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Everything posted by PikaScrewChu

  1. It is mind boggling that Kendra has been pregnant or likely breastfeeding their entire marriage thus far. I guess there was the wedding and reception where she wasn't pregnant. Does that count?
  2. You know, Felicity Vuolo was the original prop but Carlin and Evan have outdone the Vuolos.
  3. Happy birthday! Don't sully the name of Little Caesar's like that! (Most) Pizza is good pizza! I have to start going for physio again. I had a bunch of injuries and I was about 90-95% healed back in March. Yeah. They've all come back full force. It's no choice at this point. My complex is all stairs. I could rig up a pulley system I suppose to get me up the stairs but there's been a bucket of KFC rotting in the stairwell for quite some time so I don't trust these people.
  4. Josiah hasn't looked this happy and content since they beat the spunkiness out of him. That's actually really sad to think about.
  5. There probably are courting/engagements on the way. However they can't hold a thousand person wedding under the current circumstances. I'm sure they'd try though.
  6. If this one is a girl, Alyssa's shop is going to still be open for awhile. Allie Jane better call up Jana Duggar for tips. I wonder whose uterus will be the sacrificial lamb so someone else is pregnant close to Alyssa. Josie is the only candidate I can think of, but Princess Erin is determined to have as many as possible.
  7. You need to put that under a spoiler tag. None of us knew, at all! I was watching sports. Should know better than to go on the internet before I watch the episode. 😤 /s
  8. Jill is further off to attach herself to Pris and Pecan. Priscilla is probably thrilled with a new "sister-in-love" and Pecan can hook the other Rodlets up with spouses. The Smuggars have no clout and as awesome as it would be to see a NotNurie marry a Howler, Pecan would be able to find them a better husband.
  9. I would have agreed on Izzy initially but seeing pictures of him and Jill at the same age side by side, they look very similar. Baldness is also a variety of genetic factors. It's not just inherited from the mother. The Duggar grandsons may end up with the cursed hairline.
  10. Garrett is a mini Joe, right down to the hairline. Let's see how long the Caldwell genes win out over the Duggar genes for Addison. It seems like a switch flips around 2-3 years old and the Duggar genes take over. The only ones I don't immediately see Duggar in are Felicity and a couple of the M'Kids.
  11. Physicians are also the bane of my existence right now and have been for a few months. The MD behind their name doesn't mean they specialize in infectious diseases folks. The MD behind their name means they were able to do well on the MCAT, get a high GPA in undergrad, and get through medical school. Yes no small feat. However I was a TA for research methods for medical residents at one point. Dear god. Most can't interpret statistics to save their life. A lot of research done by MDs without a master's or PhD tends to be junk because they know fuck all about what they are doing. And it is seen as presumptuous when I refer to myself by Dr. <last name>. Hrmpf.
  12. Ah. The 200 was just speculation. But looking at JRod's Instagram where they were putting together the invitations there are quite a few on the table. Even with 50-100 invites and inviting huge fundamentalist families, that's quite a large wedding.
  13. Oh I've pointed that out. There have been many outbreaks in day camps and daycares as well. But let's ignore all that. Gonna be some aged like whole milk people out there soon enough.
  14. "But kids aren't super spreaders! It's fine!" Super spreaders =/= not able to catch and spread the disease. Again, getting really annoyed at the messaging I'm seeing around COVID. I've ranted too much how we missed the mark on using social distancing versus physical distancing. The whole "kids aren't super spreaders" sound bite is going to bite us in the ass come school time. Kids certainly do catch it, but it is generally mild or no symptoms. They can and do spread it to adults around them. I remember reading that you can tell when the schools shut down in each area by looking at the number of seasonal influenza cases. The number of cases plummeted. I'm going to sit back and watch. The infectious diseases people I know have nubs for teeth left at this point. Watching other countries experience a resurgence is terrifying. The past few months have felt like years now. It's August and it feels like we can write off the rest of 2020 now.
  15. I thought Jill bragged about sending 200 invites out? Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I think Jill had a dismal showing for the nuptials of the year and doesn't want to let on about it. She wasn't going to get a thousand plus people like a Duggar wedding, but I'm sure she was expecting a lot more to show up. It's weird to think that we won't be seeing any mega fundie weddings any time soon. The Duggars and Bateses won't know what to do with themselves if someone needs to get hitched!
  16. AGT overlaps with Counting On and it was supposedly new this week. I imagine there is a bit of overlap between the two bases as AGT is supposedly family friendly. It's also going to help sports are back. For the time being anyway.
  17. And JRod isn't allowed to park the RV in Florida permanently. Headship's rules.
  18. Ah it is the eve of the Blessed Royal Nuptials of 2020. Where Nurie becomes the sister-in-love of ANNA DUGGAR. JRod and the rest of the brood will be crashing every Keller family reunion until the rapture. Can't wait!
  19. I mean, they could just recast Josh. There's definitely an eldest child. Mmmmhmmm... Totally not Josh. It's Jesse! Splice in some talking heads, do some creative editing. Not like the Godly people who watch this show will notice.
  20. You realize we're giving TLC ideas here right? They should be paying us to make this show more interesting.
  21. Let's gooooooooooo! US Weekly pays for almost anything! I wouldn't be surprised to see retrospectives though on each of the couples (minus the Smuggars). TLC has done it for filler content on other shows. If they did one for the Dillards without Derick's permission, oh boy! I'm here for it!
  22. Oh imagine the fit Derick would have if they aired the Dullards' wedding again. Just CGI out Josh. I'm here for it!
  23. There's not a lot of new programming. NBC is trying to stretch out AGT as long as possible for instance. They did a "Best Of" compilation last night. I fully expect the "Vegas" cuts will last at least two weeks. With travel restrictions, TLC is going to have a hell of a time with their cash cow 90 Day Fiance. I fully expect that they will try and churn out more Duggar content for the fall. COVID may give the Duggars yet another life if (Nielsen) people keep tuning in.
  24. 0.26 with 1 024 000 people tuning in to see grown ass men share a bedroom in a 3 bedroom house.
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