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Everything posted by desertflower

  1. Here’s an article from the Carnegie website about Lenny Bruce’s show. Sounds like they portrayed it pretty accurately, (minus Midge, of course), with the snowstorm and everything. I also listened to the intro and it’s pretty much the same as they did on the show. Luke Kirby really does nail his voice and inflections. https://www.carnegiehall.org/Explore/Articles/2020/04/27/Lenny-Bruce-at-Carnegie-Hall
  2. Theo’s room needs an upgrade but I’m totally ok with Katherine still tucking him in. What I found with my son as he got into teen years is it wasn’t so much about tucking in, but more of a quiet time to talk if he wanted to. I remember phases where he gave me one word answers during the day, but at bed time he’d open up and talk about various things. I guess that big Dixon house just takes care of itself. No word from Sophie about what they were doing with it while she’s on tour. That’s been such a weird plotline. They should’ve sold the house and had Sophie move in with a friend. I just get distracted when they show her living there, thinking about who is paying all the bills and taking care of maintenance and lawn care and stuff. I like Eddie and Anna and together, they’re cute.
  3. Timothy Odmunson, who plays Gregory, cohosts a podcast I listen to and he mentioned he recently filmed an episode of This Is Us. So we will be seeing Gregory again at some point. Tim has made so much progress from his stroke, it will be nice to see Gregory’s progress too.
  4. I’m behind and just watched this episode but I had to pop in and say oh my gosh, Theo’s room. It’s like it was frozen in time from when he was 3. Somebody buy that poor kid a Spider-Man poster or something. I don’t get it because the writers did a good job with Danny and with Darcy’s son but when it comes to Theo they seem to just forget everything about what a typical 12 year old boy is like. It bugged me that Greta got to be the first one in to see Katherine while her son sits in the waiting room with no updates. Cam totally dodged a bullet. Now he doesn’t have to be sucked into this weird little group and spend the rest of his life dropping everything to run and be by (insert name here) side during their crisis of the week. I really do like the actors on this show and sometimes they have great scenes that really hit it out of the park, but in general the writing is kind of all over the place.
  5. Aw man, I was rooting for Darnell. Aarthi seems nice though and her dish was beautiful. I don’t mind Marcel, but I remember Shirley was really good on TC so I figured she’d win and I’m ok with that. They were acting like the frozen drink machine was the worst thing ever but wasn’t it basically a blender? Didn’t seem so bad.
  6. I got sucked into this show last season so I’m glad it’s back. I like seeing so many Top Chef people. And I’ve had a crush on Darnell since I first saw him a few years ago on a Thanksgiving show that Giada hosted. He just seems like a sweet guy and I’m rooting for him to go far.
  7. Thank you, I agree. I don’t consider myself an uppity person and I don’t faint at the sound of the f word, but they overuse it so much on this show and it’s so incredibly unnecessary. These people are masters at writing fast paced, witty dialogue, and they absolutely do not need to drown it all out with endless f bombs. Ok, gonna go yell at some kids to get off my lawn now. PS: I can’t look away when Lenny is onscreen. He’s magic.
  8. Have to agree with some of the other posts here that it’s really hard to like Midge this season. Normally I would feel sorry for a mother who can’t get milk for her kids but in her case I couldn’t get past the thought “Hmm, maybe sell some of your fancy dresses or down size some of the furniture or not put fresh flower arrangements on every single corner of every room of the house?” She’s also pretty cold to the kids, in the few scenes she has with them. I know it’s not about the kids but maybe a tender moment once in a while would go a long way to making her a little more likeable. I did enjoy her parents telling the story they made up to explain why they were living with Joel’s parents and how frustrated Abe got when Midge couldn’t keep up with the story. Tony Shaloub is always a delight.
  9. I don’t know, they haven’t said that specifically. I know some people have been asking on their Instagram what happened to Sisanie and they never answer or mention her during the podcast. Weird.
  10. I thought this episode was ok but not great. I loved Abe dealing with the kids and getting grumpy at Coney Island. He really reminded me of Monk in those scenes. I did think the Ferris wheel bit went on a little long. I would’ve been really annoyed if I was riding it and had to listen to all those people yelling. Lol!
  11. I’m still listening to Jennie and Tori’s podcast, I think it has improved since Amy Sugarman has come on to cohost. She keeps them on track better. Really my only complaint with them is they will bring up things right in the middle of the show and it’s often something they could’ve looked up and researched ahead of time. And they don’t seem to reach out to any crew, writers or producers who could help them explore behind the scenes aspects. Example, Tori asked in a recent one, “Do you think at this point they were planning to have Dylan and Kelly get together?” And they each say they don’t know and move on. That would’ve been a great opportunity to reach out to Charles Rosin or some of the other writers and ask them about it. Because I know Charles Rosin talks about a lot of that stuff on the other podcast. But they just don’t seem to do that extra legwork that say, the Office Ladies do. I used to follow the 90210 Show podcast more but I haven’t in a while. I’ll have to check in and see what guests they’ve had recently. They usually have a lot of good behind the scenes info. It’s weird though that Tiffani Theissen won’t agree to do it when so many other cast members have.
  12. When they showed the shot of the spilled wine on the steps, I thought “That’s going to be Akbar’s blood in a minute when Sherri stabs him with her broken bottle!” I thought it was very sweet when Penn cried after Kim jumped. The emotion seemed genuine and it probably took him by surprise.
