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Everything posted by moonshine71
I don't think we need to assume that the doctor actually believes any of those things are responsible for Joyce's condition, he's just collecting data for studies and watching out for "clusters". There was never any consistent, sold data linking cell phones to brain tumors, but there were enough people raising alarm bells that if would have bean strange not to do such studies, being that they were minimally invasive and low cost. And the cell phone is the only thing Buffy even answers yes to. And if they live near a power line(or anything else)? What's the doctor expected to do, encourage Buffy and Dawn(and presumably their whole neighborhood) to move because there is one incident of a brain tumor?
"Implied they were going to" its overstating it a bit. They were parked to make out. How far they would have gone is open to speculation, but I find if hard to believe that they were on there way to home plate in that moment, but after being interrupted that one time, they then NEVER did get there in almost a whole year following.
So many wtf's about this episode. How exactly would being a potential be such a big change to Dawn's life. She'll be surrounded by the paranormal and her life wall be in frequent danger? Cause that never happens... She is at some risk to inherit a short lifespan IF... Buffy dies? A lot to unpack here. So do the scoobies believe that Buffy's death will trigger another slayer? Did they forget that she just died a little over a year ago for three months, and no other slayer was called? Or, are they under the impression that there was one called that's out there somewhere(it did take them a while to meet Kendra)? If that's the case, why aren't they looking for this third slayer, seems like they could be helpful? I guess it makes sense that the council wouldn't gave bothered to give them any insight in this, they didn't feel the need to give a heads up to Buffy, Giles, Kendra, or Kendra's watcher about the existence if two slayers, because... some reason. But it seems like something Giles would have the intuition to look into, especially once he's forced to travel the globe gathering up potentials. "Hey, witchy coven friends, there wouldn't happen to be a third slayer out there, would there?" And back to Buffy's death, if they DO believe if will trigger another slayer, Dawn wasn't called when that happened, so why the panic as if she's the odds on favorite now? Sure, the talent pool has been drained a little by the bringers, but not that much.
Finely coming back to the show after a while, wasn't really pulled into this season but figured I'd go ahead and finish it now that all the episodes are available. Biggest take away... Wow, I haven't always been John Henry's biggest cheerleader, but everyone else on this show can completely fuck the hell off right now, he's completely in the right. 1. No Clark, there wasn't another way. John should already be dead from the blows he took, he was COMPLETELY justified in using the means he had to defend himself. Miller just kicked Clark's ass, and he expects John to do what else...? Not everyone has the luxury of being invincible, Clark. 2. Not only are Bruno and his wife murderers, they have stolen potential WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Imagine if a terrorist was in possession of a stolen nuclear weapon or enriched uranium and someone floated that lame "but he should see his dying wife argument" without using it to leverage the return of those weapons. And that goes for his son, too. Idgaf if he's "innocent", you use any and all leverage you have. The person preventing Mateo from seeing his mother is Bruno, not John Henry. Natalie even said it, but was too stupid to understand she did. She asks John Henry, "Wouldn't you have done anything" for them to get a last chance to see her mother before she was killed. Apparently the answer is no for Bruno, because he clearly has a means to do that. And honestly, fuck Mateo, with his "your dad's not that great, either" line. Your parents are fucking murderers, asshole. Wah, John won't let you see your mom. Your dad could solve that at any time, blame him. And blame you parents for being FUCKING MURDERERS, otherwise there wouldn't be an issue at at all. And fuck Natalie for not shooting that bullshit straight down because she's... in love? With some dipshit she's been on like one date with? And he's clearly a dipshit it he didn't know about his parents. Honestly, I have no idea how this works. Bruno seems to be a pretty well known, public figure. But he had secret wife and child. But this almost adult child has never noticed that he and his mother were kept secret from the public?
S05.E01: Buffy vs Dracula
moonshine71 replied to Joe Hellandback's topic in Buffy The Vampire Slayer
I always assumed it was a bit of stunt-casting/cross promotion, since he was playing Dracula in Dark Prince-The True Story Of Dracula, which aired later that month on the USA network. -
As someone who spent the 90's and early 00's as a bartender in campus area bars, two things I can say for certain. 1. If Xander had kept that job, he would have had a pipeline of college girls throwing themselves at him. 2. The person that I can guarantee isn't picking up anyone in that bar is anyone who is discussing "the geopolitical ramifications of bioengineering" The whole premise of those goons believing that girls were showing up at a bar looking for blowhards spouting pseudo-intellectual bullshit is delusional. And bartenders, for whatever reason, seem to hold an uncanny allure for younger women. They don't even need to be particularly good looking or have much in the way of "pick up" skills. Xander is certainly a decent looking guy, he would have caught a lot of attention.
1. In the most ridiculous way ever. As someone who's been a high school assistant coach both during and after college, non-faculty assistant coach is a seasonal, part time job. They aren't giving you an office, even a shitty one, to hang around school all day for no reason. They don't particularly want you on school grounds until practice time after school even if you're an adult. An 18 year old that has dated current students and is going to student parties....😅😅😅 And a young sub love interest for him...🙄 2. That was obvious from the first meeting in the principal's office. I guess this contractor has never heard if giving an estimate or getting consent for work. Not loving this season. It's always had it's share of ridiculousness, but it was fun. This just feels lazy and stupid.
Xander meets Lily(as Chantrelle) in Lie To Me.
Welling and Rosenbaum have been shopping an animated continuation for a while, with the support of Miller and Gough and a lot of original cast members.
