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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I am a loud, proud, white person, and Wayne Brady makes my hair hurt. And would someone please send him a tailor, so that he can have every seam in every item of clothing let out by 1/2". Thanks in advance. There. It's out there. I shall sleep tonight.
  2. Anyone care to enlighten me?
  3. I actually thought that she was acting more like she was going to harm herself. Forgive me for sort of not caring enough if she does. JLH looks so, so pregnant in these scenes, that I have to believe she will need her own pregnancy leave, which has me wondering about next week's episode with respect to her character. 🤔
  4. Deeply troubled might be a bit strong, and assholes is harsh, but yeah, I've always said that naturally funny people are generally borne of pain or sadness or both.
  5. Seems odd that the subject of returning to an office setting never came up in your job interview. I know you said you were hired after wfh started, and perhaps you could work on a proposal that you stay in a wfh status. I'd start a pro/con list, not for you but for your employer. Convince them that it would be in their best interest and why, and you might have a shot.
  6. Put in a request for an upstairs apt.? Not trying to be flip, but my experience with renting apartments tells me that there is no ideal circumstance. No matter the price point, there will always be assholes who think they are alone in the world, and any/everything they do is AOK. We had to build a house to get peace, lol. Maddening but realistic.
  7. Re: PP the-truth-about-paulina-porizkova-and-aaron-sorkin From the ^link: "The Czech model later recounted that she was left with literally nothing, given that they had not even signed a prenup and had to rely on friends for grocery money after he died, per Page Six. Things have not been easy for the outspoken model, but it sounds like she's happy with the new man in her life." My take? 56-yr old former models with two grown children shouldn't be reliant on friends for grocery money, regardless of whether or not she had a prenup with a man she had been separated from for years, and divorced from for a couple of months prior to his death. I'd be happy with that new man too, given those circumstances. I realize this is via Page Six, but smoke usually leads to fire.
  8. Little Yappy is begging for attention and companionship. He/she needs those things, and likely exercise in the form of a walk with a caring human. Dogs are pack animals, and when left in solitary confinement, will do just about anything to attract attention; negative or otherwise. My heart bleeds for your neighbor doggies. People suck.
  9. She appears to take great joy in human terror. It's evident on that game show she does. If ever there was a time for the overused words "entitled & privileged", it's to describe Ellen Degeneres.
  10. For those of us who kicked the Twit to the curb, care to summarize?
  11. Could be as a result of the way the truck was loaded. If there were heavy/unwieldly packages in between your neighborhood deliveries, driver may have chosen to get those off, rather than have to essentially reload the truck.
  12. Majorly pet peeve. The Jerry Springering of the American culture.
  13. People concluding that they have or should have a say in our lives is a pet peeve. The ^above posts about food preferences highlights just one area of this phenomenon. Live and let live, live and let die
  14. PP - That we're supposed to believe that either Chris Berman or Ice T have vehicles with expired warranties, or that they need an extended warranty plan as a result. Pullleeeze.
  15. I don't disagree with you in re JLo, but felt it fair to include him in the needy/messy department. I couldn't necessarily name his exes, but it just seems like we've read about his many exploits/dating partners that he's managed to squeeze in, between stints in rehab for substance abuse, among other things. He's a guy who made a lot of money as a very young man, and never grew into manhood (not well anyway), despite Jennifer Garner's yeoman effort/s to facilitate same.
  16. His mommy and daddy that he still sucks off of vacations with must be all sorts of proud.
  17. More space has been given here to people further from celebrity than was Ms Kitaen.
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