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Everything posted by Ailianna

  1. Which also means she had thank you cards written and ready before the day's/week's taking began at least. That's a class act.
  2. I liked the 90s hip hop. I got 4/5 and could sing them all, which I did as each clue was revealed. (Why yes, I do live alone and my neighbors have thick walls.) I've even been to the Field Museum, but I couldn't place the Wold Columbian Expo, so I was flailing around in the southwestern US for museums named for someone, and obviously nowhere near Chicago.
  3. I think it was a state program, but they were using reading levels to predict which kids would go to prison, or at least profile for that. Not all Principal Shady, but still.
  4. It was the lady's own house. That was in the dialogue. Just back tracking, no aimless roaming required.
  5. I recently discovered Jo Spurrier, who has one completed trilogy (Children of the Black Sun) which is really something original, with real stakes, complex characters, and no easy answers. The world building is fantastic too. There's Juliet Marillier too, whom I've loved for a long time, but her books are very Celtic inspired. Her Seven waters series is her first and most popular, but she's done a lot of things other than those that I highly recommend. Her Caller series is a trilogy and finished, and while Celtic isn't romantic Celtic. One thing I've noticed us how many fantasy novels from more than ten years ago or so are written with white male main characters even with female writers. For some writers who avoid that, there is also Octavia Butler (some of her work is fantasy, some science fiction, but all awesome). Robin McKinley, another favorite, works in medieval world a little, does adult fairy tale stories that are quite different (Deerskin will definitely not be the old white guy model), but also has works set in colonial inspired worlds and the modern world. I also second the NK Jemison recommendation, and could keep going.
  6. 3/5, 1A* Beignets and a range of coffee and cocoa products for all. Though I love gumbo and hot cider. I'm not sure why that specific combo is so good, but it is.
  7. I also enjoy feeling like a TOC is really high quality players with good game skills. I'd rather wait longer to have more really good players available.
  8. Every 3 months is only about 12 weeks, so even if every single champion qualified, you wouldn't have the 15 for a TOC. That's part of the reason they are so spread out and not regular, is waiting for enough qualifying players.
  9. You can put it on as background noise while doing chores or reading the news. That's what I'm doing.
  10. Yay Amy!! For FJ, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't accept "that one in Turkey where they think Noah's Ark is". But I did get that far.
  11. The screw actually was planted, so that didn't even have to be lied about. After they knew it was arson, and Dexter found Kurt's playground and disappeared. It all points to Kurt. Matt because he found something out. Kurt lied about him being in NYC, recall. And then Molly, who Kurt actually killed, Dexter already had reason to blame Kurt for. So it would fit fit Kurt to set Dexter's home on fire, and plant evidence in the ashes. Kurt could have been reasonably blamed for everything.
  12. Did you feel that way when James was steam rolling through his competitors?
  13. I think this is very much a case of mileage varying. I think she is still gracious and polite, though sometimes overwhelmed. I've never seen anything from her I felt was even slightly smug, though I can occasionally tell if she got FJ before it's revealed. But that seems more relief and the joy of figuring something out, or trying not to show disappointment if she didn't. I thought today's FJ could only be frontier, though I tried to think of anything else it could be.
  14. I really loved Barbara's speech about teaching her kids that they were just as good without all the material supplies, because that was something to carry with them. She embodies the sort of person who could teach in a poor district for so long without truly becoming cynical or burnt out. She respects her kids and herself and what each has to offer.
  15. Every time one of the chasers doesn't catch the players people bring up that the chaser must have taken a dive. Versus--Jonas brothers and American Idol not being things Ken knows about. Add in five pushbacks and this is what happens. The chasers are human, not infallible trivia gods.
  16. 4/5, 3A* and 2*. Really good week for me. Very happy for Amy. My family is just having Christmas, and we just made our first Yule Log (my 14 year old niece and I). I'll bring that for everyone to share. (It's a magic Yule Log to feed however many we are!)
  17. I counted 4 times and got 10 each time. No tricky sounds required and no covers from older printings.
  18. It is. But ones work the illusion a bit better.
  19. But we are the only ones who can wrap a $20 around a bunch of ones to make it look like we have a lot of money! Hasn't anyone seen My Cousin Vinnie?!?
  20. Samuel R. Delaney, known as Chip to friends, taught a creative writing seminar I was in about 20 years ago. In addition to being a great writer and mentor, I will always remember him as a gentleman. Our class was evenings, and got out at 10 pm. I was the only woman in the class and I had to walk all the way across campus. After the first night when he found that out, he started parking in the lot by my dorm instead of right outside the classroom as he was allowed to. It gave him an excuse to walk me across campus and make sure I got there safely. He never made a fuss about what he was doing and I finished the walk without him. But somehow by the time he could get his car unlocked I would always be inside the building! It also gave us more time to talk about writing each night. I've always really appreciated that time in my life and his kindness. He was Black and gay and a science fiction writer during times science fiction rarely admitted either type of person existed and he spoke with grace and wisdom about how that affected him. And seeing him tonight brought all that back. Needless to say, he was an instaget.
  21. Well, he did read her journals. I somehow doubt killing someone is the most shocking thing she might have done. I think she might have been really honest in her journals, before, during and after. I think it wasn't just Shauna having sex with Jeff, but what she wrote about him. And I suspect the same ever after. I also noticed neither Tai nor Nat were surprised she kept journals that would describe that time.
  22. Hope springs eternal! But you also got an A*, so that's as impressive in its own way as 5/5. I looked at FJ, saw France, 1890, sadness, and brother was just the absolutely confirming detail. I honestly couldn't think who else it could be. I feel a bit bad for the lady in the middle who said Napoleon. Sartre in its own way was crazy too, but not so much.
  23. Despite what we all learned from L&OU, that's just not true. They can't search for him to talk to him. They can't go into his home to arrest him without a warrant, and they can't use snow tracks to a *wood pile* in upstate NY in winter as probable cause for evidence of a crime. The wood pile was far enough from the house to make driving over reasonable and her only evidence is vague statements from a suspect in holding who won't go on record. Sure, she was upset. Which is why she should have stayed the hell away from that interview.
  24. Angela deduced it from magic autopsy photos and impossible tox reports. Dexter didn't originally use ketamine.
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