The Sophie thing... Ughh. Shoe looks like she's in middle school but they are treating her and she's acting like a toddler. She's old enough to be on her own for a bit, even more so with a 16 year old sister. Jfc, Kyle was at a convenience store within walking distance. And asking if the fair is going on? Ok, we know it's a month after the Valentine's dance, so mid March. She's asking if the fair, that takes place in the summer, is going on when it's not even really spring yet? She's way too old to not have any concept of what season it is or when events like that happen. Hell, when I was in like first or second grade, I understood that those were some of things(fairs and festivals) that happened over summer break that i looked forward to. Also, this is still the kids sophomore year. The whole Kyle/Lana breakup began after the school year started and divorce was finalized by February. That's really, really fast. Weirdest, unnecessary dialogue. "I'm late for an interview with Chrissy Beppo from the Gazzette" 1. Way more information than your kids have any interest in. 2. Way more information than we need in a town with one publication in town and basically 2 reporters,
No, I just can't buy that. I've literally never seen or heard of journalist showing up at a high school dance to cover it. That includes growing up on the 80's in a rural/suburban area, when papers really mattered to people, had decent size staffs, and everyone didn't already have a camera on them 24/7. Prom might get a small blurb in the local paper compiled of attendees accounts and submitted photos, but no one sent a reporter to cover if. Almost none if these kids or their families would care about getting their pictures in a paper that has a tiny circulation when they can reach an exponentially larger audience and choose the photos to want to display on Instagram or whatever. I don't think my son or any if his classmates could even name local, community newspaper. Honestly, I don't think most adults in this area could right now, unless they grew up in this community.
Anyone else find Kyle's pullback on Jon's offer weird? He seems so encouraging to Jon, then later when Jon asks about revisiting their completely informal and hastily suggested schedule that they discussed on the side of the road for 10 seconds, he quickly becomes pretty dismissive.
Came here for this. Why in the everlasting fuck is Chrissy at a high school dance? Grandpa Lane? Jfc... And enough with the "chaperone" trope. My son graduated from high school a couple of years ago. I never chaperoned a dance. I don't know a single parent who ever did. They had school staff to take care of that, no need to horrify your poor child by hanging around their dance watching them, taking pictures, not giving them any freedom. I especially loved Lois harping to Clark to "get ready", because he certainly couldn't go to a high school Valentine's dance held at the local Moose club lodge just wearing a sweater and a pair of slacks, that's clearly a formal wear event... Jfc 🙄
Why would anyone would think Jon was telling her about Superman? There's nothing to suggest he had any plan to do that, he's never even shown any desire to do so. And clearly, in the context of the scene, he was telling her something "bad" that he had done, not sure how being Superman's son would fit that bill.
Not sure how helpful masks or anything else would be, considering the only thing they took was Jon' s truck. Especially once Jon starts driving it around town again.
Onomatopoeia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onomatopoeia_(comics)
Agree. The football team stayed overnight for a game there last season, that's probably only going to happen if the drive is well over 2 hours. Now they're just cruising up there to go to a party where they don't know anyone and aren't invited...🙄 They seem to be sticking to the Smallville tradition of nonsensical geography. Where Metropolis is a 3 hour drive away, but you can see the skyline from the Smallville water tower and all the characters eventually commuted 6 hours a day from Smallville to Metropolis and back.😂
How could they prove it? Victim testimony about Joe attacking them with a mallet when they tried to flee his house would hold up pretty well, imo. It would pass the reasonable doubt bar for me. And, iirc, the stepson next door found and saved surveillance footage of Joe coming out of the back of the bakery and driving his step mother's car away. And his rich, tech-mogul sound like be would be chomping at the bit to take down Joe as an accessory in his wife's murder.
You're more accepting of the cage than me, it was over the top in season 2 (though it did progressively become more so each season). That thing would cost 10's of thousands in just materials, and you aren't finding glass panels like that at Home Depot. And being good with your hands isn't going to make moving the parts/assembling that a one person job, even two people is a huge stretch.
Oh, jfc, the cage has just catapulted into a entirely new level of ridiculous, which it already was completely. He disassembled and removed that gigantic glass cage, made of huge glass panels, in the middle of London in a matter of hours, by himself and without anyone noticing🙄
I always do that, I basically regard The Defenders as Daredevil season 2.5, makes for a pretty coherent storyline (except for the retconning of The Hand/The Chaste/Madam Gau that started in Iron Fist and continued into The Defenders).
Rewatching this after many years. Have some mixed feelings about it, but it is a fun show most if the time. The one thing I am absolutely certain about after 3 seasons is that I can't stand Chuck's sister. Not one bit. Jfc, she is insufferable.
Just lame writing all in the name of setting up Kitty to encourage the neighbor to break up with Fez, and try to pull back when she find out it is Fez. Fez appears to have been dating this woman far a while, has picked her up, but has never mentioned "hey, two of my best friends growing up lived in your house and the house next door! As a matter of fact, I still do your neighbor Kitty's hair, she's a friend of mine!" Actual humans mention stuff like that in conversation.
Simple answer? No. First, simply the act if getting married doesn't automatically legally change a woman's name. You have to go through several steps with the appropriate state and federal agencies to do that and it's typically done after the wedding. Plenty of women choose not to. Second, even legally changing your name won't invalidate a warrant.
Ugh, this is really awful. I went in with low expectations, and it was worse than I imagined.