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Everything posted by PikaScrewChu

  1. It seems to be pretty common. We mock a lot of the reality TV show acts for jumping between Big Brother, The Challenge, Ex on the Beach, etc. but we see the same on these talent shows. I think the talent scouts and production are just lazy. It's easier to invite a YouTuber or Instagrammer than actually go through the process of cattle calls. If they've already been featured somewhere else, all the better! I've noticed a few dancers I follow claiming to have been on AGT. I looked up their videos and it was maybe a 15-30 second snippet. Granted whatever gets you exposure I suppose.
  2. Duggar Data has M7 for October 2021. I could see Anna attempting to speed it up if there are more pregnancies than Joy and Jinger's though. Can't miss out on those photo shoots!
  3. I've gotten to the point this is background noise. I looked up last week and saw Heidi wasn't there. She may have been missing for half the episode. I wouldn't have noticed either way. I'm very surprised they didn't rush in a celebrity replacement earlier. As soon as Eric Stonestreet was there I paid some attention.
  4. The happy birthday mad libs were being parodied over the internet. This pains me to say it but I think the Duggars realized they had to sound like they knew which person they were referring to and adjusted accordingly. With most of the marrieds (and Jana) trying to be ~influencers~, the overall Duggar family account has to be personable too. Otherwise all the faaaaaaaaaaaaamily posts on the individual Instagram accounts appear insincere. And they are insincere but so many people don't realize that. Also every time I see this topic bumped up I wonder if Anna weaned M6 early at an attempt for M7.
  5. Thank you. I've realized where I've made mistakes and I definitely need to work on myself before getting into another relationship. I'm giving myself all the time in the world before getting involved with anyone again. If it happen again, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't.
  6. Not uncommon unfortunately. There is going to be a lot more of these "slight of hand" tricks until we fully recover from COVID. If it wasn't for the fact the departments I've worked for are extremely understaffed, I would be expecting more cuts to the admin staff. We're at the bare bones. They won't replace retiring admin assistants and their former duties end up being redistributed. I've gone in on weekends and the admin assistants will be there. Or they are replying to emails at 10 pm. I'm having a bad day. It's become clear I was manipulated during my former relationship. The problem is I don't think he realized he was being manipulative. Not like it matters, I refuse to speak to him or his family. One of my physicians expressed serious concerns a couple years ago when he was asking questions but I brushed it off thinking he didn't know him like I did. God I'm so stupid.
  7. fixed that for you Yeah she must have made everything public once the fury died down then. Once she made everything private it became off limits on most forums. I think including this one since we were discussing the Greece trip and her specifically here in real time. Either in this topic or the The Other Duggars topic. I'm too lazy to search.
  8. She runs a photography business so she has to have it up. She knew once she made it private she was off limits for discussion so she only pops up every once in a while now that most people have forgot about her. She did Lauren Caldwell's "glamour" shots as well as the Baby #2 announcement photos for JoKen. Would be feeding herself to the dogs if she really did marry into the Duggar clan though. Lauren who?
  9. Remember when Jason Duggar went on the mission trip to Greece? Madi's IG was open as well as her blog. DuggarsSnark was posting about it. So she did a weak clap back on her IG stories about Reddit users. Yeah well. Not smart Miss Madi. She ended up making her IG private because of the abuse and people were claiming she was sending them snarky emails and would discuss it on their podcasts (I believe this was a lie). Madi vented on her blog about how it made her depression worse. I can't remember if she said she was contemplating suicide or not though. I don't see the Duggars taking her in as a daughter in law because she is very open about how depressed and suicidal she's been in the past but who knows. I think prior to the Greece trip she was chasing the Duggars. Not JRod levels of thirsty but pretty thirsty.
