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Everything posted by Snapdragon

  1. Loved the inclusive holiday concert. I am so over Lainey and Barry as a couple though. Ugh. I know that in real life Barry became a doctor but the character they've created is so moronic that him becoming a doctor is just ridiculous.
  2. "Pokemon was a Japanese card game in the 90s." Was? WAS? No, show. You are wrong. Pokemon is not a "was". Pokemon is alive and well and my six year old talks about it every...single...day. It's been going strong for 22 years with no signs of slowing down. They might as well have said, "Back in the 90s, there was a pop star named Justin Timberlake."
  3. I'm so over them discussing the debates. Every time, it's the same thing. Joy talks up Biden, Sunny talks up Harris, Whoopi talks up Yang, Meghan complains that one of the candidates has no business being there and Abby (as always) just exists. They're all so biased (with the exception of Abby...who exists) that it makes discussing anything that went on during the debates pointless.
  4. Not easily though. Also, there's a big difference between having your last baby in your 40s and your first. Fertility starts to take a big dip after 35 and for a huge chunk of women trying to get pregnant at that age, a lot of intervention is required.
  5. Not sure how I feel about them introducing a baby plotline. I just assumed, since both actors are in their forties, that Mike and Rio weren't having kids. Especially Rio. She does not seem like the type of person that would be interested in having kids in the slightest. Also, introducing a baby into a cast that is mostly made up of people who are middle aged and up just seems like it would throw everything off.
  6. This had never occurred to me before but now it's all I want for Christmas!
  7. Yeah, the whole Trump Jr. interview does seem an odd choice for what should have been a light/happy episode. Also, what was with the random hot topic after the interview? Should school days be longer? (the answer is "no") Surely they could have just talked about the show being on for so long instead of randomly shoving a hot topic in because they didn't want to talk to Trump Jr. anymore.
  8. He was just an employee. The owner's kid was a baby, which is why he and his wife were at couple's counseling (lack of sleep due to baby was stressing them out or something like that).
  9. I really wish they hadn't gone with the "there's a nuke coming" plotline this episode because I actually found all the other stories way more interesting than the missile one. Was that guy who the dog was eating murdered or did he die due to some other cause (accident, OD'ed, dog attack,etc)? And what was going on with the funky looking guy with the counterfeit money? I would have much rather watched all those things play out (as well as Nolan's court storyline) than the incoming missile story that we got. Also, Chen's ex is insane. Who sends a wedding invite to not just their ex, but their ex who they cheated on with their best friend, who they are now marrying? Why she didn't immediately just throw it in the trash is beyond me.
  10. The twins are by far the best part of this show. I want it to be successful just so that I can see more of them.
  11. I noticed this too but figured it was due to the fact that TV shows/movies are usually terrible at realistic timelines. Or Abigail is lying and completely nutso. Either one seems completely possible.
  12. I feel like they just could have done a big October birthday special for Joy, Sunny and Meghan all in the same day. Three separate shows devoted to birthdays in month is just too much.
  13. Just finished this. This show is definitely one of my favorites right now. It's over the top and crazy but that's probably why I love it. I also liked that Season 2 was a bit more grounded and had a better flow to it. Season 1 was kind of all over the place but Season 2 was sold storytelling, what with everyone's character development and the ongoing pageant killer mystery. I hope this gets renewed for a third and, knowing Netflix, final season.
  14. Ah, thanks. I don't have cable and just watch on Hulu so I wasn't aware of the "old cast" week thing. What other shows are participating in this? I know that the cast of Girlfriends was in Black-ish this week but besides The Goldbergs, I haven't seen it on any of ABC's other shows. Modern Family and Single Parents both had reoccurring guest stars but does that really count as "old casts"?
  15. Why was half the cast of Cheers in this episode? Was there a Cheers reference that I missed earlier in the episode?
  16. Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought of L.A. to Vegas with the whole parking lot trailer park. I freakin' loved that show and was sad when it was cancelled. I liked this episode. Yes, half the things that happen on it are unrealistic/kind of silly but it's fast paced and the characters are enjoyable to watch.
  17. That's the thing though, they wouldn't have been one of the first legal interracial marriages in the United States. Before the Loving Act was passed, whether people could marry someone of a different race depended on the state they lived in and the races involved. My Japanese grandmother and white grandfather got married in 1950, thirty-five years before this show is set. Heck, The Jeffersons premiered in 1975 with a black/white married couple with two grown children so while interracial marriages and mixed kids weren't as common as they are now, they certainly weren't unheard of. And in California, where the show is set, interracial marriage had been legal since 1948. So yeah, while I get that since Bow is half-black, half-white they're obviously going to concentrate on that particular mix and the struggles it involves, but when they have her make statements like, "My parents were one of the first interracial marriages" it's simply not true and continues Hollywood's annoying habit of acting as if black/white is the only mix that exists.
  18. I'm only halfway through the episode but I'm already annoyed by the fact that the show is acting as if the only mixed people in the world are those who are half black, half white. If they want to point out that interracial marriage wasn't legal everywhere in the United States until 1967, that's fine but to pretend that Bow's family was basically the first interracial family ever is ridiculous.
  19. This. I couldn't believe that they were all acting like this was some morally gray area. The guy didn't say things ten years ago, or as a teenager or even make edgy jokes. He straight up used slurs on multiple occasions a year ago! And what gets me is you know if he had used slurs for blacks or Hispanics, that Sunny would have been out for blood but I guess if it's Asians and gays, then no big deal? Very disappointing, all around.
  20. While I think Bash could have said it in a nicer way, I'm actually on his side about extending the show for nine more months. I mean, that's how shows work. If you don't want to do the show anymore, then you quit and they replace you with someone else. If Debbie doesn't want to extend her contract (which is totally understandable, given her circumstances), then she can just quit and they can either switch one of the existing wrestler to her role or hire someone else. Why is she trying to get in the way of everyone else earning money?
  21. Dang it! Bishop was my favorite character and with both her and the chief gone, I'm not sure how good the next season is going to be. Ugh, I just feel like every new show I like either gets cancelled after one season or loses an actor/showrunner, which causes the entire thing to fall apart.
  22. Just saw this clip on YouTube and for the life of me, I cannot figure out why marriage counseling is such an offensive idea to Meghan. It wasn't even the suggestion that it be provided by the government that she had an issue with, it was like the entire concept of marriage counseling angered her.
  23. Yes, if you put the closed caption on, it will say Latin Lover Narrator before all his lines. I didn't realize that until season 2 and it cracked me up so hard that that's the character's official name.
  24. This x1000! Jane has been acting as if Michael coming back is a threat to the perfect little family she's built with Rafael, which is complete BS because it's never been just her and Raf with Mateo. Petra and the twins are just as much part of their family since, you know, the twins are also Raf's children! Gah! The show is ridiculous when it comes to this fact. We never see Raf alone with his three children, or Jane and Raf taking the three kids anywhere together. What's even more annoying is that when Petra and Raf got back together, Jane was freaking out about her and Mateo being left out in the cold but now that the shoe's on the other foot? Screw you, other kids and baby mama!
  25. I'm confused as to how Kevin (Kelvin?) can ask for child support as their son is 18 and in college. I'd get it if he were still in high school and he needed the support until he graduated but Kevin Jr is a college freshman and legally an adult. Is it just a bargaining ploy so that he can say that he'll forego the child support as long as he gets the spousal support?
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