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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. Maybe when all the spaces are full, he sells the ones he likes the least, so he can get new ones.
  2. Why are the kids trying to get on a bus when they already have a van big enough to hold everybody and a dinosaur and enough gas money to go anywhere in the U.S.? Buy some paint and remove the logo from the side of the van.
  3. Would Rainbow really buy the kids super sugary cereal or would she buy them something like Grape-Nuts that would knock all their teeth loose. Rainbow's food tendencies always sided towards (hippy) natural rather than processed foods.
  4. Another Period Season 3 starts on Tuesday, January 23rd at 10:30pm on Comedy Central. Below link includes information and trailer. http://splitsider.com/2017/12/the-season-3-trailer-for-comedy-centrals-another-period-has-arrived/
  5. I totally guessed what would happen when they told Alan to come fly the plane. Favorite joke: I guess I was maddest that she broke the ceiling fan.
  6. How did Rainbow become a worst mom by being a stay at home mother than she was when she was a working mother?
  7. With the latest episodes they always have multiple people collaborate to commit the crimes so that you won't be able to guess who the murderer is.
  8. This is great, they now have an Inhuman that can stick rocks together. Give him 5,000 years and he can glue the Earth back together.
  9. Can people leave the town now? Why would anybody let that murderer, Meatloaf, become the town sheriff. I kinda liked what happened in the last 5 min., the rest of the show was garbage.
  10. America Ferrera (Amy) is pregnant in real life, I wonder if this is going to affect the 22-episode third season? We are only on episode 8.
  11. Who do you think are regulars, pilot and co-pilot, the 2 flight attendants, compulsive gambler, and commuting stripper? I also liked when the flight attendant was changing her clothes in the airport and the father and son high-fived each other. There was also a good call back joke where one flight attendant said "Did you change in the airport?" and the other said "At least I wore underwear this time." The pilot drinking in the bar at the end was also funny. There were actually several humorous moments like when the flight attendant knocking on the cockpit door to make whatever they say on the intercom come true. The high number of jokes, including many that didn't land, (like the professor's wife which I didn't find any of it funny or interesting and I was wondered why they didn't show the kid if that was the real reason he went to Vegas), might explain why people didn't think it was funnier. There is not a lot of room in a plane aisle to do physical comedy. I would love to see a sexual harassment scene for both flight attendants.
  12. Although not very funny, I was impressed at how interwoven everybody's plots were. Not all the jokes landed, but they were throwing them out so fast that you really didn't dwell on it. Funniest scene: the pilot's takedown of the irate passenger. I wasn't sure how successful it was going to be. Funniest quote: Don't cockpit block me.
  13. I sound like a broken clock, I wish they would stop using "black and white" and filters to create spooky effects. We get it, it's supposed to be a creepy alternate reality, but it would be nice to get a good look at what is supposed to be scaring us.
  14. If he couldn't live without her, he shouldn't have shot her. This show throws me for a loop. Wasn't almost everybody in town at the church when it was sieged by ghosts, then why are so many randos running around the town now. They killed a ton of Lamda guards and scientists, yet there are plenty more. How many people were on that helicopter?
  15. The messenger told her it was a dead drop, which I think means that someone calls him and tells him were the package is and what it looks like. That place doesn't have to be Bad Santa's lair. You use dead drops so that the delivery person doesn't see your place or your face.
  16. How did Merry find the lair of Bad Santa? Does that mean she is in on the kidnappings?
  17. My first thought was "Women Drivers", but I soon realized that she was more of a "Backseat Driver'. Racist Old Doctor: If I hear any more language like that from you, young lady, I'm gonna Tan your bottom! Sexy Chocolate Glass Robot: I think it is more of a Burnt Sienna.
  18. The scene when they were talking about abortion was too dark, it was not a spooky scene and people can't eat in a room that dark. I think that they did it to do the window raindrops as tears on faces special effect. This is yet another scene were they make things too dark, my biggest complaint about the show, my next would be using Black & White shots and filters to create a creepy atmosphere. Let your makeup department's hard work be seen in it's best light, not in a fuzzy haze. In a small town where everybody thinks the Hastings are up to no good, how could the townspeople not know that the husband was having an affair and not tell the sheriff to investigate when the wife suddenly drops dead. How could the coroner not realize that the wife had been murdered, are they horrible at their job? I think they should drag the sheriff and the coroner to the middle of town and beat them to within an inch of their liv... OOPS, They are our main characters, they are wonderful!
  19. There doesn't seem to any such thing as main characters in this story, The story jumps from person to person with little closure.
  20. That was one ugly doll and there was no way to stop it.
  21. Which country's military are you referring to?
  22. I don't understand why the sleigh wasn't charging faster, Christmas hype is starting earlier and earlier each year. Right now it the hype seems to starts a little before Halloween, you have Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Green Monday, etc., yet the sleigh is still almost empty of Christmas Cheer. When exactly is ThanksTaking Day, as soon as the thieves returned the Christmas presents, you saw people opening them like it was Christmas Day. So do you think the rest of the Jones family stopped being thieves or are they still thieves, but no longer "petty" thieves.
  23. Bad Santa seems somewhat supernatural, he might have had a clue from the posters that the mom was hanging up. Even worst Bad Santa went into her home with Hailey to look at the picture of her dad on the computer. Then Bad Santa went straight to where Sax was, eventhough the police has been searching for him for the several murders. Bad Santa swallows Happy in the preview for the next episode.
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