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Everything posted by Snapdragon

  1. Sunny really needs to stop talking about her kids' personal lives on the show. They're way too old for that (Though I too would be side-eyeing somebody that much older trying to date my kid. I just wouldn't talk about it on tv). Sarah is aware that she can send Christmas cards without a picture, right? Or do a photo card with pics you've taken throughout the year, instead of having a professional photo done. It's very easy to do a simple Christmas card without making it into a big, stressful production (which reminds me, I still need to send out ours. They're just sitting on the mantle right now, waiting to be addressed and mailed). I mean, I like Whoopi but I highly doubt anyone is going to make a film about her after she dies. Speaking of which, did they even mention that Kirstie Alley died?
  2. So Grey's daughter got kidnapped by two random men late at night and wasn't found until the next day and somehow she didn't get assaulted? Okay then. That entire storyline was just really weird. And I'm glad the guy Nolan and Juarez arrested died. What kind of asshole puts a baby in a box?
  3. Chris thinking he and Chen should buy a house together is just dumb. Is this because he almost got killed by a serial killer? Is he having some kind of mental break where he thinks buying a house with someone who he's never even discussed long term plans with is a good idea? And I feel bad for the actress that plays Chen. It must be frustrating having to play a character that went from being a fully functioning adult to a teenager with no self esteem.
  4. I find this interesting because in my experience it's been the opposite. Maybe the young toxic women just become old toxic women?
  5. So, when the snake came out of Connor and Tim killed it, was I the only one who thought for a second that it was actually Gar and that the blood curse (or whatever it is) had caused him to transform?
  6. The actor playing Denise's dad looked familiar to me but I couldn't remember what I knew him from. Looked it up and it's Gary Anthony Williams, Stevie's dad, Abe, from Malcom in the Middle. Dude has lost a ton of weight! Good for you, Gary! Also, I can't believe that Kim Coles is old enough to play Denise's mom! I used to watch Living Single when I was in middle school and high school and that's just crazy to me.
  7. I don't understand why any of the hosts would have their phones on them during the show. It's very unprofessional and what could they possibly need them for? They could have a PA answer their phones backstage if there was an emergency, otherwise, their calls and texts can wait.
  8. The most ridiculous part is that that story is old. I read it somewhere like, a year ago? And, as always, most of those Reddit stories are made up, so giving them any kind of coverage is dumb.
  9. The manufactured drama on this show. "We overshot the drop off location! Now we'll have to circle the block! Why, God?! WHY???????" Personally, I'm never that impressed with the Met Gala. Most of the time, the theme is vague and at least half of the people end up looking a mess. I much prefer the Oscars when fashion watching. And yes, Kourtney and Travis are nasty. Edit: So I guess they're revealing Khloe's son's name on the season finale? Any guesses? I'm going with Testament.
  10. This. I'm getting annoyed by both Janine and Jacob this season. Last season, they both had their quirks but were overall very down to earth, competent people. This season, they're all quirk with very little competence.
  11. I really enjoyed this episode but I'm still not sure why the Harmony character was added in. Seems kind of weird to add a secret half-sibling for a three episode arc. I guess she can pop up once a year or something?
  12. Sunny got married at 30 and had her kids when she was 34 and 38. With her oldest, she's said they tried for years before resorting to IVF (she also had multiple miscarriages), so I'm fairly sure they started trying soon after getting married (I read Sunny's memoir earlier this year but can't remember all the details).
  13. Honestly, from everything Sunny's said about her fertility struggles, I doubt her trying to conceive younger would have helped. Thirty isn't old to have a baby, so if she was having trouble conceiving at 30, chances are she would have had trouble trying to conceive no matter what her age. If she'd started trying at 40, then yeah, you're more likely to have problems but the big dip in fertility happens around 37 for most people, not 30. Even then, it varies so much from person to person. Sara didn't start having her kids until 38 and I don't think she had any trouble conceiving at all.
  14. Sarah's probably my favorite person on the panel right now (possibly tied with Ana) but OMG, she is soooooo weird about her dogs! Worrying that when she got a second dog she might not love it as much as her first dog? Who worries about that?
  15. Not sure why everyone's saying Sunny has seniority over Sarah (if such a thing on The View even exists). They both became full time hosts during the same season and while Sarah did leave the show for two seasons, so did Joy, so it's not like leaving and coming back erases your earlier seasons on the show. And if length of time on the show decided who was moderator, than Joy would have been made moderator, like, fifteen years ago. I'm assuming Sarah was picked (or volunteered) to be moderator because her personality best suits the role.