  10. Show would have to catch up to "real time" to mention anything about it. I'm only half kidding there. I googled them and they were high up on the ATI/IBLP chain. Must have fallen on hard times to consider a Duggar as an in-law. Madi Nicole should be married off to a Duggar but may be wary. She was basically destroyed by Reddit. She has been in the crosshairs of Reddit before. She knows how much everyone snarks on Lauren. She may not want the attention again. On the other hand we do need a Madison Duggar though. 😉
  11. Bsa is absolutely adorable. Only time 'Siah looks like he has life in his eyes is when he is interacting with her.
  12. My aunt's boyfriend falls into this category. Full out distrust of organized religion but vaccines contain microchips, they're going to take his guns, etc. etc. He sends my parents very long and verbose conspiracy theories. He supports the LGBTQ community though. That's about the only plus.
  13. And that's totally fair. But with the Duggarlings (maybe with the exception of the Vuolos, and now in hindsight I'm skeptical) there is this drive to get pregnant ASAP. They legitimately are not given the time and space to figure things out for themselves. By the time they get around to it, they're in one baby deep. Now bless his heart, I think there isn't much in the cavity space where Joe's brain should be and I don't think he would be abusive but been wrong before on the Duggars. But if you're going to be with someone supposedly for the rest of your life, surely you should be able to set boundaries and trust with your future spouse without your parents interfering. If you can't be trusted to do that, you're too damn immature to be getting married. Some people make it work, sure. But the stance the Caldwells (and to a similar extent the Duggars) take it is unrealistic. Not being able to build realistic trust and expectations until that marriage certificate is signed is absolutely mind boggling for people who claim marriage is such a sacred institution. If it was, they wouldn't be rushing the vast majority of their offspring through warp speed courtships and engagements. They would actually trust them to learn, make mistakes, and experience things together. I'm in a very small minority who believes a couple doesn't need to have sex before marriage in order to have a successful marriage. But there are other things that do matter and fundies seem to be actively against trusting their children.
  14. Why have a conference and Q&A? We all know their views haven't evolved in the past few decades. I will see myself out.
  15. I find myself getting frustrated seeing these nitwits get married, have half-decent/nice houses, and pregnant. Then I take a step back and realize the men these women are marrying and what they have to sacrifice. If Pa Caldwell was to drop dead tomorrow, Ma would have to find a way to step up to the plate. I'm going to hazard a guess she has never had a career of her own or the opportunity to build a skill/trade that could provide for the family if anything were to happen to her husband. Maybe I'm in the better position overall.
  16. They say Kendra was born early because of the car accident Christina was in while pregnant with Kendra. I'm doubtful. Daddy Caldwell seems to be the "Do as I say, not as I do" type. I do feel for Kendra though. Those strict courtship rules were utter nonsense. Thankfully she and Joe seem happy (I suppose) but how do you even start to build trust in a relationship on what is/isn't acceptable when you go from barely touching to having sex in one night?
  17. That's why I found the latest episode hard to watch. The Queer Eye one was tolerable because they were heckling Steve, which was rightfully deserved. The way Steve talked to the two queens was downright disgusting. Their comedic timing was impeccable, all things considered. It was uncalled for though. It's 2020. Do better.
  18. Holy crap. Thanks for the heads up. I normally travel alone and have never used a tour company solely because I was able to build the same experience for a bit cheaper. Waiving the singles supplement would be what would grab me. I know when my contract is up and who knows if it'll be renewed. I know the international trips that the dance companies I was affiliated with are still "a go" for October/November. I'm doubtful international travel will be feasible at that time, let alone taking workshops and doing performances. It has been interesting discussing it within the community. So many master teachers are offering classes and workshops through Zoom or other platforms that normally would have been inaccessible and/or cost a lot of money. The downside is you have a hard time evaluating over Zoom and you don't make the same connections with people. I mean, paying €15 a week for a class with a master instructor in Italy compared to either waiting for a studio to sponsor them for a workshop close by or flying out to do a workshop and paying $150-$250 for the workshop alone? Nevermind if it isn't within reasonable driving distance and you have to pay for all those extras. This is definitely going to reform some aspects of our lives. I think this one is for the better because these things are inaccessible for most and creates a huge divide.
