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Everything posted by PikaScrewChu

  1. Jeremy and I are close in age and his life trajectory reminds me of a lot of people I know, myself included. There was a singular focus from a young age, in his case it was soccer, and that focus would be the all fulfilling career. By the time it was painfully apparent he couldn't make a career out of it, he did a 180 and switched gears completely. He probably did enjoy preaching and all that initially but he's backed himself into a corner now. I don't feel any passion for it whatsoever from him. He's not even half assing it anymore. He's the equivalent of the student who shows up with 5 minutes left in lecture because they know attendance isn't taken until the end. He'll probably bounce around for a bit if/when this preacher gig doesn't work out for him. He may end up as a professional student at this rate.
  2. From what we've seen of the Vuolos either they are up to their eyes in debt or they are well off. My guess is the latter because even though soccer is relatively inexpensive to play for kids, it is still not cheap. To get to the varsity level costs some serious dough. Jeremy was also playing in Finland before his preacher dreams which is not cheap to live in by any stretch of the imagination. His salary was probably just enough to cover his living expenses, if that.
  3. I suspect Jeremy's parents are going to be subsidizing their lifestyle as they seem fairly well off. I can't see JereME rolling over like Ben.
  4. The Caldwells are the only ones we don't have any evidence of being tied to IBLP. The Swansons have attended at least one event but they're fairly private so it's hard to say whether they were full Gothardite or not. It's interesting because I think out of all of the in-laws, Kendra (and by proxy her parents) are the strictest adherents.
  5. I don't think we'll see a wedding until late spring/early summer if they want the 1000+ guest wedding extravaganza with a parking lot reception. By that point we'll have at least three upcoming Duggar weddings. Fame whores I suppose. It's why the Rodlets are probably going to fare better because of David Waller's connections to IBLP. JRod's aspirations for a Duggar in-law weren't necessarily pragmatic.
  6. The rumor is that the parents are pushing for a marriage sooner rather than later. 19 is an old maid. The Spiveys seem to be another set of Stage 5 clingers. I don't get why some of these families are desperate to marry into the Duggars when there are many more prominent IBLP families out there.
  7. THEY ARE JUST SO RELATABLE! Nevermind the Roaring 20s go against everything they stand for.
  8. Had Marjorie actually stuck around, I think she would have captured the viewer's imaginations. Lucky for her, she didn't. The daughters-in-law are coming from IBLP families (except Kendra iirc) and well, they don't have many options to explore interests to begin with. TLC doesn't have much to work with and can't really mold them into some niche like they did with the other Duggars. The two daughters-in-law that do give a reaction are Anna and Lauren. Anna solely because she has been a part of the clan and show for a long time. Lauren, well she's a drama queen. I'd argue they could easily drum up interest in the Howlers' courtships and weddings with choosing someone who has flair and is savvy enough to fit within TLC's editing niche. But are there any women raised within IBLP to do that? My guess is naw. They could have really worked with the "Abbie is a nurse" angle on the show but nah.
  9. Claire has made her Instagram public and she is following Katey. Someone found Claire's mom on Instagram and Justin has been hanging around the Spivey clan since last November. 👀 They're also IBLP, so full out Gothard. Even if she wears pants.
  10. If TLC shows the Arizona footage I will laugh. They've tried to impress upon the viewers the Duggars take COVID seriously even though we all know they don't. Throws a wrench into that narrative. Those "stay home" messages aged like milk.
  11. They probably believe what they see on the internet, that the Duggars are multi-millionaires. The TV show pays 40K an episode, etc. I'm wondering if we will see an earlier premiere of Counting On in January. They only had the one season this year due to COVID. Multiple courtships and shenanigans over Zoom could sustain a season and the "challenges" of getting to know someone without being able to see them, because the Duggars are just oh so relatable. They struggle the same as the rest of us. Then there's at least two, possibly three babies coming. Imagine. They've outlasted the Kardashians. Just imagine...
  12. If you look at the video all but one of the Howlers are in the "family Zoom". Jed/Jer have their own Zoom screen. So it's not Jer at the moment. If it's not Justin, it's Jason or James. All the Howlers except for Jed! are rumored to be in relationships anyway, so my guess is they're all in varying states of courtship or engagement at this point. We'll get the drip drip drip to extend out the show, because it's going to be awhile before they can (safely) film the mega weddings. I don't think we'll be seeing lightning quick runs to the altar until COVID restrictions are lifted. Not like the restrictions matter to the Duggars but TLC is putting up a hell of a show saying they do matter to the Duggars.
  13. I would watch for that. In fact, I would start buying all their merch and patronize their MLMs. I just remembered that Dudley Do-Right aka Justin accidentally leaked out the picture of Claire and himself back in January. I'm surprised the Duggars have been able to sit on it this long.
  14. This fanbase is the same people that have no issue with seeing Sex Pest back on their TVs. They didn't object at the age difference between Bin and Jessa either. They just want to see weddings and babies. We're probably going to be subjected to a Very. Long. Courtship. to keep the TeeVee show afloat. At least until they can have a 1000+ guest wedding where the guests are served a tiny slice of cake and a mouthful of warm punch. Edit: makes me wonder if Claire is TeeVee friendly and this is why they're starting with this one.
  15. I'm doubtful they'll have an issue since they weren't vocal about Marjorie being too young. If it is Claire Spivey as speculated, she's 18 or 19 already (can't remember).
  16. The news we knew was coming, but not the Duggar we expected. It's the same woman in the picture from his Dudley Doo-Right profile.
  17. That was underwhelming. I swear some of those dances weren't more than 30 seconds.
  18. Lurch doesn't produce enough Y chromosome sperm, clearly. Also Erin doesn't need another sister-mom. If Carson doesn't end up being the Smuggar of the Paine clan (just being an overall jerk) I will be surprised. She treats him much differently than his sisters.
  19. The only time I've been grateful Google tracks everything. Contact tracing. lol "Why I was in this store on Thursday from 3:20 pm to 4:12 pm. Then I was at this business..."
  20. Countdown to the epically tasteless Duggar Data post trying to figure out exactly when Josie miscarried.
  21. The mini bangs and teased hair! Slather on about several more layers of make up and that could be a modern day picture of JRod and her girls.
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