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Pop Tart

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  1. What I noticed about the other apartment was that the sheet music on the piano was La Campenella with a handwritten note on it that said “It’s impossible”. That’s the piece that Sarah had mentioned struggling with in the past and she said something like it was impossible. So I’m thinking the apartment was Sarah’s, so no suicide. Jeevan told Kirsten that when spring came and it got warmer would be when everyone else would emerge and be fighting over resources. That’s why he wanted to head out while it was still winter. Every episode of this show has me enthralled and then breaks my heart. And this one was no exception. Kirsten trying to get Frank to come out of his room before they left even though a part of her knew he was dead? She couldn’t acknowledge it but clearly adult Kristen dreaming/remembering those days “knew”. Both actresses were phenomenal in those scenes.
  2. Yes - that's not uncommon as they want to show off their legs and by doing so break up the visual. If they all wore something like what Gizelle (and Aaron) landed on, when seated they'd look like a bunch of blobs of fabric. Often the leg-showing-off goes way too far (literally, with slits UP TO THERE), but it does make sense for an hours long seated event, that they'd go for outfits along these lines.
  3. Here's a photo of what the RH of Potomac women wore for their most recent. They went with pink palette and Gizelle looks to be wearing a Aaron's look (though can't tell if it's pants or dress) while Karen has modified (PINK! and short!) version of what Chastity made. Wendy is not wearing what Kristina designed for her.
  4. Agreed - they do generally all dress in the same color or in at least in the same family of color for each reunion. I did find it interesting when Gina/Shannon? said that they're required to wear short dresses for RHOC reunions. I'd never realized that before (as someone who has seen many) and I'm now going to go look and see the looks. Wonder what's up with that? All the others are long dresses - which personally I kind of hate. They look like they're headed to prom. I'd prefer short and less just about everything else too, but that's me. I thought I saw one of the designers looking at a video clip or still from a reunion on an iPad at one point, but could have been something else. In terms of the challenge I thought the right design won for all the reasons the judges mentioned. It was extremely well made (the lace edging on the slit!), looked good, had enough interesting things about it so that it wasn't just another dress (cough, cough, Chastity's dress for Karen) and it fit Luann's tastes and aesthetic perfectly. And considering the women spend 90% of the reunions seated, it was also really good from that perspective. The slit would allow a seated Luann to show off her legs and the two-natured top would look interesting as well as flatter Luann's upper body and face. The seated factor was partially why I'd downgrade Aaron's for Gizelle. The bright pink would be a plus, but the pants and the extra fabric at the arm would be a drawback.
  5. I thought he said he'd been married 4 times? He also spent a lot of that conversation talking about how it wasn't a big deal in his family for men to have a woman on the side, how it was a thing they did. Porsha did not look thrilled by him saying it, not because it comes as any big surprise I'd guess, but more because he was saying it on camera. If this show was meant to polish up her image in regards to her getting with a married man, I don't think it will do so. The producers don't seem to be on that track. She'll still have her fans, but between Simon's and her clear caginess about how they got together (timeline was off even as they each individually outlined it), there's also Dennis being the voice of reason!? saying even if she did wait until the divorce was officially announced to contact Simon, that means that she was "with" him for 2 weeks or a month (again the timelines are off) when she got engaged to him? Like really? It's a very weird thing where in the past I found Dennis icky at the least and loathsome at the worse, but Simon is many degrees creepier to me. And suddenly Dennis is the only one making any sense?
  6. I think some of the "out of your league" talk about Comfry with Greg was more to do with how doofus-y he is vs how smart, competent, professional, with it, put together, etc. all the adjectives Comfry is. Of if that's not how they were meaning it, that would be why I'd say it to a Greg. Comfry is helping run a major event, wrangling PR for Kendall (who is changing his wants and needs constantly), and a myriad of other things while Greg sits in a mail room and does....what exactly? She really seems to know what she wants and is going after it. He does not (to put it mildly). So to me - clearly she is out of his league. Though I could certainly see why she might go out with him, partially to spite Kendall and partially because why not? She can have uncomplicated time with the doofus.
