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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. I am guessing that the first scene of the first episode featuring Twisty the Clown murdering people was a reenactment of what Ozzy was reading in his Twisty the Clown comic book.
  2. The Black Hood said he shot Archie's father because he was an adulterer, who did he commit adultery with? If it was a long time ago, that might be significant.
  3. What Dr. Glassman said seemed more like he was protecting the hospital from a lawsuit, than trying to comfort Claire. He then let her know that she will never forget what happened.
  4. Father Dan was looking at a picture of something similar in a book and said the following: Blessed be those who seek the truths, for God will reward them with fruits of heaven.
  5. I thought the crime portion was stupid. A man makes a poison secret recipe, the company doesn't want to change it because it is cheap and sells well. If the guy threatens the company, either change the recipe or I will tell everybody that the pudding is dangerous. The company would change the recipe without telling anybody since the recipe a secret and they have plenty of money to use proper ingredients. If anybody ever brings a lawsuit against them, testing the product will show there is no poison.
  6. I was wondering if "the boy" wasn't Vogel from the Rowdy 3. Originally there was 3 and another one appeared.
  7. It didn't take any rewinds or writing, I just found a website that provides subtitles for TV shows then copy & pasted. I thought the speech was so silly when he spoke it, I wanted to include the silly names bits. I noticed the father and daughter had pink hair, so the person they were talking about should have pink hair as well. That seems to line up with Panto. My bad. Is Wakti Wapnasi, forest witch of the Santi Santiga the person who freed Dirk or was it one of the test subjects from Blackwing?
  8. My name is Panto Trost, Lord Prince of the Valley of Inglenook in the Land of Wendimoor. I came to your world through the Pool of the Empty Throne, with help from Wakti Wapnasi, forest witch of the Santi Santiga, who guides the Bofuki Nepoo. She foretold the prophecy I seek to enact, that once the great dark wizard found his apprentice, no one in Wendimoor could defeat him, and his army would come like a tide. The only hope to save Wendimoor is if the fiercest of foes were united, the great weapon is retrieved, and she-who-sees-all opened a door into a dream, allowing through a man, who, with him, would bring a boy... the boy who would save our world. The man who could bring the boy, the man who could save my family, my world... his name is Dirk Gently. The boy is the son of Jeppum and the brother of Litzibitz.
  9. I really like the locations, sets and costumes for this series. As a doctor I imagine long hair would get in the way when bending over to examine a wound.
  10. I thought Regina looked more like Bea Arthur than Marilyn Monroe.
  11. I had enough to Southern accents when Ulrich said: I talked to all the survivors at the hospital, or at least I tried to, but all I got was some evangelical jibber-jabber. That girl right there, she ain't left since last night. Are they really going to do the show without Mario Van Peebles, they could of saved that death until the season finale.
  12. Rockerduck, they missed a comedic opportunity by not calling him Rockerfowler.
  13. I can't believe that Fauxlicity Smoak would have been O.K. with Medusa killing all of those human drug dealers. She didn't seem to give it a second thought. Here is what happens in the next episode:
  14. The dead guy who bribed FLOTUS's mother recently put in a new 3 billion dollar bid for the same Icarus company so the FBI director wants to do a thorough investigation.
  15. Maybe it is determined by how many kids you have, it is probably more likely if you only have one kid.
  16. I think that was the point of the episode. No company is going to reduce their profits just to make sure people have jobs. Kirkman was lucky the electric car guy completely owned his company so that shareholders couldn't tank the idea. I am sure the government will do something to help him recoup his loses. Sidenote: How many Hispanics were they going to shove in that tiny little apartment, I am hope they were all there for a family gathering. Strange they were mostly men (one woman?, doing 100% of the cooking?) which might explain why there were hardly any kids.
  17. The electric car company had created one new car factory in the U.S. and one in Mexico. Over the next few years the electric car company was going to get rid of all of it's workers in both factories and only use robots. The President asked the electric car owner not to replace the workers with robots so that he could pass the trade agreement.
  18. The cannibals probably eat the people you care about most, so that you don't think about wanting to leave.
  19. Riggs said the gun killed his father, not that he killed his father. Riggs could have daddy issues since his dad introduced him to guns and his professions (military and law enforcement) all heavily involve guns. Riggs could also have mommy, family or abuse issues, it is to early to tell.
  20. I don't understand, did they say the Dad wasn't responsible for the guy's death because it wasn't his gun that shot him? Why wasn't it his fault because he pulled him out of the plane? Didn't we hear a gun shot right before they fell out of the plane, how did that happen if the dad's gun wasn't loaded?
  21. Pranksters like to remain anonymous which would be hard to do when you download an app to your phone. I don't like Sophie because it turns everybody into unpaid interns working to solve cases, sometimes begging people with particular sets of skills to provide them without compensation.
  22. Shaun seemed to have a lot of control issues and outbursts, the phillips screwdriver, the missed bus stop, whether he needed an aide, etc. I hope he has compartmentalized these issues so that they don't manifest during his surgeries.
  23. That is a great idea and it would be even more amazing if Medusa and Crystal met their exiled parents on Earth. But, I don't think they would exile Inhumans with "powers" to Earth, especially if the Inhumans went to the Moon to get away from Earthlings and their scrutiny.
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