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Everything posted by bmasters9

  1. 91's a long, full life if you ask me. In memoriam (from sixth-season [1972-73] Mannix DVD):
  2. Lou: "You know what-- you've got spunk." Mary: "Well, yes..." Lou: "I hate spunk!" (premiere of Mary Tyler Moore on CBS, "Love Is All Around," Sept. 19, 1970; from Mary Tyler Moore first-season DVD)
  3. And I am sure, presumably, that Mimsie is also up there welcoming MTM home. From third-season (1984-85) Remington Steele DVD:
  4. Based on what I'm reading, incredibly so-- that Type 1 diabetes really took its toll on her in her last years here.
  5. Well, at least she made it to 80-- that mitigates it somewhat, at least IMO.
  6. In my case, that X would stand for "smoke," as in "shut the smoke up!"
  7. Thanks for the agreement! I would have more (including some from today), but I've been afraid to try anything of today, else I end up strongly disliking or even hating it.
  8. That's a good question, and yes, I do have my own G.O.A.Ts (granted, some might not agree, but that's to be expected)-- Perry Mason M Squad Barney Miller The Bob Newhart Show Star Trek original-recipe (1966-69) Police Squad Mannix
  9. The same for me with any show that has been judged in popular opinion as a G.O.A.T. (Friends, Seinfeld, Raymond, Law and Order SVU, etc.).
  10. The way I understand it, we had a whole throng of fans here to cheer Clemson on returning from that big championship win, but when Alabama returned, there were only 12 people there to greet them. That reminds me of that old saw, "there's gratitude for you." Alabama did very well to at least get there, even if they didn't win, but the lack of people to greet them upon returning from the loss would seem to indicate to me that they were expected to win, and no other result would have sufficed.
  11. So basically, the way I read this, you quite clearly conveyed what you needed on a website, but they went past it and still asked you what you needed, as if you never said?! That would drive me crazy, too!
  12. I recently purchased the third and fourth seasons' worth (1957-59) of Highway Patrol from Amazon (this w/the late Broderick Crawford as Dan Mathews of the titular police squad). I'm on the first disc of the third season's worth, and I've already seen 5 of the 8 episodes on that first disc. Each episode goes by so fast that you don't even know that 25 minutes have passed when you see one-- it's just that good. This might be up there as another one of my most favorites, along with Barney Miller, M Squad, Perry Mason, and the like. I would have gotten the first and second seasons' worth, but they were insanely overpriced on Amazon (the first one, at $55, was understandable because it was an MOD from MGM, but the second one was first $200, and now is unavailable).
  13. Dale's Supermarket Sweep from 1998 (British version of Supermarket Sweep w/Dale Winton); it was played much the same as the Ruprecht Sweep here in America, with (among other differences) lower base times (one minute to start with), and £2000 being the top prize in the final sweep at the end (unlike our $5000 here).
  14. And they judge Obamacare for having "death panels"?! Insane! FOX News and Rush Limbaugh ought to have known better.
  15. Remember this? This was World News Tonight w/the late Peter Jennings, from Jan. 19, 1989, one day before the inauguration of George H.W. Bush as President that year (Dan Quayle being his V.P.): From what I've seen, this WNT from Washington seemed to be the very definition of the "just the facts, ma'am" reporting that has been so lacking in this current election, both during the election, and after (this has the commercials of the time too).
  16. And they constantly acted like if it wasn't screaming about Obama or Clinton or liberals or Democrats or the left, it wasn't real news (meaning that actual straight news reporting ["just the facts, ma'am," like on Dragnet], and not constant opinionating, wasn't real news).
  17. Were they seeing something on television that you did not care for-- is that why you wanted out of there?
  18. Bumping this up: The Case of the Alliterative Attorney (a 676-page compendium about all things Perry Mason; both the 1957-66 CBS series and 1985-95 NBC 2-hr. movies have episode guides, and there are also appendices [what the book calls "exhibits"] about such things about who played a defendant on one episode and a decedent on another, a list of people who played the various judges, etc.). In short, it's practically everything you wanted to know about Perry Mason.
  19. It doesn't work the other way, though-- if liberals go on FOX, based on what I've heard, they don't get the same protections (I might be incorrect).
  20. Never thought of it that way! I thought it was the union, based on what I read. I didn't realize that the businesses or others who profited would be more likely behind it.
  21. So in other words, they don't support Trump, but are required to give the appearance otherwise by performing at the inauguration at the risk of termination?! How can the union do that?!
  22. That's a good question! I think what made me deem neither one as the lesser of two evils is because of the constant finger-pointing from both sides (Trump judges Clinton, Clinton judges Trump). I got tired of that ever-so-fast!
  23. Count me among those who will not care to see the "inauguration" of one Donald J. dadgum T-R-U-M-P. I never liked him on The Apprentice, and I think personally that he will ruin America as badly as Obama was accused of doing for the 8 years of Obama's two terms, and such is why I did not vote for Trump or Clinton (in fact, in this election, I personally felt that neither one was the lesser of two evils). A lot of people would have insisted that I was wasting my vote by not going for Trump or Clinton, but in this election, I have always felt otherwise.
  24. Glad you think so! Why? Because the lot of the original 1959-64 series (all 156 episodes) is out in a 25-disc condensed keepcase release from CBS DVD, and I've been considering getting it. https://www.amazon.com/Twilight-Zone-Complete-Rod-Serling/dp/B01KOCNQUO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1482398509&sr=8-1&keywords=Twilight+Zone+complete+series
  25. That is the only death this year to be celebrated, that's for dadgum sure! Even if the Cubs don't win another in my lifetime, to have it happen for them this year is something that I will very much treasure!
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