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Everything posted by PikaScrewChu

  1. It's a screencap from someone who has their IG settings in Polish. The Spiveys are really moving on up in this world aren't they?
  2. Yep and with some companies looking to make work from home a permanent option for those who want it, people are moving to areas where the cost of living is lower. If you don't need to commute, why live in a shoebox?
  3. Ok this cracked me up. I was just so taken aback because one has profound hearing loss and I was deliberately standing several feet away. I had to take off my mask so she could read my lips. One of them snapped at me for having my mask off! I was like, wait. I'm quite a distance away from you and we're outdoors. I gave them the benefit of a doubt because I think we've all done and said insensitive things during this time. My mom tells me I am way too forgiving and compassionate. She would have snapped. I just didn't want hostility in what is my "safe space".
  4. I cried reading this. Thank you. I feel like this has uprooted everything. There's a group of older ladies in their 60s-70s whom I've been attending yoga and exercise classes with since I moved here. They were on a patio having coffee after class and one said to me that she would love to invite me to sit with them for coffee but she only trusts the women she was sitting with because she knows them well and knows for sure they're taking precautions against COVID. Which, fair. But god. I was at a low point where I needed some social interaction. From anyone. I cried the entire way home and then for the rest of the day. It was so minor and I understood yet it reminded me of how alone I was. I know it isn't the worst thing in the world. Eventually it will end. It's all just hit at once during a point where the world is actually in turmoil and even professionals are struggling to keep up with their patient's needs. I'm just tired.
  5. We're trying that in therapy (again). I had just unraveled all of that and worked on re-framing my thoughts. Was discharged the day everything went to hell and we thought that it would "only" be a few months at most. I've taken out loans to pay for therapy at this point and I had to be upfront with the psychologist on that. Normally I'd have a few more side gigs going but that's all dried up. I have one that is paid and the rest are in-kind jobs. I've been struggling because it is me and the voices inside my head almost all day. Between that, insomnia, and migraines I'm just a lump whenever I don't get out. The fun part is even though I've had to make the mental switch to "Fuck it, I need to get out and enjoy things as long as I'm being reasonable" I'm still getting the mental game of "AHHHHH CRAP I CAUGHT COVID" every time I get wheezy or have a low grade fever. I always forget I get a low grade fever whenever I get less than 4 hours of sleep a night or go for a run outdoors. Have since I was a kid. @Scarlett45 that sounds like fun. Thailand would be a nice change of pace. I'm not sure what I'm going to do once this is all over. My coping mechanism has always been finding a cheap flight/bus/train ticket at the last minute and GO (as long as it fit around my in person responsibilities). Those days may be over. You do what you can at this point. I know by the snarky emails I'm sending out to people I'm not coping well.
  6. Yes. And a lot of the onus is shifted onto businesses to enforce as by the time the police come, the customer is long gone. I don't know much about the Gaines but I'm surprised if they're such big names that they haven't come out with their own mask line and diy physical distancing set ups. If they do, we all know Jana will own every single piece.
  7. No. We're about a 4 hour plane ride apart and then a wee drive. I don't think I'd be happy there but right now everything here is memories. I think I'd be happier if I could just run away for a few weeks but all the cities I go to in order to escape are closed down. Disney is open but that isn't my definition of relaxation in normal times! I'd much rather be sitting in a museum or art gallery for hours thank you very much. I'm in therapy to "get over" the break up but we've had to switch back to telemedicine for a couple more sessions which isn't nearly as helpful. I will be going back to in-person in November. I'm still trying to figure out if I did the right thing. He was more than just my boyfriend. He was my best friend. Everyone is so tapped out that I haven't felt right looking for comfort. I don't even know who to look for comfort from to be honest. I also haven't told most people what the cause was or what happened. It is very hard on people living alone. I've started doing "risk management" activities. I started going to yoga again. The studio I go to is only doing gentle yoga until the pandemic subsides. Nothing athletic. That stops the thoughts for a bit. You can book to use the space by yourself if you don't feel comfortable with taking classes with others. I find myself zoning at home during Zoom fitness classes and checking my phone frequently. Even though there are no emails, no texts, nothing. It has been eye opening to say the least. I find myself having not judging people for how they are coping during this time. There are some actions I side eye (Duggars, Bateses, and JRod come to mind) but in reality, we don't know individual circumstances. I kind of wish I was a little kid rather than an adult. They are so elastic and will bounce back easily. I don't know if I will ever recover from the past 7 months mentally, especially everything was looking amazing the previous few months.
  8. I need to look into one of these. They've been trying to get me to switch to an electric toothbrush for years but I hate the vibration of the ones I've tried. It's not like you can try before you buy either. It's been a rough go lately and I can't wait for this year to just finally end. I'm looking at packing it in and moving back in with my parents while I figure things out (again). I sincerely thought this would be my final stop and wanted to make it work here. The pandemic has messed up a lot of things. God, I wish I had just taken the chance to settle down rather than chase dreams.
  9. That's precisely what I was getting at. You could argue that Joy got more of a childhood than her four older sisters. Not nearly to the level of Hannie, Jenni, Jordyn, and Josie but she didn't have the level of responsibility that the J'Slaves did for very long. Jackson is now 16 and he's still lumped in as a "little kid" with Tyler in the family. That would have been unthinkable for JD, Joe, and Josiah. Even Smuggar was "working" at 16. Jackson is the only Howler left to discuss on this thread (unless we are counting Tyler as an honorary Howler...)
