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Everything posted by lgprimes

  1. She mentioned her fiancé’s family owns a pizzeria with delicious pizza! So I’m hoping her weight gain is pizza related not Illness. I like Victoria and felt bad for her when she was gown shopping and Teresa was getting all the attention. That’s gotta get old. I laughed pretty hard when after the salesperson got her reading from Teresa, Victoria turned to her and said “there, ya feel better now?” Lol like now can we focus on ME?!
  2. Wow a a day with neither Liam Steffy or Hope. And Quinn got some action! This feels so good.
  3. Hey Waldo13 I’ll be unpopular with you! I’m rooting hard for Flo and Wyatt to get back together. And Shauna makes me laugh, so I’m always happy to see her. Brooke is a snooze but she belongs with Bill, not Ridge IMO. So no foul on Shauna trying to get her piece of him. (Bill and Katie as a couple is a tragedy.)
  4. Man, when people start feeling sorry for JMW we’ve really hit a low point!
  5. I think this show has finally pushed me to “I’ll check in on the forums but I can’t watch this shit” status. I can’t stomach another round of this.
  6. Thanks! i haven’t seen anything listed on her IMDb, she must just remind me of somebody else. In any case, I enjoyed her acting more than any of the regulars in this episode, even though her storyline was so predictable I could see it coming in last week’s previews.
  7. Ok so the only thing that got me interested at all this episode was trying to remember where I’d seen Deb’s new sex partner before (the daughter not the mom). Can anybody help me out? otherwise-bs storylines
  8. So, not only did I not know Karlie was married to a Kushner, in my head she has been Taylor Swift’s girlfriend for years! So I was surprised to think the ladies were hanging with the Kushners... Consider me corrected, although my Imaginary tabloid world is probably more fun than reality.
  9. Funny I’m just the opposite. By now her readings all sound the same to me. Little pep talks “ they are doing great on the other side with family, they are watching you, they want you not to blame yourself and move on with your life. They are proud of you”. Theresa’s family is the only interesting part for me- or I should say was, since I haven’t really watched much since her divorce.
  10. I see Asma getting a lot of heat on here, and I’m not disagreeing that her look had many problems. But in my opinion the other girl (Jenny?) was the real problem on that team. Asma tried to talk to her about ways to make their looks cohesive ( I could try to match your sleeve style, maybe you could use some of my color.. ) and Jenny just shut her down and offered no suggestions that we saw. Just kept doing her boring, nothing special outfit. I have no real issue with them both being sent off, but if I had to pick one it definitely would have been Jenny.
  11. Fishy to me that she met this guy when she was there WITH David. I agree I think he is a friend of theirs in on this fake breakup storyline.
  12. I never thought Denise Richards was particularly talented as an actress, but the way she’s selling that Shauna actually finds Ridge to be super sexy and attractive? Girlfriend deserves an Emmy!
  13. Lmao! I give up! Back to bed, I’ll try again tomorrow.. just goes to show ya, it’s always somethin
  14. Ok then! In the words of the late great Rosanne Rosannadanna “Nevermind!”
  15. I could be wrong, but I think they filmed this season shortly after the Captain’s son died. So I’m willing to cut him ALOT of slack.
  16. You’re not alone! I’m not buying this either. Jenelle will do anything to get back on MTv, including publicly leave him, but they are in on this together.
  17. Didn’t Charlie specifically say people were watching that cat of acid 24/7? So if Thomas had fallen into it they would have seen it in the video camera right away. Isn’t that why Charlie was there that night? ugh this should be cleared up in five minutes...somehow I doubt it will be
  18. Yeah I don’t think I’m up for watching Hope cry for another year. And I KNOW I can’t stomach watching Liam go back to Steffy. For awhile there I was actually tuning into this show BEFORE Y&R , but those days are over. And I may have to take a break from recording it at all. Where are Shauna and Wyatt? At least give me some laughs and eye-candy. This one depressing story at a time thing is a drag.
  19. I give it a month tops of watching him before you retract this statement.
  20. I’m not rich but I totally know about rose gold jewelry. It’s pretty. I guess she should be glad her name isn’t Tarnished Silver
  21. I don’t think anybody is bothered by the name Rose. It’s the combination with the last name Gold which bugs me. But I think North West is a stupid name too. Just a matter of taste I guess..
  22. At this point I have given up hope if this show ever going away. It’s like a soap opera, and those go on for decades. In a few years the original kids will be having kids, so there will be plenty of new drama. oh and I never chimed in on that conversation, but my money is on Gracie being the first teen parent of the next generation.
  23. ?? These girls all own their own homes, take frequent vacations, dress well and don’t lift a finger to do work. I know plenty of (former)teen moms in the real world , and they are mostly still living with their parents. Some have moved out but most are cleaning houses or working as teaching assistants, generally trying to earn some money but needing some assistance to get by. In reality most are still living the lives the teen moms did in season 1. Yes the Teen Moms should have saved more, but they are more than comfortable.
  24. MTV wants her back, it’s no coincidence she dropped this divorce story right after meeting with them. They only fired her because if the public uproar about Nugget, not that they actually cared. This separation is just so they can get her back on the show. could be a Jenelle and David’s idea, but MTv is certainly not going to question too closely. damn, that girl is gonna get back on the payroll. the show that never ends. Makes me sick how rich these girls have gotten. and yes I stopped watching a few years ago because I got sick of seeing them get rich for popping out kids
  25. Nice job show! I’ve been rooting for Hope for however many years that baby story lasted, and in one day you’ve made me think she’s a total ass. I don’t want Liam to go back to Steffy, because I can’t stand Steffy and they are an awfully mismatched couple, but he also needs to run like hell from this lunatic. Damn. You have your kid. Just be happy and live your damn life.
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