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Everything posted by bmasters9

  1. The very reason why I have loathed (and still will loathe) any show with "very special episodes," whether it be comedy or drama.
  2. That was the very reason why Police Squad! didn't last too long on ABC in 1982, IIRC.
  3. If Obamacare (as the ACA was often derisively called with Obama) was originally a Republican plan, why did Republicans constantly act like Democrats and Obama were to blame for it?!
  4. Good point! I guess I said that because of how FOX News supposedly treats those who vote for Democrats and Democratic candidates (I might be mistaken, though).
  5. Spot-on-- why are conservatives demanding respect for Trump, when all they ever did while Obama was in was judge him (Obama) out the yin-yang?!
  6. Exactly-- this is another reason why I voted third-party (Johnson). I feared that if I put that mark down on my ballot for Clinton, I would be accused of trying to take the Bible out of school, trying to make it illegal to be religious, and overall, trying to turn this nation into other than the "Christian nation" that many of the "Bible Lovin' God Fearing" types (as you very well put it) always thought it should be.
  7. Opening of this 1987-89 ABC police dramedy w/the late John Ritter
  8. Bumping this up: Sanford and Son. I got Sony's lot release of this 1972-77 NBC comedy w/the late Redd Foxx, and for some odd reason, it's not something that's for me, even though I've enjoyed quite a few shows from that time. I think one reason is because of that "Elizabeth-- I'm comin' to join ya, honey!" line that Redd's character Fred said frequently in it, IINM.
  9. That's a pretty witty way to put it-- "Phamily"! And BTW, they do the same to me.
  10. I would see that as you doing your part and still being treated like a red-headed stepchild. After all, if you were scheduled at a certain time, and you arrive on time, but yet have to wait, that would be a complete smokeup on their end (at least IMO).
  11. I'm very definitely not seeing the current Five-0, which, IMO, is far too much like Miami Vice was on NBC from 1984-89 (it seems so much so that one could probably refer to it as "Hawaii Vice").
  12. You are most assuredly spot-on, as the Brits and Aussies would say, with CNN and FOX News and their dereliction of duty in reporting, you know, "news." All they were about, really, was all "judge Hillary, around the clock." That's all they were on-- whether it was emails, Benghazi, you name it-- both were "all judgment of Hillary, all the time."
  13. Star Trek: Enterprise Star Trek: DS9 Battlestar Galactica among others.
  14. What I worry about with Pence (this may or may not happen though) is a nation where: A. The Old Testament still applies (or in a manner of speaking, Trumps the New Testament) B. Those who get out of line are to be stoned C. School prayer will be mandated, under penalty of suspension or expulsion (IOW, it will not be good enough to silently respect the prayer; you will have to pray with the class)
  15. I agree-- if a doctor has a valid reason for being late (like an urgent emergency [might be an oxymoron, because generally emergencies are urgent]), that wouldn't be so bad. It's when you wait...and wait...and wait for a doctor who's late for no reason that would bug me.
  16. Perhaps because FOX is the all-white channel (meaning that if whites do it to blacks, FOX doesn't bat an eyelash, but should a black do anything even remotely amiss, FOX is right on it like white on rice).
  17. One thing I really worry about Trump doing is doing what he and Republicans constantly screamed about Obama doing-- he will use an executive order to turn this nation entirely red (conservative), so that places which are normally blue and liberal (L.A., Chicago, etc.) will now have to become red, and will be forbidden from being blue. He may act like, "Obama used executive orders to try to turn this nation entirely liberal and force all of us to be liberal!" when what he apparently wants to do (and I might be wrong) is use executive orders to turn this nation entirely red.
  18. That is exactly what I was thinking! Either submit under the change agents to be no longer LGBT, or be harassed until you do. I think that's another way of looking at it.
  19. I actually happened to hear in Trump's acceptance speech for the Republican nomination the very words "I will protect LGBT people from ISIS!"* *Yeah, right-- only in so far as you change and become no longer LGBT. That's what I was thinking as soon as I heard those words come out of his mouth!
  20. Especially some who fear that this nation will sooner or later be a theocracy; those people who mock those fears saying "Trump only said that to rally his base; it won't be a theocracy"-- what if it really does become like that? What will they say then?
  21. I hate to admit it, but Home Alone 2, which was one of my most favorite films prior to Trump cruelly swiping the election, is ruined now. I don't think I could see it now considering that it had Trump in it.
  22. Here's something from TPIR that fully illustrates how me and a lot of others here feel about the Trump win, and what we all should have done when it was announced that Trump won:
  23. And worse yet, Big Religion-- Tony Perkins, Pat Robertson, and all those other big religious jokers!
  24. Me either! I am worried that after Trump officially takes the oath of office, that that V.P. of his (Mike Pence!) will make every move, immediately if not sooner, to turn this nation into a fundamentalist Evangelical Christian theocracy!
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