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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. Tracee Ellis Ross felt that her pay wasn't equal to the male characters on the show. Maybe this is a way to get rid of her if they don't feel she shouldn't get a raise or have her work fewer hours to match the amount that they do pay her.
  2. I am guessing that Cary/Kerry was one person that became 2 people? I wonder why their ages are so different? Maybe she only ages when she is outside of his body.
  3. I liked the fact that Abe was about to crash into his own donut shop but had enough skill to crash into Faz's dry cleaners instead.
  4. This episode made no sense. Scorpion flew all the way to Africa to fill a truck up with gas to put in a generator. I was not paying attention, was this special gas that only that village had? Why not siphon a little gas from all those trucks that are driving around in the village. The road from the airport to the village didn't appear to be blocked, there wasn't a gas station along the way they could go to? The romance drama was as stupid as the gasoline drama.
  5. What was the dish that Liv made with the brains? It would probably be impossible to poison the inside of the condom to kill the man without also poisoning the outside of the condom which would poison the woman. Unless you worked at a condom making factory.
  6. I wasn't to worried about the heat because the heat (if not from gas) would be covered by or can be supplemented by the electric bill. That particular electric payment was pretty high, even by today's standards.
  7. The guy seems to be a descendant of the Serbian knight that was shown in Sheila's Zombie Book. The knight had a picture of Mr. Ball Legs on his shield and the guy had a tattoo of Mr. Ball Legs on his arm. The man has probably sworn to rid the world of Zombies and has a lot of knowledge about the Zombies. He showed up at the place where they were selling the Serbian vomit, questioned the crazy guy that mentioned that he met a Zombie and destroyed the place where they had the Serbian clams.
  8. Aubrey Plaza said on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert that she would be riding a horse nude in an upcoming episode of Legion.
  9. I thought it showed that Sandra had a gift for math and numbers that she is not taking advantage of.
  10. This episode seemed to tie up all the loose ends. The next episode seems to be the military is trying to starve the mermaids to force them out into the open. Maybe the mermaids can work as sheepdogs and herd all the fish into the nets for the Ben's father.
  11. I couldn't, I spent all my money on "Party Pods". Taste the rainbow that doesn't fade, even after 26 washes! Now in Wintergreen!
  12. Why was everybody in the police department acting like the hitman had never committed a crime in his life. So he wasn't guilty of that murder, what about the 29 others you had in the book. Let him go so he can finish his boat and spend the rest of his days traveling around the world in his boat.
  13. "I'd like to be a star witness for the prosecution".
  14. Poor Lynn, The writers couldn't figure out how to make her say "Me so horny!" but at least they got her to say "I love you long time". Poor Khalil, turned from well spoken high school student into an ebonics spewing dred-head thug.
  15. So it is fine for Humans and Zombies to kiss, they just can't have sex or they turn?
  16. He uses the magic, he is empty by the end of the episode.
  17. Good to see Sasha Roiz and Rachel Nichols. I wonder if Rachel Nichols will be a recurring character?
  18. I was wondering if Ryn was doing some kind of "Siren Song" that makes men and "maybe" women attracted to mermaids. It would be funny if mermaids main food source were humans.
  19. I think I need me a RESCUE puppy! Do they all know how to fast-forward through the commercials?
  20. Does anybody who understands drug culture know what Tracey Morgan was talking about when he says "Five girls, five boys." right before he is about to sell the drugs.
  21. I was disappointed with their family meal, 1 thin slice of pizza per plate. Lynn seemed to love her hot sauce. Jefferson was staring at the bottles of sauces on the table like it was the first time he had seen them.
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