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Everything posted by desertflower

  1. I don’t comment here much but as a Replacements fan I just had to say how happy I was Ray knew that one. He’s gotten several music clues right over his run and I love that about him.
  2. I laughed out loud when Jay said “Why would they put an ad on this video??” and “If I yell CLEAR will it know what to do??” Lol. I think Thor possessing Sam could have been cringy but Rose McIver did so well with it I thought it turned out funny. Brandon Scott Jones (Isaac) has such a wonderfully expressive face, and he really hits his emotional scenes out of the park. I don’t love the idea of the main ghosts getting involved romantically/sexually with each other. I love them as a supportive group of friends.
  3. Devix absolutely should have gone through. I agree it was song choice. I personally loved the last couple songs he did but I think they might’ve been obscure for some viewers.
  4. I got a kick out of The Cutting Edge references. I have an inexplicable fondness for that movie and have to stop to watch it whenever I catch it on tv. Toepick!
  5. Sometimes Ava talks so fast I have trouble catching it all, but did I hear a quick line “I was watching that show Gourders, about people who hoard pumpkins” ?? I think that’s what I heard, and it cracked me up. I always love to see Leslie Odom Jr.
  6. I was rooting for Keaton but Alexis was great tonight so I’m ok with her win. Keaton and Anna were cute and danced well together. I kinda liked seeing the judges make an appearance in the group dance, that was new and fun. I wonder, did the dancers pick the style they did with the all stars? Alexis seemed to have an advantage there in that she’s fantastic at contemporary. Keaton did well with the hip hop but I’m wondering if there’s another style he could’ve shined in a little more? I hope the show comes back, but more like it used to be.
  7. Yes! Especially Carter. I could appreciate and acknowledge he’s very good at the movements, but he just looked cheesy to me, for lack of a better word. Definitely looks better with a partner! I hope Beau refrained from reading online comments. I noticed the comments on the show’s Facebook posts overwhelmingly agreed he didn’t have the same skill as the other dancers. He would probably agree with that but it would still be rough to read comment after comment saying “Get rid of Beau!” I’m rooting for Keaton but would be ok with Alexis winning too.
  8. I think the tone for Keaton and Ezra’s dance was tricky, because while they were competing/fighting over a girl they were also supposed to be “one upping” each other. So I took it to mean in theory the girl was watching them, so they are supposed to hate each other, but still put on a show to impress the girl? So maybe that’s what the smiles were about?Maybe? Again, I think it was tricky and perhaps the choreographer should’ve been clearer about what the tone was supposed to be.
  9. Exactly what I was thinking! He was basically just something Lex could launch himself off of. Look, I think Beau is sweet and he tries really hard, but he has obviously reached the extent of his dancing abilities and it is really time for him to go. I just DO NOT understand why they are keeping him around so long. It’s sort of cruel, because the longer he’s there the more the viewers resent him. And you can’t tell me any of those judges wanted to send Alexis home, she has been great. I could maybe see it getting split between Raelyn and Beau, but they are trying to tell us it was a three way tie and they just couldn’t decide?? I think everyone else did pretty well and I loved seeing Lex dance again, he’s so great.
  10. Another thing to love about Sass… he sings! https://www.instagram.com/reel/CgIKQ7cgx_Z/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  11. Anna and Waverly got stuck with a bad routine. An 80s routine has so much fun potential but this one just felt off. They had her in an early 80s Madonna look but the song was late 80’s, and I know that’s a total nitpick that most people don’t care about but I just don’t think it fit together. I liked Carter much better tonight but his pants always seem to fit weird. Sorry, random observation. Overall it just wasn’t great tonight. But I’m still rooting for Keaton, and Alexa is pretty good too. It’s really time for Beau to go.
  12. Yes! Those costumes were so ugly and it wouldn’t surprise me if they were a contributing factor for that team being in the bottom. It might not be fair but I really think the song choice and costuming can play heavily into how the audience reacts to a routine. Thiago and Alexa’s broadway routine might’ve been technically good but I didn’t care for the song or the costumes so it’s harder to emotionally connect. I wish the bottom dancers could dance for their lives; I think Thiago might’ve survived if he pulled off another solo like his audition. I still love Keaton, he’s fun to watch and rises to all the challenges he’s given.
  13. Beau surprised me tonight, I think he did well in his dance. The jazz dance was really forgettable. I think James and Virginia’s dance had interesting elements to it but seemed like James was a little slow with some of the transitions. Given more time and practice I think he could be an interesting contemporary dancer. I liked how the choreographer mixed his bonebreaking into the routine. Keaton is still my favorite, I think.
  14. Just give the trophy to Keaton already. Love him. He and Alexis had the best routine of the night. It seemed kind of rushed but maybe it’s because they only had an hour. But no behind the scenes of them learning the routine, and no talking to the choreographer! That felt weird. It just seems like they’ve changed the formula of the show so much.
  15. One thing I do appreciate this season is they aren’t showing a bunch of really bad auditions and the drama that ensues when delusional contestants don’t go through. All of the people they rejected so far (that we’ve seen) seem to have some talent, just not quite strong enough to go through. If they don’t bring Nigel or Mary back to replace Matthew on the live shows I hope they bring in an old ballroom contestant like Pasha so there is some ballroom expertise represented on the panel. Weird how they barely show Cat.