  19. I think there was talk about it but I can't remember if anything came out of it. FOIA laws need reform everywhere. Everyone involved in this was in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation due to way the laws were written. InTouch knew what they were doing when they requested the records. That seems to be about it. I wonder how much the lawsuit ended up costing JB overall. I remember they hired one of the bigwig firms that represents Disney.
  20. It's interesting watching my friends who have moved abroad. Several never lost their accents whatsoever. Others adapted within a few months. This is going to be fun training myself out of. I had some of my mom's accent prior to moving out but never the full blown accent. It isn't a bad thing but it's pretty thick.
  21. I was trying to place bets on which pharmaceutical company to invest in because I was pretty sure anti-depressant scripts were going to go through the roof. I have issues that was getting under control pre-pandemic to the point I was able to start weaning off meds. I'm half afraid at my check up in a couple of weeks that the doctor is going to want to up the dosage of certain meds. That being said, being stuck to my apartment has meant that a lot of the triggers aren't happening. But that has been replaced by other triggers. You win some, you lose some. I've managed to pick up my mom's accent due to not interacting much outside of my bubble. It was a bit of a shock to record myself doing a presentation recently and playing it back. I do not sound like myself!
  22. The current recommendation is that you try and plan as many layovers as possible rather than take direct flights. Being stuck with someone who has the virus for 45 minutes has much lower risk than being stuck with them for 4-6 hours. So either way you're between a rock and a hard place. That being said I flew enough short haul flights this year to last me awhile. Unless things have changed, they likely aren't flying jumbo jets on those flights to adequately space people out. There have only ever been two short haul flights in my life where I was able to get on a jumbo jet. Crazy feeling when you're used to sitting in the equivalent of a tin can for the same flight! I haven't been following if airlines are switching aircraft to be honest. It is too depressing since I had several trips planned before this all went down. My friends who have flown during the past three months have said that a lot of flights are mostly full. Anecdote doesn't equal data and all that but I wasn't particularly surprised.
  23. I'm waiting for more Catholic churches around here to adopt Saturday evening Mass as it is still technically fulfilling the obligation to attend Mass. The Episcopalian church by me is refusing to re-open until there is a vaccine or viable treatment. I'm surprised flying is so low on that list. I normally would have flew several times by this point in the year and planes are flying germ factories. I'm dreading the future of flying after this.
  24. Hopefully this one gets more opportunities than her other female cousins will get and not married off months within her 18th birthday.
  25. Doing all right I suppose. I've been sleeping 12+ hours a day. Having to figure out decent lies for when my friends eventually ask. Thankfully all of them have been self absorbed so it has been pretty easy to keep my mouth shut. I'm normally a very private person so it isn't hard to keep quiet. I've told my parents and my mom's first response "Last I checked, which was 5 minutes ago, there is a pandemic still going on." Thank goodness I declined all wedding invites this summer because of work. I don't think I could have faced the questioning. I've picked up marking work for a prof I know since the transition to a full online course has been extremely difficult and she has no time to mark. Normally the exams would take 20 hours to mark. Thought it would be an excellent distraction. Yeah no. This was maybe 5 hours. I'm not sure if the students don't know how to use the online software to record their answers, if the pandemic has caused apathy, or the material doesn't translate well to online learning. Maybe a combination of the three. I have never given out so many zeros before. At least we know they aren't cheating. I truly have no idea how we are going to do this in the fall. So many places are changing their minds on whether or not there will be in-person classes. I'm cringing at the thought. So many places have profs in their late 60s and early 70s that they are just starting to look to replace if/when they retire. One teaching prof I know just retired at 73. I was pretty sure he was going to keep going until they put him in a home. How can we expect them to teach and hold office hours with young adults who are making up a larger proportion of infections now? Just not offer the courses? Selfishly I'm hoping it's all online so I can finally dye my hair various shades of blue, green, whatever my heart desires because I'm on work from home until at least December and I could pick up a teaching gig. Easy to wear a head scarf on Zoom for a few hours a week. That or finally get hair extensions so I can wear my hair like Ariana Grande.
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