1939 in Highland Park, IL, so she'll be 77 this year.
  4. He'll always be remembered to me as Fish of Barney Miller; he made that 1975-82 ABC police comedy worth seeing, and made Shout!'s full-series DVD release of it well worth the money.
  5. Maybe that neighbor might have thought that what you said was directed at her instead of her dog.
  6. Not to forget that "unretiring" junk! He retired, then "unretired," then retired, then "unretired" again. If you want to switch teams that badly, just switch teams-- don't make us think you're retiring when you're not.
  7. My thoughts exactly! I'll definitely be in on 50 no matter who does it in this NFC Final (although I'd love for Carolina to do it)!
  8. 1975 Friskies Kitten Food ad: I had seen it originally on a clip of the final show of ABC's Split Second w/Tom Kennedy (June 27, 1975), and I would have uploaded the clip of that final show and set it to the point within that show where the ad appears, had it not been for embedded YouTube clips' annoying tendency to default to the beginning of the clip, even if you specify a specific point in the clip when you embed. Nonetheless, for reasons unknown, I really enjoyed this Friskies ad.
  9. I have the Fusion emulator for Sega Genesis, and I've been playing Sonic 3 and Knuckles on it. I beat out the game with Sonic, getting all Chaos Emeralds and all Super Emeralds; it's a long, hard haul with Sonic (especially that Doomsday Zone), but it can be done.
  10. I think that what you said is the closest to the truth. I had never really seen that series when it was in syndication, and I was not born yet when it was originally on, so I never really got familiar with it. That doesn't mean that I haven't liked other shows that were on long before I was born-- like Perry Mason, which, despite being on long before I was born (near to a quarter-century, as a matter of fact), was written, produced and acted so very, very well that the DVDs of it (I have seven seasons' worth) have been some of the best television discs I have ever purchased.
  11. Starsky & Hutch seems to be another one of those "wanted to like it, but don't" shows for me. I purchased Mill Creek's full-series release last year, and I've seen through the first four episodes. I dislike saying it, but it's hard to me to find the words to explain why this 1975-79 ABC police series w/David Soul and Paul Michael Glaser is not for me, other than that it apparently isn't.
  12. Thanks! I had never read this before, but I had heard of the title. I'm thinking of getting the sequel to it when I finish with this one.
  13. Another perfect win on Pathfinder! A contestant named Shane did the same thing as Milton did earlier this season.
  14. Cathy Cable did indeed lose out-- by saying "Back in a minute" and then not returning until 90 minutes later. If she had said, "We are dealing with quite a few other customers on our end, and we will be with you ASAP," the delay might have been excusable, but to say, "Back in a minute," and then not return until 90 minutes later-- poor service right there.
  15. That's also why I did not see it originally-- I was 23 when it quit out in 2004, and it is only now since I have that CBS DVD repackaged full-series release that I have seen some of why Frasier was spoken of so highly (I'm almost through three seasons' worth [almost roughly through a quarter of the series], and IMO, it's much better than Cheers).
  16. Perry Mason especially! Like original NBC Star Trek, this 1957-66 CBS legal series w/Raymond Burr was a show that I had not seen that much of in my youth, but now, I'm almost through seven seasons' worth on DVD, and its accolades have been proven and very well-deserved.
  17. For liking Little House? I gather you don't like Little House.
  18. That's what is the big bugaboo to me about this so-called "Christian persecution"-- sure, there are those who really are persecuted for the faith, but to act like you are being kept from being as religious as you want to be because some people aren't as religious as you are is incredibly absurd.
  19. This is why, for example, I do not judge my sister-in-law Michelle for liking Friends (albeit it is not my cup of tea and never has been); I know how much she enjoys it, and if I tried to convert her otherwise, I might get a fair bit of resistance. Nor do I judge my brothers Mike and Marc for enjoying Little House on the Prairie (again, not my cup of tea, but it's a hit with them).
  20. Which is why (although you said "end of") I would like to put in here that I have seen the horror stories about how infants have been forced to go shopping or to movie theaters late at night, way past their bedtime, and then punished as if they intended to cause disturbances when and if they cause disturbances. It's unbelievable!
  21. 15 minutes of bloopers from newscasts of NBC station WLWT in Cincinnati from the 80s (1983 and maybe 1984, back when that station went by Action 5 News): I should warn you that while this is incredibly funny (at least to me), it does have a good bit of bad language
  22. http://www.ctvnews.ca/entertainment/jim-perry-game-show-king-dies-at-82-1.2668049 Jim Perry, of the 1978-81 NBC Card Sharks, and of the 1983-89 $ale of the Century (which started right on my second birthday, believe it or not), has just now passed on.
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