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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. How did a skinny whinny guidance counselor knockout a werewolf and a werewolf/kanima in a hallway filled with students, then drag them and tie them up in her torture chamber? (I am guessing she is still in the school?) Will all the problems be over if they stop the Anuk-Ite or will they have to kill Gerard as well?
  2. There are probably a lot of guys watching just to see if Jessica Biel is going to do anything sexy. She hasn't been in the public eye much lately.
  3. The scene where Cora wouldn't answer Phoebe's phone call, Phoebe had a panic attack and her mother, father and a paramedic were interacting with her.
  4. I wonder what happened to the other people in JD's house? I was surprised that Cora didn't react to the masks on the wall during her first walkthrough.
  5. By the end there is not many characters left, Arthur and maybe a couple of hundred Aki units. If there is a new season, I wonder what direction it will go in since there is not a lot of driving done in an island prison.
  6. Jerome, I thought you were a computer genius until you said this: "Amazon web has a bunch of digital stuff up in the satellites, and Google too. It's called cloud computer storage." It was a good idea, why didn't Jerome suggest to Detective Hodges to use cloud computer storage to keep his files from being erased. Why would Detective Hodges leave his truck window open when he knows that the Mercedes killer likes to rifle through his stuff, didn't he have all those police files in there. Again, the device Brady uses to clone the Mercedes key is too small, especially if he built it himself.
  7. Why did Dylan need Harris to bail him out of jail if he was such a big bad hacker? Best throw away joke: Claire sitting in the Oval Office with her feet in shoes on the couch. Something tells me that Nicholas Tanz is not ready to kiss and make-up. Why did Harris have to come to Grace's house to tell her that Zoe would be OK, didn't they drive back home together? I wonder if Harris got his gun back?
  8. I guess that means 1% of Jesse is in hell. I thought they might have removed Jesse's soul because Grail Agent F. .J. Hoover was reading a manual (soul extraction device?) and highlighting the important bits. That would be one way to convince the SOK that he could successfully get his revenge on Custer.
  9. What was wrong with that "Pizza Guy", he never did show up. I thought the Aliens were going to make a joke about making all the bees on Earth extinct. Extra points for the "bee cam". Nice backstory on Agent Foster. Aliens don't seem to age.
  10. My favorite part was when SOK threw Cassidy through the wall. Did they explain why SOK is no longer effected by Jesse's "voice"? I am guessing that Grail removed that part of Jesse's soul and now they have it.
  11. The Season was shorten from 10 to 8 episodes when (Ryan Phillippe) Bob Lee Swagger broke his leg in real life. We will see how this has effected the Season Finale (September 5, 2017).
  12. I don't know if Zoe is mad, but she is definitely suspicious. Zoe was looking for something in Grace's purse and it definitely wasn't $20.00.
  13. I thought Pip was super rich! Maybe Zeph is a Gold Digger.
  14. I don't understand how Lucy can tell Johnny that Dutch and D'av had sex, but wouldn't say anything about Alvis' murder, two Dutchs running around, DSK escaping, enemy soldiers climbing through the ducts, and Johnny suffering a life threatening injury.
  15. I wonder if that missing money is from the EM Drive or is it from the secret rocket in the secret base stocked full of priceless art/cultural items. Perhaps Darius can offset some of his loses with the value of the Uranium he stole from the government. Darius should have told the board of directors that Tanz technology was used to guide the asteroid towards Russia and removing him from his position suggests that Tanz Industries was directly involved in Project Atlas. I am not really sure if they told the public that a deadly asteroid is headed their way. That information might cause RE/SYST to help Darius try to gain control of the hacked EM Drive .
  16. Maybe the call was the motivation that made "lady cop" think that Cora would confess to both murders, she was really leading her and appealing to seeing her son while he was still youngish. If Phoebe has access to the internet, why was she so excited about the magazine. If there ever was a time when a parent needs to check their child's browser history, this is it.
  17. At least he didn't have to kill 50 people to do it. The number of bodies that everybody is dropping is ridiculous. All to recover a picture that was recovered and destoryed a few episodes ago. Now the bad guy is worried about not having his money, after he left millions of dollars (he could have taken) when he blew up that bank. So much death for so little reason.
  18. The address was Rio, Brazil. Did the Grail switch the SOK armored truck?
  19. I thought that witch caused a landslide that trapped her sister, her husband and Bobo underground. Yet in the next scene her sister and Bobo are free. Did I just imagine that is what happened? Is her husband running around as well?
  20. I am not so sure that they failed, I think they managed to slip a few fake memories in there. The escape seemed a little contrived since they knew exactly when the sedative would wear off.
  21. I wonder if Aneela still has to die, since they seem to be implying that the Hullen are actually controlled by "The Lady" and not Aneela.
  22. What was that folder Officer Haught had with all the photos at the end, my TV's image was very blurry.
  23. Dutch had a scar on her face, did she have the scar when she was talking to Johnny and D'avin in that last scene, my TV was too fuzzy to tell.
  24. It looks like they are going down the road of sci-fi with Mr. Mercedes' remote that can control anything you point it at. Maybe he can just point it at cars and it unlocks doors, starts ignitions, controls street lights, controls railroad crossing gates. Addition: The software doing things like permanently deleting emails and videos might be explained by Barry working on Bill Hodges laptop which looks pretty beat up. Jerome or Lou might be smart enough to spot a Barry modification.
  25. If the POTUS turns the same color as the She-Hulk, we will know the Russians were involved! She looked really pregnant when she was being attacked and the next scene she falls straight onto her belly. That made me laugh. So does Grace's daughter now have mad hacking skills? I wonder if this asteroid has a guidance system like the other one did? Where is Jillian living now that she wants to flirt around with other guys?
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