  7. This gets at why I don't really see Greg as this innocent naif, everyman. He is just as changeable in his loyalties and out for himself as everyone else. He went with Kendall when he thought that would do him good and just as quickly switched sides to Logan when offered Parks. He has shown all along that he's out to protect himself first and that he thinks he should get some great position in the company because of his family name. I think what makes him different then the Roy kids is that he seems to have had a more functional childhood. He seems close to his mother at least and though his grandfather is tough, he has shown to be in Greg's corner most of the time. So Greg has his moments of normalness, but he has schemed a fair amount. I enjoy Greg and think he's not evil certainly, but he has come into this whole thing with the goal of getting his piece of the Waystar pie, so I don't think he's a complete innocent. edited to add: I see Blackberry Jam and I were on the same wavelength. Well said Blackberry. Also re Naomi: I think their main connection (her with Kendall) is that given their backgrounds as scions of powerful families and both being addicts, they are among the few who can truly understand what the other's life is like. I don't hate Naomi because she in her own way is just as damaged as Kendall and I think that's why they're drawn to one another.
  8. I do wonder if his affair with Kerry will come back to bite him majorly. His company is under the gun for how poorly it has treated women and now he's sleeping with an assistant? That's a sexual harassment suit waiting to happen. Not sure the writers will go that way, but she is getting very bold in her position and Logan does have a history of cutting people off brutally. If he does so with her? Just seems like extremely stupid behavior on Logan's part at this point in time. It could be very interesting if Kerry were somehow able to throw a wrench in things. In the past Shiv and Roman were very wary of Rhea and how much influence she had on their dad. They saw her as a distinct threat to their own power. They are not seeing Kerry that way. She's just annoying to them. But she has the potential to be far more dangerous given her subordinate position to Logan.
  9. This episode did get super-soapy and clearly I’m In the minority, but I’m still really enjoying the show and have been engrossed with each episode. I like Laura with Bradley. I didn’t expect it at all, but I like the way Bradley is with Laura. And I’m loving the general messiness of everyone else. And all the power plays and subtext in every interaction. I totally believe that people in this kind of high-powered, public facing business would be competitive and jealous and petty and dramatic and small… I admit it… it’s working for me.
  10. For the past couple weeks I just kept thinking “please let it be Katie they send home”. Not because I hate her or even dislike her but because she was so far outside her depth it was literally painful for me to watch. Okay, maybe not painful, but definitely made my stomach churn at the start of each challenge when I’d see her draw that same dumb clown collar. That’s all she seems able to do and I just wanted it to end.
  11. I could see being irked if Jake started throwing his weight around unreasonably, but I re-listened to the initial instructions that upset Rayna so much. He said that other deck hand (can't remember his name) would stay on mornings, he, Jake, would be on days so he could help in the morning and evening, and Rayna would be on nights FOR THE REST OF THIS CHARTER. Literally one more night. Initially when Rayna was so upset I thought he must of said something like 'for the rest of the season' or something similar. But for the rest of the charter? For this she is insisting that they should be switching and giving him grief? And crying to her mom on the phone? And she continues to have a bad attitude about everything he legitimately instructs her to do? And yes, his dropping the engaged bomb was pretty noteworthy, but after they kissed she said she has a boyfriend? So far the grievances of the crew with their lead workers are way overblown. I'm already tired of Frasier and Jessica (?) carping on Heather. Their whining about having to do their jobs? And claiming that Heather does nothing? Putting me mostly on her side.
  12. I'm with you. He's been very negative about her from the get go and some of his complaints about her instructing him? He isn't able to make a martini? And gets irritated that she wants him to be able to? I don't know. He just seems to be going from zero to 60 pretty quickly.
  13. I definitely have known such people as well. I had a sister who would only eat steak in restaurants - all restaurants, Chinese, Italian, etc. So it's certainly possible and I have no doubt that Charli is a not very adventurous eater. I'm giving a side eye to her explanations. That all feels made up to make it a more dramatic story than the less interesting one that all she eats are x, y, z. When she talked about not eating pasta a couple years ago it wasn't about some food abuse in her childhood it was "people don't know that pasta can make them fat" and since she knew this fact she didn't eat it. It was vapid sounding and she got tons of social media heat because of it. Now suddenly she has all this backstory about food. Makes me go, hmmmmm.
