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Everything posted by bmasters9

  1. I think that either "thread" or "topic" is the proper terminology, because each one represents something being talked about within the larger "forum" that contains it. IOW, the "forum" represents the larger field of subject matter, and the "thread" or "topic" is one piece of that field (or so it would seem).
  2. Broccoli is something I like cooked and raw; it's a lot better to me than green beans.
  3. Sounds like, at least to me, a manager who expects you to get something done, but won't tell you how to do it, so you get it done the best way you know how, only to have that manager scream at you that you were supposed to get it done another way. If it were that, I'd feel the same way, except that I'd be more "smoke you!" instead of "______ you!"
  4. No kidding! I've seen the lot DVD release of that 1972-75 ABC Western/adventure series w/David Carradine at the Wal-Mart in Simpsonville recently, but have so far forbore from it because I wasn't sure whether it would be entertaining enough to justify the purchase. I wasn't going to spend the money if it would end up being wasted.
  5. Oh, how I'm ever in with you on that one (not just him, but that 90s NBC comedy that was named for him)!
  6. That's how it is when my mother and I go shopping at the Wal-Mart: my mother says sometimes that she wants to hurry and get it done, but then she'll look at several options for a given thing (spices, for instance), and it'll end up taking a lot longer to get the shopping done. Not that I blame her for looking for bargains, but when she says she wants to hurry, and then she takes forever making up her mind, it drives me crazy. Granted, I do the same thing when shopping for DVDs in the entertainment/electronics section, but then, I don't always make a purchase from that area-- only if I find something that somewhat appeals to me do I make one.
  7. Sad news for those in the Triangle of North Carolina (Raleigh, Durham, Fayetteville): former ABC11 Eyewitness News anchor Larry Stogner has passed on at 69. http://abc11.com/1479868/
  8. One thing I'm most assuredly not seeing is the new MacGyver on CBS. I mean, granted, the original-recipe 1985-92 ABC series w/Richard Dean Anderson got its share of flak for a good many reasons, but I saw the first few minutes of this newer one, and it doesn't look appealing at all.
  9. You're not the only one-- plenty have been one and done for me (and sometimes, it would be more than one and done [I saw several and decided they weren't for me]).
  10. Another of my favorites: Della Street of Perry Mason (Barbara Hale, still alive at 94). The teamwork of her, Paul Drake, and Perry Mason was a big reason why I have enjoyed that 1957-66 CBS legal series so much so that I have seven seasons' worth of it on DVD.
  11. One of my most favorites is Jennifer Hart, wife of Jonathan on Hart to Hart. Why? It is because Jennifer and Jonathan really seemed to be in love as they were portrayed.
  12. I saw that MacGyver episode called "Twenty Questions" from the sixth season (1990-91; airdate Oct. 8, 1990), and I dislike admitting it, but I agree with those who said it was one of the worst episodes ever there was of MacGyver, for reasons unknown.
  13. This is why I quit out on original-recipe Five-O when I reached the end of the eighth season (although, like I said, I had gotten the twelfth and final one [1979-80] just as a curiosity piece to find out if it really was as bad in those final years as it was said it was).
  14. Absolutely! I couldn't stand him in the first place, let alone on Match Game on ABC Sundays now.
  15. Seventh-season (1973-74) version of Mannix title sequence (enhanced video and audio; taken from Heroes & Icons airing)
  16. Another one I couldn't stand: Andy Griffith (neither on his 1960-68 Andy Griffith Show on CBS, nor on his 1986-95 Matlock series on NBC and then ABC). My mother has all of Andy Griffith on DVD (I got it for her a time back in CBS' condensed full-series DVD release), and it's one of her favorites.
  17. Count the game shows among them-- Pyramid, PYL, $ale of the Century, Scrabble, et al. When those went away, USA as a channel went incredibly down the tubes, IMO.
  18. I never did really enjoy Selleck either, not even on that hit 1980-88 CBS detective series of his called Magnum, P.I. In fact, I had gotten seasonal releases of it before (the first and second seasons in the double releases, and then the first again in the repackaged single release), and could not enjoy it either way. And per Steve Harvey, I used to like his newer Family Feud, but now, I don't really care for it.
  19. Sort of like a local Bill O'Reilly, from the looks of what you're saying.
  20. You're not alone! I couldn't stand that 1996-2005 CBS comedy called Everybody Loves Raymond; despite the title, like you, I never either loved Raymond, and that is another show that has been and remains permanently ineligible for my DVD collection.
  21. I had a long time back gotten the first two seasons' worth (1951-53) of her classic CBS comedy I Love Lucy from the Best Buy in Greenville, just to see what it was like and why it has been acclaimed as much as it has and why it has the classic status it has. I dislike admitting it, but while I did find funny parts here and there (Vitameatavegamin being one of them; another one being the candy wrapping scene in the second season), I Love Lucy was really quite dull and unfunny to me. On that score, I'll say also that I could not stand Jackie Gleason. As I said before, I knew that his Honeymooners show was a classic of the 50s, and so I purchased the "Classic 39" to see if I would enjoy it. Unfortunately, through the 8 episodes (one disc) I saw, I found it, like Lucy, quite dull, and quite the waste of the sawbuck ($10) I paid for it. Fortunately, both of them have found homes with my nephew Eli in Alabama, and he loves them more than I do (in fact, he has all of I Love Lucy now, both the first two that I gave him, and the remaining ones that I purchased for him from Amazon [third and fourth for Christmas one year, fifth for a visit the next, and sixth one and Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour for his birthday]).
  22. Here's a game that I'd like to have back, in whatever form: High Rollers. To that end, here's a rare episode from Independence Day 1975 (Fri. July 4) on NBC with original host Alex Trebek; this was from the first go-round from 1974-76, something that it was thought was completely extinct and kaput.
  23. Tenth-season opening (1986-87): Bobby is in these credits
  24. To expand upon my previous post: here's the second version of the opening from original-recipe Dallas, this one from the ninth season (1985-86): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3U4BALs5P8
  25. Oh, yes, that with me too, in spades! I especially have enjoyed the opening of original-recipe Dallas, in both of its major versions (the one where the skyline went right-to-left [seasons 1-7] and then the one where the skyline zoomed in [seasons 8-14 and the 1996 and 1998 movies]). To start with, here's the first version, from the third season (1979-80):
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