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Everything posted by bmasters9

  1. Based on what I read, that's just about the size of it, so I think your assessment is pretty much spot-on. Maybe I didn't "read between the lines," as it were.
  2. Yes, indeed-- 1,000 times yes! Basically, the way I see it is, if you don't like a certain show, you don't have to see it. That's not good enough for those PTC jokers, however-- if they don't like it, you're not allowed to enjoy it, either. They justify that by saying "think of the children!", but a lot of times, adults are seeing what the PTC disapproves of with no children even being in the same room. Doesn't matter, says the PTC-- cancel it!
  3. I think that mentality is what got Airwolf cancelled from CBS after 3 seasons (actually 2.5) from 1984-86: because Jan-Michael Vincent (who played Stringfellow Hawke) had troubles with alcoholism and other personal problems, and IIRC, CBS said "no more-- we're cancelling Airwolf." After that, of course, came the much-maligned "fourth" season made in Canada and shot on video, which, IIARC, was made just to have enough episodes for syndication. I'm almost to be through with the first half-season's worth of the CBS Airwolf from Mill Creek's lot DVD release (when that's over, I'll have two full ones to go), and when I finish the CBS version, Airwolf will be relegated to "bye, bye, bye" status for me, because it would seem that based on what I've read about the USA 1987 Airwolf, it's basically like the expert slopes at a ski resort (only for those who can stomach it, IOW). That doesn't mean that I won't still enjoy the CBS ones, though.
  4. It was the same way with Ramona Quimby author Beverly Cleary turning 100-- for the longest time, I read articles about how that classic children's author was turning 100, and I hoped and prayed that she would make it and not be cut down short, thus invalidating all the articles about her centennial. She made it though, and I hope she sees a 101st birthday.
  5. You ought to have been back in the 50s and 60s-- there was plenty more than that in a season. One season's worth of M Squad (1957-60 NBC police series w/the late Lee Marvin) had 40 episodes, and that was its second season (1958-59).
  6. You couldn't have made it all in one night, not with the lot of ingredients that came for every meal!
  7. And he did the remaining three of the Perry Mason Mysteries that were on NBC after Raymond Burr's passing (Paul Sorvino did the first one). He's 91, BTW.
  8. That's been the case with many older series that I've gotten the DVD lots of lately-- Charlie's Angels and Miami Vice are two big examples. I didn't see them when they were on then on ABC and NBC respectively (Angels ended a short time after I was born, and Vice had its entire run on NBC when I was a boy [started when I was 3, and ended when I was 8]). Now, all these years later, and both are looming large and seemingly as daunting to me as Game of Thrones is to you.
  9. And I recall part of the dialogue: Annie: "At least he [Mann or Ray-- which one was Annie referring to?] is not a book burner, you Nazi cow." (audience turns back to Beulah) Beulah: "At least I'm not married to the biggest horse's _____ in three counties." Annie: "All right, Beulah-- do you want to step outside?!" Beulah: "Fine!!" (Beulah throws book down and steps forward, but someone [who?] grabs her from behind)
  10. So basically, if you're a Democrat in a Republican state, a Republican in a Democratic state, or however you want to put it, you're pretty much out of it because your vote won't count? That's just how I read that (I may be incorrect).
  11. True, that-- it works both ways. Republicans don't get to act like it's wrong for us to be ever against this President-elect, when all they did to Obama for all 8 years of that term is what they're against us doing about this President-elect!
  12. Figured you were-- did not realize. That's why I guessed that Trump was saying opposite of what he really meant.
  13. Which is a flip-flopping code for taking them away (which is what I believe he really means).
  14. And Gregory Sierra as Chano Amenguale (he was that for the first two seasons' worth).
  15. In memoriam, from the titles of Barney Miller in seasons 6-8 (1979-82):
  16. This is incredible! First Florence, then Ron! Why are we losing so many so quickly?!? Well, at least Ron's best work (Barney Miller) is in full on DVD, so no worries there.
  17. That's what it sounded like to me-- I always thought they were.
  18. In other words, they judge the Arabs for wanting a Muslim theocracy, while hiding that they themselves (Christian extremists) want a Christian theocracy?! That's what it sounds like to me.
  19. The very reason why I have loathed (and still will loathe) any show with "very special episodes," whether it be comedy or drama.
  20. That was the very reason why Police Squad! didn't last too long on ABC in 1982, IIRC.
  21. If Obamacare (as the ACA was often derisively called with Obama) was originally a Republican plan, why did Republicans constantly act like Democrats and Obama were to blame for it?!
  22. Good point! I guess I said that because of how FOX News supposedly treats those who vote for Democrats and Democratic candidates (I might be mistaken, though).
  23. Spot-on-- why are conservatives demanding respect for Trump, when all they ever did while Obama was in was judge him (Obama) out the yin-yang?!
  24. Exactly-- this is another reason why I voted third-party (Johnson). I feared that if I put that mark down on my ballot for Clinton, I would be accused of trying to take the Bible out of school, trying to make it illegal to be religious, and overall, trying to turn this nation into other than the "Christian nation" that many of the "Bible Lovin' God Fearing" types (as you very well put it) always thought it should be.
  25. Opening of this 1987-89 ABC police dramedy w/the late John Ritter
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