  14. Raquel insisting James shouldn't feel guilty about her nose but in the next minutes is stringing Lisa along with all her "I'm terrified to tell you" "my stomach is tied in knots to tell you this thing about James and my nose" pause, pause, pause "I have to tell you something" pause, pause, pause, furrowing of brow from Lisa (as much as her frozen brow can furrow) "it's not James' fault" pause, pause, pause "omg how can I say this" pause, pause, pause, dramatic music "he feels so guilty". Until Lisa is just like "GD say it already! Did he hit you?" Cue horror from Raquel "hit me? you mean like hit me?" "he didn't hit me, he kissed me hard and that pushed my nose to my cheek" (paraphrased conversation, not actual) Seriously? I could not tell if producers had prompted Raquel to make more of the story then it was or if there is more to the story, but either way? That was about as painful a couple minutes of this show as I've ever had to sit through. Wait, perhaps I have to take that back. Listening to Charli about her eating? That may be the most painful. Charli has tried to make something that she was widely, and rightly, mocked for last season into something interesting about herself, and it's just not. Yes people have food issues and I sympathize, but listening to her talk about it is deadening. Not least because I mostly don't even believe her. She had the conversation about pasta being fattening (the horror), but then talks about the only foods she does eat, PB&J, pizza? I can't even remember the rest, but mostly carbs. Then she is trying new foods, but somehow it's the carb-y one that she isn't into. And she is into mussels? If you'd subsisted on peanut butter sandwiches and pizza I'd guess that enchiladas (unless made super spicy) would be more similar to your palate then mussels. At this point I'm only able to watch in bits and pieces and it's all hate watching so perhaps it's time to depart West Hollywood.
  15. 100% And I can't remember at what point/word, but Crystal (after asking Erika about being angry) was back to supporting Erika. They were talking about Erika's behavior towards Sutton and only Garcelle was being supportive and expressing regret. At some point in this exchange a word was used to describe Erika, (maybe it was the bully discussion?) and Kyle, Lisa, Dorit and Crystal were 'there, thereing' Erika. And Crystal said "it's just that that's a strong word". I about fell off the couch. She was using this statement to defend Erika's behavior towards Sutton and excusing Erika, and yet during the season when Sutton objected to the word "violate" as too strong a word for what happened? Crystal was all about well that's how it felt, that she as the person impacted got to decide how she felt. But when it comes to Erika, no one should use such a strong word? Argh!
  16. Ding. Ding. Ding. I think the legal situation is why she reacts so strongly to being labeled a liar. When she ends up deposed or having to testify they could ask "you admitted you're a liar in this situation...why should we believe you're not lying now?" So she comes hard at anyone calling her a liar and will never admit that she's a liar. Or course she's a lying liar who lies (and I don't mean allegedly) all of the time, but perhaps in her cold, hard, lizard brain she thinks if she doesn't say on camera "yes, I lied" she can wiggle out of it when she's questioned.
  17. I’m thinking that her son told her ixnay on that story for some reason, likely because it’s total BS and he has a real life he doesn’t want her to mess up. edited to add: her story about her son driving to the rescue was related to the supposed “Tom confronts the burglar” tall tale, if I remember correctly. And the “Tom confronts the burglar story” was another reason for his supposed mental decline. So I’m betting her son was pissed because now she’s dragged him into the saga and he could end up being deposed about Tom’s incompetence.
  18. Yes exactly. He not only doesn't take her side, but actively tears her down when with the others. I think of that party a couple years ago where she was not cool with having the fake cops arrest ??Lala's husband?? and he was extremely nasty to and about her to the others. And while she does support him in his endeavors and tries to fight for his interests when he won't fight for them himself, you're right, he never, never, never has her back. It's Schwartz and Sandoval with Ariana allowed in their club some of the time, and Katie barely tolerated. Getting away from Katie for a moment - I do have to give a shout out to the editors and the way they filmed Charli having the conversation in bed with her mannequin head! Turns out she was on the phone I think, but for about 30 seconds it really appeared that she was updating the Eyebrows Head (it has a name that I cannot remember) on all the goings on and how she was just so exhausted from having to explain her pasta panic again. Made me laugh out loud. I also appreciated just how little there was of Charli in the episode overall. Like was she even at pickle ball? Or did they show her getting up later? And when they were playing the Jenga? Didn't seem like she was there either?
