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Everything posted by PikaScrewChu

  1. I don't see Josiah having a very large family, just because he and Lauren seem to barely put up with each other. They're also renting iirc and not the recipients of a JB and Meech house. He might be fine in the long run. I have $20 on Josiah and Lauren being the next two kicked to the curb. Joe and Kendra look on track to tie or break Meech's 19 pregnancies. That doesn't bode well for their future when the TeeVee money runs dry. I think the Howlers (minus Jed!) are being rushed to the altar for the sake of almighty TV ratings. I hate to repeat myself but they were too young to remember the days of food insecurity and "love offerings". I wouldn't be surprised if they try and emulate JB and Meech to have it horribly backfire. The only saving grace for Justin here is Claire is one of 6. She may not be all that eager to get to the double digits (or able to).
  2. Exactly this and it provides a comfortable enough lifestyle for them. For now. The adults aren't living life like the Kardashians but they're sure better off than a lot of their fundie peers. The problem is the younger ones from Joy on down had a relatively comfortable childhood compared to their older brothers and sisters. With the exception of Joy, those ones are in the most danger of ending up in dire financial straits compared to their older siblings. They're likely thinking Lolli and Pops had 19 kids, it wasn't so bad! They're the ones whose homeschooling was abysmal. No real direction in life. Etc. Smuggar will always be taken care of financially, full stop. Same with Jana if she decides to not marry. If those two don't have trust funds set up for them I would be very surprised. Jill and Joy have married men who are self sufficient. Jessa and Jinger married men who could be self sufficient without the show if they wanted to be. JD could take his pilot's licence elsewhere. Joe and Josiah are wildcards but Joe does seem to have some hustle. The rest are very much in danger of ending up like JRod's clan. If the Lost Girls are married to men who are self sufficient it might be a different story but who knows at this point. They're still too young to entertain that thought. The M'Kids could very much be in danger of ending up near poverty as adults, unless Uncle Pecan comes through with some suitable matches.
  3. Jim Bob is less of a Vladimir Putin and more like a Kim Jong-un. Just happens to stumble into luck really. (Psssst, there are many fine documentaries on both historical figures Jim Bob. Your kids probably still think there is one Korea since you kept their education stuck in the 1950s)
  4. The time she got Jana's jewelry box when Jessa was the one in the wrong? What software to use for YouTube videos? How to make money because she's "too boring" for Counting On? It seems like the daughters-in-law (minus Anna) interact with their families much more than the Duggars. I can see the rest just interacting with her for appearances or if they've all dumped their kids off at the TTH and happen to be there.
  5. Ehhh... As much as Jessa is vain, I don't think the visits are that calculating. They have kids close in age and were kind of pushed together when Counting On started due to being the two married daughters. Now that Jinger is all the way in fancy LA, I imagine Jessa is finding herself mighty isolated. Jana doesn't strike me as the type that would entertain being besties with Jessa.
  6. Yep. It might bother Meech more that Jill has disobeyed but I'm doubtful JB cares. Once he handed Jill off to Derick, she was under Derick's umbrella to do as he pleased. He's probably more upset over the money than anything else. I can imagine things are tense between JB and Michelle and JB and some of the kids for wanting to stay in contact with Jill. Michelle was a shit mother to Jill, but is still her mother. It looks like Michelle is actively trying to stay a part of Jill's life whereas her father has peaced out. I now believe it when Derick said Jill wanted to stop filming after the InTouch article came out but felt pressured to keep going. I do wonder which of the siblings still keep in touch with Jill. We know Jessa for sure.
  7. Oh dear. This one believes the Duggar money grows on trees.
  8. Yeah it depends on the people involved. My ex was younger than me and it didn't work, he was too immature. I had a friend who dated younger men exclusively "because they are easier to train" apparently. That wasn't my experience but hey. I said it in the other thread but the only Duggar that was potentially mature enough to get married was JD. The rest were not mature enough. Justin is the first of the Howler buddies to be fed to the wolves. Ones raised by sister-moms. I don't know if that makes it better or worse.
  9. It's a done deal unless another extremely bad Josh scandal comes to light. Which "press F to pay respects" to the other Howlers who are courting if that happens.
  10. I wonder which of the Duggar sisters is going to end up a bridesmaid. Bets on now! Will it be the perpetual bridesmaid but never the bride Jana? We'll see!
  11. Didn't have to turn 18 either! Also my thread title won! Best thing to happen to me in the past 6 months.
  12. Yes, that would have been from late December/January since that was Justin's avatar on his Dudley Do-Right profile. This clearly has been going on for a very long time. Once we get to know more about the Spiveys we can judge. My unscientific hypothesis is that they wanted to latch onto the Duggars and didn't matter which Howler it was as long as it was a Duggar. This is subject to change. Justin is going to be the youngest graduate from the Lonely Js club.
  13. Yes. Or other ABO incompatibilities. It doesn't sound like they went into it any further in the video.
  14. I haven't watched the video but someone on Reddit said Evy had a positive Coombs test. Wonder if that's going to affect future pregnancies from here on out.
  15. It's going to be just Jana and Jed! in here soon enough if the other three are courting. Jackson and J'Tyler are still young. I agree with whomever said Jed! is Jim Bob's new golden child. He'll probably have his pick of the fundie ladies in several years. Hopefully they're run off the TeeVee by then.
  16. Man. It's crazy to think "There's a Justin???" will get a stand alone thread before Jana.
  17. Let's be real. None of these kids, with the exception of JD and Abbie, were mature enough to get married. Even that one, ehhhhh... Their parents kept their growth stunted so they would still be dependent on Ma and Pa. They're made to think marriage is the panacea that will solve everything. Michelle and Jim Bob really failed these kids. You can see it in Jill and how she's navigating life outside of Duggarville. NINETEEN CHILDREN IS TOO MANY.
  18. Well, are we going by how scheming they are or number of children? Because Stefano probably has 19 kids (and counting). JB could never!
  19. There's too many of these Duggars. TLC needs to pull some soap opera shenanigans and have a few transported to a mysterious island. Have the rest look for them and wonder who is the mastermind behind the disappearing Duggars.
  20. Who doesn't own a place that wasn't given to them by JB and Meech? Josiah and Lauren are the only couple renting, correct? Yes I know Jed! and Jer but I don't count those two and their "bachelor pad". Jason did buy a house when he was 17. If Justin moves to Texas that is going to fuel more speculation about him being a problem child they needed to get rid of.
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