  10. I think that's yet another piece of why the season feels so off. I doubt the NHL/DWTS fanbases overlap too much but it feels like the spectacle the NHL did before each game during the Stanley Cup run to make up for the lack of a crowd. Vegas has one hell of a show before games in "normal" times. They amped it up for all the teams for the playoffs. For hockey it works. Dancing? Ehhhhhhh... That's what I've been wondering if they have limited contact and limited practice time. It isn't like they're in a bubble like the NHL and NBA were. Several of them looked like they had learned the dance 24 hours prior to the show and were hoping the pro would remember everything. If you have some dance training, fine. If you don't, ruh roo. Bruno and Derek are commenting on a lot of really basic things that are normally "fixed" by this time. Tyra definitely does not help but I don't think the blame falls only on her shoulders. There are so many things that are wrong that I don't think Tom as the host could have saved this season. More bearable? Maybe. But this season is painful and we're only heading into Week 5.
  11. Lauren is 20. There's one other girl in the family but she's much younger. Realistically it delays Lauren's fecundity the longer she puts off marriage. The less children born into this cult, the better.
  12. "Pregnancy besties!" Kendra doesn't seem that close to Duggar clan and is probably excited to share the trials and tribulations of pregnancy with her mother rather than a random sister-in-law. Lauren Caldwell is not leaving the nest for quite some time at this rate. "Here's a Duggar boy for Katey N. And a Duggar boy for Olivia C. None for Lauren Caldwell!"
  13. I don't think it's just Tyra (I ignore her ramblings tbh). The "stars" just seem tired and/or ill prepared. Nev and Kaitlyn having previous dance experience is helping them but for a lot of them I'm wondering how much training and practicing they are actually able to get in. I know ABC desperately needed programming but it might have been better to put this off until the winter/spring. I'm finding my guilty pleasures (AGT and Big Brother) a chore to watch this year rather than mindless entertainment. I'm a week away from adding DWTS to that list.
  14. It looked like it threw off Jesse as well. Yeah, he wasn't a great dancer but I'm going to assume he practiced to the original and Sharna choreographed the dance to the original. Sure if you're a seasoned pro, it isn't going to throw you off too much. If you haven't danced for long, you're being set up to fail. This season has been feeling lackluster all around despite the attempts to make it more flashy. It feels like they are trying to emulate what the NHL did "in the bubble" to keep things exciting. Nelly was the bright spot of the night (and a pleasant surprise no less!) but it feels like almost everyone is running on or near empty. If it's just 2020 and every day is groundhog day for celebrities like the rest of us peasants, I don't know. There's something extremely off with this season that I can't put my finger on.
  15. The cover of Everybody Wants to Rule the World was horrendous. DWTS has always been known for bad music choices for certain styles but yeesh. This felt like let's take all these iconic songs of the 80s and hope that they may work for ballroom dancing. If not, who cares. We all had fun, right?
  16. They had more of a private childhood due to 19K&C ending and their older siblings marrying/reproducing. It hasn't been fully private but probably more than had 19K&C not been rebranded as Counting On. Not too much longer though and they will be expected to help carry Counting On as well. Gotta start pulling their weight within the family. A few more siblings will have gotten fired and/or quit by then. I've given up on the show ever getting canceled.
  17. Lot more awe-struck families now the Duggars are "famous" compared to when the J'Slaves were growing up. Let's not forget that the J'Slaves were carrying the burden for a mega family so a bit hard to make time for sweet friends. I do wonder if any of the four harbor resentment towards their younger siblings for being able to have an actual childhood. Only Jessa looks headed towards a large family out of the four. It's definitely out of the realm of possibility for Jana, Jill, and Jinger.
  18. When your only "job" is getting pregnant and having as many kids as possible it's easy to take time off to go on vacation. Soon they'll have a StinkBus of their own to haul around the brood.
  19. I believe Derick when he said Jill wanted to quit filming after the InTouch expose. On the other hand, I get the strong impression Derick didn't want to stop filming. Jill is in a weird weird position. She grew up with cameras and being in the public eye. I don't know if she could walk away completely.
  20. JB hasn't spoke in public about the feud. We're all hearing it through the lens of the Dillards. Jill is a more reliable narrator than her husband but we're only getting Jill's side of everything as she is comfortable with sharing. And that's 100% fair. I don't think we'll ever hear from JB what happened and what he thinks.
  21. True but it would be easier to just replace Smuggar with another human called Joshua Duggar because we know neither one of those will happen.
  22. The second thing I got for my apartment (after pillows) was a TV. My ex insisted on watching everything on a laptop. Even when he was staying at my place. Drove me nuts. If you have any technological knowledge it isn't hard to hook up your laptop to your TV. You don't need sinful cable to have a TV. Wait. *checks notes* This is the couple that are the sinners right? GET CABLE JILL. Watch some 90 Day Fiance with the rest of us heathens!
  23. Yeah I don't think things are going to be too much different for JB when he retires. He just happened to run semi-successful businesses with the lack of structure. With all that, if Smugs outlives his parents I will be surprised.
  24. I completely forgot JB was 55. I wonder if he's running the Howlers to the altar so he can start unloading businesses on them (and TeeVee ratings of course). This way he can start the transition to retirement. God help those boys though. We all know they can't help themselves.
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