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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. Maybe Sam and Dean are in a world were the asteroid never killed off the dinosaurs so there are human-like (intelligent) dinosaurs. They never showed the face of the person in the hood there.
  2. I could be wrong, but I thought the death row inmate was in Florida and I thought the death row inmate's son tried to run over Hannah while she was in Washington DC.
  3. I was hoping Hannah would have hit him over the head with the champagne bottle as she was walking back to the bed. Next episode is Damian tied to the bed and Hannah in a black leather dominatrix outfit and a whip saying "We have vays of making you tolk".
  4. Cheryl + Josie = Chesie Goodbye Arronica, Hello Betchie! I wonder who the guys were in the picture that killed the Riverdale Reaper? I wonder if they will be important?
  5. Welcome to the war on Christmas, because Santa is going to get F'd up!
  6. How many more of the meta bus people are left for us to see?
  7. It would be hilarious to see Barry tear apart the police in court for the slipshod way they processed the crime scene and analyzed the forensics.
  8. How can you spike the cocoa, was it for the customers or just the employees? Jonah and the girl should have taken home the elf costumes to make things more interesting.
  9. That can work against Barry, how long after getting the intruder alert was he at the apartment to turn it off. That would suggest he was right there. They could claim that his GPS on his phone is corrupted if it shows him at both the Christmas party and a second later at his apartment. Checking his GPS for that day would show him teleporting all over the city and would also be unreliable.
  10. If I was Barry I would want my lawyers to determine: Where was DeVoe's wheelchair. Why was Mrs. DeVoe kissing that sexy black man in public. (The police should be watching the wife anyway, maybe they will catch them together acting suspicious. Maybe Ralph's (super powers or superpowers, not sure which is the correct spelling) combined with his private dicking skills can incriminate.) What does the DeVoe's financial records look like. What does the DeVoe's medical history look like. (DeVoe couldn't be going to regular doctors considering all the medical modifications that he has. How could they hide all of those modifications if the do an autopsy, the top of his head pops off like a can of Pringles.) I would add the super luck lady to my team of attorneys. Luck beats skill and planning.
  11. It might also be possible that Ken is not feeling too kindly about Friedkin and Blackwing, since he can now sympathize with what it is like to be a Blackwing test subject. He might destory it from within.
  12. It felt good to watch Todd slap Amanda because I felt she deserved it. One episode I want to stay in Wendimoor and the next episode I want to leave Wendimoor. The scissor death scene looked fake, or maybe I am just hoping that it is harder to drive a pair of scissors into a person's skull and kill them. Ken said the eye color of the doll changed when Friedkin squeezed it. We were watching them watch a tiny eye of tiny doll on a tiny screen from a video tape. I didn't see any difference and I don't think you were supposed to either. I think it was just there to show how much better Ken is at the job than Friedkin. I laughed when Friedkin took off his jacket and Ken put it on.
  13. Dirk is mentioned in an ancient prophecy regarding saving their land from the evil mage.
  14. I thought it was there to prove that that destroyed two-fifths of a planet-like object was actually the Earth. There are probably tons of recognizable everyday objects out there in the debris field. Shouldn't Yo-Yo's power allow her to move fast enough to get an up-close clean shot at the roach that was chasing the team. I was disappointed that she missed so many times, but it was still the best scene of the episode.
  15. I thought he said whatever you do don't remove your googles when viewing the 3D Holocrystals and what is the first thing that both of them do, remove their goggles.
  16. That is why the government eliminated Net Neutrality.
  17. Chase can't go until daddy builds him some fistigons.
  18. It might be easier to do stuff for the tenants than it is to fix stuff. You want to stay on their good side.
  19. Check with the museum to see if they made a copy of the spell/scroll?
  20. When working properly, the body in the box will disappear. Mr. Crusty was in a similar box at the Church of Gibborim. That is the same impression I got watching the episode 5 trailer, Alex's father did threaten the gang leader's family, two can play that game. I don't understand why they had so much trouble finding the dino, since it had a tracker. Were they not able to turn it on?
  21. Gert's parents are scientists and dinosaurs are just large birds with teeth. I am sure they mixed the DNA from all the other birds in the lab to make themselves a dinosaur. Tina was probably realizing that what her husband was saying to her was right. Since that was the last young girl PRIDE had to kill, Tina was probably more relaxed and willing to salvage what was left of the marriage. Unfortunately Tina was a little too late.
  22. and he did it on porpoise! it was self-dolphin-ese!
  23. It was stupid, Sly says he needs to be 7 inches taller so Paige tells him to stand on the book. If that book was 7 inches thick, that would mean that in their world my penis would be at least 8 inches long.
  24. I was coming here to post the same thing. The DeVoes have probably advanced science several decades, it would be funny if they were planning to donate there knowledge to S.T.A.R. Labs to help fight crime and predict future crises. If not, they want to put DeVoe's brain in Barry's body. Barry should have placed DeVoe's cup in a plastic bag. It would have been funny if Cisco vibed the cup and saw something from Barry's life.
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