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Everything posted by bmasters9

  1. Nine-and-a-half-minute clip of the first edition of Today, Jan. 14, 1952, w/original anchor Dave Garroway (I'm posting this because Today came to 64 years on the air not too long ago)
  2. That's why, when I tried the BBC series called All Creatures Great and Small with Christopher Timothy and Robert Hardy (that series being based on James Herriot's books), I found it very hard to get into. The books are far easier to enjoy because I don't have to see everything in such graphic detail.
  3. Crazy Like A Fox: The Inside Story of How Fox News Beat CNN, by Scott Collins
  4. Me too! As I said on the all-episode discussion thread, when it comes to "news," Today is as bad as FOX and Friends, and perhaps even worse!
  5. Right now, I believe very seriously that Today is as bad as FOX and Friends, maybe worse!
  6. I think they do this for the same reasons as those who sit right next to you in an empty movie theater or park right beside you in an empty parking lot (and the parking lot one would be even worse if you were flanked on both sides).
  7. They didn't have that nonsense back in 1982, or before that, for that matter. And the screaming crowds we see every morning bear quite a sad witness to that. Also, this was from the time when Today showed a scene from a random place in America every morning; another example of this is from this Today segment from 1979 about a short-lived NBC series called Supertrain (skyline of Houston, TX at the beginning of this clip):
  8. Right on both those counts! Tails' fight with the Master Emerald robot at the end of Death Egg was also incredibly easy, in that he could fly over that big beam of light that was shot out from it whenever you opened it up to hit it (and even easier if Tails was Super Tails; the flickies could make mincemeat of it).
  9. Per a suggestion made on my post of James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small: I am now reading that second big book of his, All Things Bright and Beautiful.
  10. My father did that with the second part of Frasier (the last 5 seasons as presented in that CBS condensed shelf-friendly full-series DVD release). He enjoyed the heck out of it, and I was glad he did, because for reasons unknown to me, that NBC comedy went incredibly downhill with all the romantic angles (it wasn't like it was in the first third of the run [the witty misadventures of a radio psychiatrist, his brother, their father, and their father's home health care worker]). I got bored with it when the romance seemed to have drowned out all the wit.
  11. Speaking of which, I wanted to bring up this opening of Today from Mon. Jan. 4, 1982 (the first day of Bryant's run [bryant having recently come off NBC's Sunday NFL coverage of 1981]). It was very low-key and classy, and the screaming crowds were a long way away. I also recall writing on the TWOP forum that the studio design as presented in this opening was my favorite of all the studio designs that Today had in its long, 50+ year history, and I stand by that opinion even today (no pun intended). It even began with a shot of the Chicago skyline.
  12. It was more the constant insistence on realism and graphic content that has caused me to avoid CSI altogether, and not even to give it a first glance.
  13. Especially that one where it looked like a catch all the way (despite the bobble), yet the ref still said "incomplete." I thought that it was tailor-made for Denver with that bad call.
  14. What irritates me about the attack ads is that they pull me in two different directions, much like two dates each wanting someone to go out with them. One says, "Vote for me-- he's blah, blah, blah!," and then the other says, "Vote for me-- he's blah, blah, blah!," and on and on incessantly. It's ridiculous!
  15. Believe it or not, I feel the same way about the election. I wish it would just get overwith already! I'm tired of the incessant attack ads!
  16. That's what, as you've probably seen me saying before, gets me about shows that, over the years, have not been my cup of tea-- Friends, Seinfeld, Little House, etc. As I have said before, while those are not my cup of tea and never have been, I cannot judge those who enjoy them as being stupid by implication. After all, those shows do have fanbases, and if I offended a fan of one of those shows, what's to say that they wouldn't come back at me and call me stupid by implication for seeing something that they think is stupid?
  17. Hate to break it to you, but for those who had been reading the comments on YouTube without watching the video (myself included), YouTube not only disabled the "all comments" link, but also has apparently disabled the "all_comments" workaround that replaced the "watch" in the video link. Now, you're not even allowed to read comments without having the video playing; if you try to replace "watch" with "all_comments," it just defaults right back to the video. That incredibly dismayed me, for reasons unknown.
  18. I got the 8-disc complete collection DVD release of that for my father's 76th birthday last year; it's one of his favorite miniseries, and he was very appreciative of it when I got the release for him.
  19. That is true-- she is indeed not 79. In fact, she was born Oct. 30, 1939 in Highland Park, IL, so she'll be 77 this year.
  20. He'll always be remembered to me as Fish of Barney Miller; he made that 1975-82 ABC police comedy worth seeing, and made Shout!'s full-series DVD release of it well worth the money.
  21. Maybe that neighbor might have thought that what you said was directed at her instead of her dog.
  22. Not to forget that "unretiring" junk! He retired, then "unretired," then retired, then "unretired" again. If you want to switch teams that badly, just switch teams-- don't make us think you're retiring when you're not.
  23. My thoughts exactly! I'll definitely be in on 50 no matter who does it in this NFC Final (although I'd love for Carolina to do it)!
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