  13. I’ve followed Kim and Penn for a while and I really like them. I think their videos are clever and funny, and they can talk about serious topics too. They seem to be pretty grounded and self aware. I think Penn’s excitement is partly his personality and partly because he’s such a fan of the show. He’s just so excited to be there, it doesn’t matter what the task is, he’s amped up before he even gets in the door. Their recaps of the race have been really interesting so far. I thought it was fascinating when they talked about coming home when the race was canceled and being surprised no one was really talking about Covid yet in the US, at least not like they were in Europe. Anyway, I’m rooting for them!
  14. I’m good with GNT winning. I enjoyed all their performances except for the Coldplay song, but Kelly picked that so I’ll blame her. The girl in GNT really is superstar material in my opinion. The cliche “voice of an angel” came to my mind several times throughout their performances. There are certain tones and notes she hits that are just truly lovely. I really liked Jershika too and I’m not sure why voters just didn’t seem to connect with her as much.
  15. James said this in an interview with Collider: I’ve gotta give my old pal, Monika Mikkelsen, who’s a casting director, credit because I never would have known that I resembled Rob Zombie, if she hadn’t texted me one day with our photos side by side and she said, “Did you have any idea?” Of course, I didn’t have any idea. Nobody knows what Rob Zombie actually looks like. I think of him with the makeup and the white face. Who knows what he actually looks like, under there? And then, there was this picture of him just as a normal dude. Talk about getting slapped with a fun reality in middle age that you just never saw coming. I was like, “Holy cow! I look like Rob Zombie. That’s weird. How can we immediately turn that into a joke?”
  16. Here is a picture of him looking sort of normal. He’s a singer and also writes horror movies I think. He usually has crazy scary makeup on when he performs.
  17. I think they missed an opportunity to make Alex likable. They were on the right track with her apology to Laura and her last couple conversations with Bradley. She came off more humble. And as for the Covid show, if they had stuck to just educating about Covid and apologizing to her coworkers that would’ve helped a lot. But the “Alex Levy train” nonsense just took her backwards again, and the interview with the doctor just came off as unhinged. I think people like to see a little vulnerability with their news people once in a while (example: Hoda Kotb cried on air on the Today Show at the beginning of Covid. It seemed to be genuine emotion and I for one liked her better for it.) But there’s a line between vulnerable and a big hot mess, which is what Alex is 99% of the time. JA is good at playing that but we need some dynamics; she needs more quiet, sane moments mixed in. They wrote her cranked up to 10 the whole time. And Chip is just bizarre, as noted in an earlier post he MUST be in love with her, right? His actions are absurd.
  18. I thought he was dressed as Rob Zombie? Because they had a discussion about how Shawn just realized he looks like him. (I googled some pics of RZ when he looks fairly normal and they do look alike!) Loved the bathroom fight and Shawn filing Gus’s head. Lol! Everything with the ventriloquist dummy was gold. I love Tim O so much.
  19. I noticed him! I remember him as Craig Montgomery on As the World Turns. Fun fact: the actress playing Red’s witch friend was also on ATWT. Oh, the things my brain remembers. I didn’t even recognize Annabella Sciorra as the Avenging Angel at first. But then I saw her name in the credits. It’s weird but I like Park a lot more now that she wears her hair down.
  20. These people are all so miserable! Why Chip wants to work there again is beyond me. It’s going to be really sad if he loses his nice fiancée because of all the time he gives to this job that sucks the life out of everyone. Hopefully all the side characters working in the crew are leading happy and productive lives; someone on this show deserves to have a little peace!
  21. Yes! I understand he was trying to show his It factor, and that Mia thought it was minstrelsy, but WHY that song? So weird. If it was supposed to appear to be a surprise tribute to Alex, shouldn’t it have been like, I don’t know, a nice song about a woman, or a welcome back, missed you type song? It just didn’t make sense to me.
  22. I gleefully yelled “It’s AC Mallet!” when I saw him. I loved him on GL.
  23. Is it bad I still find him really handsome? Lol. My husband said “You know, they would’ve known he’s been taking pills for two months if they’d just noticed the red eyelids and big dark circles under his eyes.” I think his circles got darker just in the time he fell on the steps and his friends found him.
  24. Re: the original music, I listen to the Beverly Hills 90210 Show podcast and Charles Rosin (original producer/writer) has talked about it a lot. It sounds like at this point nobody has the original music anymore. (Although I have not checked Pluto, which some people were mentioning above.) Apparently years ago they did not negotiate the music rights past a certain point, so some channels (like Soapnet and Pop) did have some of the music for a while, but over time they lost most of it. Rosin said he’s working very hard to try to get the music rights restored but I guess it’s pretty complicated. On another note, they had Randy Spelling on the podcast and even though I thought his character was a doofus on the show, Randy came across super nice. He was thoughtful and humble and had a lot of good thoughts on the show. On another episode they had the guy who played Dan Rubin, and he also seemed pretty cool. They asked if he knew where his character was going and he said “Well, you never know in the beginning but then there was a point where you go “uh oh, Dan’s going south. Dan’s not gonna make it.” Lol. He seemed to have a good attitude about it. I like seeing all the supporting actors and what they look like now, it’s fun. Also, did anyone listen to Tori and Jennie’s podcast when they had Douglas Emerson on? Oh my gosh, he was so sweet and polite and respectful. After they hung up with him both the girls gushed about how sweet he was and Tori said maybe she messed up crushing on Brian back then and should’ve paid more attention to Doug. It was sweet.
  25. I just listened to the Christmas special from the Beverly Hills 90210 Show podcast. They had some fun guest stars; they found Gil Myers! He looks great and seemed to have fun. They also had Mrs. Teasley and it was nice to see her. I get a kick out of seeing the supporting actors, it’s fun to hear their perspectives.
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