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Everything posted by bmasters9

  1. Here's a picture of my two cats: Beast, the Balinese, is on the left, and Georgia, the Persian, is on the right.
  2. "ABC Sports and The Prudential, celebrating 20 years of college football together, presents...The Prudential Halftime Report...brought to you by The Prudential. Come to the companies of The Prudential and build your future on the Rock. Now here's your host: Roger Twibell." The grammar mistake should be easy to see in this Prudential halftime segment opening from a 1990 Colorado/Illinois broadcast (Bob Cruz is the V/O). The halftime segment starts at the 1:21:04 mark, but the closest you can get is the 1:20:53 mark, so go to that timecode (it's part of a sponsor bumper for the game broadcast).
  3. Ain't that the truth! I had sampled it somewhat when it was on NBC when I was a boy, and again from Shout!'s Barney Miller release via a minisode (Sony's releases were ported to Shout!'s release), and was not impressed either time.
  4. You just hit the bullseye about why I strongly dislike the FOX "News" Channel ("News" in quotation marks because there is very little actual reporting and way too much editorializing). It needs to be called "FOX News and Opinion" or simply "FOX Opinion."
  5. To me, Larry Hagman will always be J.R. Ewing of Dallas, because that's where I got my first exposure to him.
  6. What I gather, then, is that you hope Bombadil's owner doesn't pull a "Pump"-- IOW, throwing out all the clothes for the cameras, only to start dressing him up again. Is that true?
  7. Per DVD Talk, this release actually has 126 of its 131 discs that contain the episodes, and the last 5 have copious bonuses, IIRC. Here's the review: http://www.dvdtalk.com/reviews/54328/dark-shadows-complete-original-series/
  8. 3 times that, to be exact, and a few left over-- per Amazon, that Dark Shadows release has 1,225 episodes on 131 discs.
  9. And IINM, Dark Shadows is the only daytime serial to have all of its episodes on DVD. The release might be expensive as heck, but for a Dark Shadows fan, it would be very much worth it.
  10. Bombadil last night was definitely saying that in more ways than one to that woman who kept dressing him up, but apparently she wouldn't listen.
  11. Bombadil definitely wanted to get the smoke out of there! I would never embarrass my cats like that.
  12. That's another thing that I felt Jackson was right on the money about: that cats who have no fur, like the Sphynx, can be dressed up in sweaters (because they can't regulate their body temperature), but that cats like Bombadil who have a lot of fur don't need to be in clothes. Bombadil's reaction to being dressed up for that wedding said a lot, IMO.
  13. Yes, they did. It was called "The Case of the Final Fade-Out," and it aired May 22, 1966. The big guest star was Dick Clark, in the role of villainous producer (and subsequently revealed murderer) Leif Early.
  14. That's partly why I could never stand The Facts of Life, and have lately judged it to be one of the worst shows ever made.
  15. I don't know exactly how to explain it, but there was one fourth-season episode of Hart to Hart that I have only seen once from the DVD, and might never come back to. It was named "Hartstruck," and it aired April 12, 1983. To me, that one was an ordeal to get through, considering that many others of that series were very entertaining to me.
  16. Per Wikipedia, he was born Richard Kirschner on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in or around 1966.
  17. I have two cats, both females, named Beast and Georgia; they are both seniors. Beast is the older of the two; she is a Balinese. She was named Beast by my nephew because when he originally got her, she seemed very foreboding. Despite her name, she is really very friendly. Georgia is the younger of the two; she is a gray Persian and is the de facto "daughter." I'll have to take a picture (or pictures) later and show you what they look like, but for the moment, I thought I'd tell you a bit about them.
  18. When Jackson went to that classroom to speak on the proper way to treat cats, he seemed to get through to the majority of the children there, but Capri, apparently, didn't quite get the message as far as Sophie was concerned. That's just how I remember it playing out.
  19. Why didn't they say to her, "Capri, Shadow takes offense to you kicking at her like that, so stop doing it"? After all, Shadow was clearly saying by her body language and hissing (IIRC), "Capri, please stop doing that."
  20. You're referring to that cat named Pump, I assume? That upset me too, not just the insistence that Pump was to be gotten rid of for the meowing, but actually doing so after it seemed that Jackson had convinced that woman to keep him.
  21. Not to mention that I'm not the biggest fan of that name for a child, especially a daughter.
  22. They (Symone's owners in Austin, TX) seemed to be quite the inverse of those jokers last night who let their girls torment their cats and did nothing about it (at least from what I hear).
  23. That elevator scene between Leland and Rosalind in 1991 was big then, and still is today, 24 years later, IIRC. Also, Richard Dysart was always the last one credited in the titles of L.A. Law (unlike many "and..." credits in television, however, he didn't have his role name in the credit, though).
  24. Like the roughhousing, I'm in with Jackson on the declawing bit. Cats need their claws to do practically everything, and declawing seems to take away quite a few of their options.
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