  16. Totally agree that the krumping teacher hurt his chances by picking that song. Anyone who remembered Twitch and Alex’s routine would immediately call to mind the amazing energy they brought to it, where as the teacher was a little underwhelming, like it just didn’t take off as much as I hoped. He seems like an awesome teacher though. I don’t hate Jojo but I do miss Nigel. Hopefully they’ll bring in someone credible and related to SYTYCD to replace Matthew.
  17. I agree with you, my jerk comment was referring to when he demanded Rome be fired and then accused him of putting the whole idea in Maddox’s head. But I’m glad they didn’t keep him that way and instead revealed that he was softening and admitting that he was having trouble processing it.
  18. Regarding the book Theo got, it’s true it was a younger book but he said a girl gave it to him (didn’t catch the name, was it Shaniece’s daughter or maybe some other girl he had a crush on?) But the point was she was trying to friend zone him. He mentions to his mom that the girl was trying to send him a message with the book. I wonder if James RR wants to be written off the show because it’s a big depressing mess. Agreed the scene with Maddox and his dad was beautifully shot. I appreciate that while the dad was initially a big jerk, they ended up softening the character a bit as he reveals he just doesn’t know how to handle the situation. It’s got to be hard to process. The whole ticket thing at the warehouse store was distracting because there was such a HUGE difference in the numbers. There was one desk helping people and there was like 100 something people before Gary’s number? Pretty sure they were serving 715 or something and Gary was 851? You’d be there all week! I get distracted by little things, lol. It would be nice if Eddie could get a break.
  19. One thing I noticed, and not sure if there was any significance, was after Miguel and Rebecca’s encounter on the train, she turns around and he is just gone. I don’t think Dr. K and the others she saw disappeared like that, Rebecca just moved through the train cars and left them. But it seemed like they made a point of Miguel being there one minute and being gone the next. I wonder if it was supposed to be a nod to when Rebecca didn’t understand that Miguel had died and kept asking for him. Like in her mind he just disappeared from her life. But I am probably totally overthinking it!!! I cried during the episode but not as much as I did after Miguel died. Maybe because there wasn’t a big buildup about how sad that one would be.
  20. I feel you! Same boat, except I still have one at home who is 13. But I’ll be there in a few years and I often wonder if they will respect me even thought I didn’t have a career. I hope so, and hope they remember the little things (which are really big things.) This episode made me cry buckets and made me wonder if I can make it through the remaining ones!! Not sure if anyone mentioned it (I tried to read through all the comments but probably missed some) but I’m pretty sure the song they played during the montage at the end is the same one they played when the Pearson house was burning down. 😭😭
  21. Just finished the series. Wow! One thing I found interesting is when Cobell was watching Miss Casey and Mark during their final wellness session, she seemed disappointed that they stopped talking and went back to business. Like she wanted them to forge a relationship or remember each other somehow. It made me wonder if they are cloning people who have died and Miss Casey is just a clone of Gemma that isn’t fully developed yet. So many questions! And did anyone notice the breathing tube thing that was in Cobell’s shrine that she was tearing down? Maybe it belonged to her mother or a child or something? All the work parties cracked me up, especially the Music and Dance Experience. Could’ve done without the bizarre waffle party. I’m glad that scene didn’t go any further!
  22. A little late watching the episode. I agree with most of what has been mentioned. The actress playing Greta does have weirdly unnatural line readings, though I think she does better when she is joking around with Eddie or that guy at the reunion last week. The serious stuff seems to trip her up. Speaking of Greta, I hope she understands now that she is part of Katherine’s friend group, she will need to put in for vacation time at her job so she can go sit around the hospital with them for hours every other week. Thanks for the info about Regina’s mom being married to Stephen Root in real life. I knew it had to be a reference to something because it was too random. I love him, he’s such a great character actor. The funny thing is after watching this episode I ended up running across a News Radio episode on a random channel. Someone mentioned Gary kissing Colin on the head. I know in real life James Roday Rodriguez is a huge dog person, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that was a genuine and spontaneous thing rather than being scripted. My husband and I were joking that with Eddie and Greta getting along so well, they will probably have Greta change teams and she and Eddie will get together and have a baby. Because that’s just what this show would do. Lol. These people are so weirdly casual about Eddie and Katherine’s past. It’s nice they’ve all forgiven Eddie for his infidelity but I gotta believe in real life Katherine would’ve found another friend group by now. There’s a lot to make fun of in this show but I do still appreciate the chemistry between the actors, especially Rome and Regina. They have a really natural ease with each other. And on a shallow note I still find myself noticing how ridiculously handsome Eddie is at least once every episode.
  23. I’m still a little lost. Wasn’t the maniac from last season (forgot his name already!) responsible for having Liz killed? I thought that was his whole reason d’etre; to have Liz killed and make Red watch? I know he ended up getting blown up in that bunker but I figured Van Dyke had standing orders from him. I must’ve missed the part where they decided it wasn’t him and there is another boogeyman out there who is responsible. Oh, this show. I can’t remember anything from season to season but I keep watching anyway.
  24. This!! Up until now I’ve mostly been on team Toby but could still see some of Kate’s points in previous episodes. But when she went after him as though he was the only one at fault I lost all sympathy for her. He clearly was upset about the whole incident too and she couldn’t give him a little grace for a few freaking minutes before she started berating him again. Agree that little Jack is so adorable. Sweet little guy.
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