  19. Fair point. I do think that the way in which Katie/Schwartz interact as a couple vs the way in which Ariana/Sandoval do is completely different. Certainly I wouldn't want K/S's relationship but it seems to be what they want? I get the irritation people have with Katie, but I think it's disproportionate to the heat that Schwartz gets for the same behaviors, and often he gets pretty vicious. And that imbalance is what puts me more in her corner.
  20. Scheana was on WWHL and she intimated that James reverts to his more normal horrible-ness as the season goes on. I can't remember the question asked, but it was about James/Raquel and Scheana paused a very long time and couldn't bring herself to say anything good. Just mentioned the rest of the season. I know that Katie's affect makes it hard to root for her but she's generally right when she's talking to Schwartz. He does just go along with Sandoval and allow him to steamroll him. And when it comes to a business that not only has your name but your money? Not a good idea. When Ariana does things to support Sandoval and urge him in a direction, she's seen as "defending her man", same goes for Lala, etc. But when Katie does so, she gets dragged by everyone and takes terrible abuse from Sandoval (which seems to be happening again in next week's episode). I'm likely at a table for one here in that I like Katie - though admittedly my liking for her is colored by my loathing for Sandoval and Schwartz.
  21. My biggest issue with Candiace is not that she wants the last word or keeps an argument going (that's kind of a HW staple). It's that she invariably reverts to the very personal with her antagonists. Much has been said about her throwing the first lettuce/vegetables and then throwing other things around the counter, but she also told someone to get Mia's "pimp" (G). I found that extremely low. Additionally, her constant references to Mia's large feet and big hands? Just comes through to me as transphobic. What other inference is there to be had about commenting on a woman's large hands especially - but that Mia is a man in drag? And she's saying it as a dig? I'm not usually one to read too much into a comment, but Candiace has referenced Mia's big feet/hands a bunch of times and always in a sneering way.
  22. This is a good point. Katie gets a lot of grief for her lack of energy and output, but other than the cocktail book from a few years ago Ariana hasn't done anything more. Not saying people shouldn't comment on Katie and what she's up to, but as with others, Ariana gets a pass because of personality.
  23. Charli's dramatic "skills" make her seem like a Summer House cast reject more than anything else. Her forced fight with Lala about how Lala treated Ariana? Felt so fake and not in a "producer made me do this and I've made it interesting" way. I do agree that Schwartz gets way too much of a pass, but for me it's in how he treats Katie and always, always puts Sandovals wishes/needs/wants above hers. I don't love Katie (don't hate her either), but she often has good points about how Sandoval treats Schwartz and that Schwartz never fully has her back in any circumstance. And her suggested name for the restaurant, 'Once Upon a Tom'? Much better than them going with Sandoval's name. He looks like this to me:
  24. Agreed. For all the over the top back and forth with Blake and the others, when Kelly starts actually critiquing a song/singer/performance she usually has good points and clear-eyed judgements about what a singer did. They all make good points at times, but I think Kelly is the most consistent in clear, concise, actionable commentary - both based on her own experiences as a contestant and her professional career since.
  25. This is my issue with Malia- going back to the Hannah incident - she is selective in what she thinks "has" to be reported to the captain. Granted, a burn list is not a matter of "maritime law!" but it's a pretty out there thing to have and it was clearly not a joke for Lexy. She truly hated everyone on her burn list and harbored some pretty angry thoughts about them. And relatedly - Captain Sandy going off on Malia for not telling her about David (?)'s injury - I'm kind of, oh so reluctantly, with the captain on this one.*** She did make a point of telling them at the beginning to report injuries to her. And besides the fact that David was limping and somewhat impaired by his injury, there are possible liability issues as well. No matter how drunk he was, there are always lawsuit possibilities when injury occurs. Malia makes such a big deal about her duties (which only bugs me because it's Malia, I'll admit), but then doesn't even mention that he'd fallen and injured his leg. His saying he was okay doesn't wash because he was still limping badly two days later. ****Caveat on Sandy's outburst is that I know she played it up in a major way for the drama and camera time.
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