  16. I actually preferred today without Whoopi and Joy. This panel is much more balanced. You have Sunny who is left, Alyssa who is right, Ana who is moderate right and Sarah who is moderate left. There was also no Whoopi rolling her eyes at topics nor Joy completely not being able to relate to something because of her age. Also, because there were only four people, everyone got time to talk and Sarah did a great job moderating.
  17. Yeah, all the blood stuff this season is grossing me out. I had to look away once homeboy started bringing the scissors towards his eyes. Yuck. I'd prefer it if the show was just Nightwing, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Superboy. They honestly don't need anybody else and every time other characters are added in, the show becomes way too bloated and no one gets any worthwhile screen time. I'd be okay with Blackfire popping in every now and then but Tim didn't even need to be in last season, let alone this one.
  18. I don't...why couldn't Kim just wear a wig? Why spend an entire day dying her hair blonde (a process that usually takes days if not weeks to get right) when she could have just got a really high end wig? And the Monroe dress thing is so dumb. She doesn't even fit into it. She could have just had a replica dress made that actually fit her, instead of starving herself and working out in a sauna suit. And yes, I agree that Kourtney's wedding dress isn't a dress at all. She looks like she's performing in a burlesque show or something.
  19. I think the better question is, "Why does this exist?"
  20. Honestly, I wouldn't mind it so much if they did it with a sense of humor. Like, once a year have a segment called "Shameless Self Promotion Day" and let every host hawk their wares. Sunny can promote her book, Whoopi her sweaters, etc. But when they put their own stuff in their summer reading recs or favorite things lists, it's just very cringey.
  21. Texas used to have the vote straight party option but that went away..a few years ago, I think? I never used it, so I can't quite remember when it went away but I feel like it was somewhere within the past five years. Anyway, while you can't just click a box that automatically picks all the candidates from one party for you, all the candidates are clearly marked with what political party they belong to, so it still shouldn't have taken her friend an hour to fill out her ballot. And I haven't seen paper ballots here in about 10 years, so I doubt she was filling anything out by hand. Also, you're allowed to bring a filled out sample ballot (or any other piece of paper with your choices written down on it) to the voting booth, so that also would hurry things along. 97 candidates sounds like a lot but when you consider that several races have four candidates and that for some positions there's only one person running unopposed, you're probably only looking at around 35 actual races she had to vote on, and in all of those, the Democrats would have been clearly marked.
  22. I really hope Sunny misheard what her friend said and that the friend meant that the combined time she waited in line plus the time it took her to fill out her ballot was an hour because if it took her friend an hour to fill out her ballot, then there's something wrong with her friend. I'm in Texas and while I had to wait about an hour in line for early voting, it only took me about five minutes to fill out my ballot.
  23. Yeah, I just got done watching that scene and honestly, the person who looks bad in it is Zanab, not Cole. Cole is cheerfully suggesting that they go have a wedding reception overseas with Zanab's extended family and she's just being ridiculously negative about the idea. And he was only suggesting that she not eat so much since they were about to go out for a huge dinner. Unless Cole did something earlier that they didn't show, there was no reason for Zanab to be in such a foul mood. I don't know. Zanab should have broken up with Cole when he first made the comment about her only being a 9 while other women there were a 10 because she obviously never got over the comment and he never realized just how hurtful a thing that was to say.
  24. So I'm halfway through this reunion and it doesn't seem like they're going to confront Matt on his anger issues. Like, for real? I was actually scared for Colleen physically that first time he exploded (which is not something I think I've ever felt while watching a reality dating show, ever) and if they don't bring up how abusive he was being, that's just some BS. Edit: Okay, just finished it. Was it me or did Colleen look scared/uncomfortable any time Matt talked? It was weird. The two of them didn't really make eye contact the entire time and while Matt had his arm around Colleen, she wasn't leaning into him or anything. Maybe she was just uncomfortable because the reunion is kind of an awkward situation, but she looked like she was being held hostage.
  25. Why Colleen? WHY? *sigh* Oh well. At least Nancy and Zanab got away. Would have been better if Nancy had told Bartise to take a hike like Zanab did with Cole, but at least she'll be happier in the long run. And dang Cole for being such as ass because he and Zanab, from a physical viewpoint, do look so good together. Like, their children would have been gorgeous and I thought Zanab looked the best out of everyone at their weddings. Sidenote, does Matt only get nasty when he's been drinking? Given the editing, it's hard for me to tell but I'm kinda hoping that if that's the case he stops drinking and gets some therapy, for Colleen's sake, if not for his own as well.
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