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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. As someone who naturally defaults to curt, I have been known to say something like this - "I just re-read my latest note to you, and I see that it reads a little grouchy. That wasn't my intention!" You and I know that's a damn lie, and your original point is still made, but it sort of covers your ass just in case, lol.
  2. It is not possible to remove the ugly from Brandi Glanville. No dermatologist, no surgeon has that ability.
  3. I don't think Kim's bank of emotions has a "devastated" in it. I'm not even sure that there is an "embarrassed" in there either. Her disease, coupled with a warped sense of entitlement, have led her here. Kyle does not appear to be able to apply tough love to this relationship, whereby Kim would have to actually support herself. Having a lot of money makes that easier. I admire Mauricio greatly for making those sacrifices for an ungrateful beneficiary.
  4. The more I see of Edmund's, the luckier he becomes that Josh did a Josh.
  5. The offending shoes - Mrs. Obi-Wan - The runway - (minus Helen's meh) Sorry for the poor quality screen grabs.
  6. I see now why the editing defaulted to mostly showing Alyssa from the waist up when they were at Zac's atelier. I don't even know how I missed this, unless I'm unconsciously blocking her - Yeah, that's a faux fur hem. Thinking they deconstructed a 1970's sofa for this look.
  7. I liked Anthony's dress, but tbh, I didn't love any of them. Again. When Fabio's came down the runway, a ? literally popped up above my head. That was the strangest, least red carpety garment I could have imagined. Maybe for Mrs. Yoda or Mrs. Obi-Wan. But I'm in a fly-over state, so there you go.
  8. She's wearing further proof that there is no full length mirror on the set of PR. It was beyond stupid. Johnny Weir he ain't.
  9. It seems like they both just want to win. They want to be the victor over the other one, more than they want to be successful parents to that child. Initially, I thought he was the good guy to her bad guy, but over time, he has shown himself to be unable to put the past behind him for the sake of his kid. Such a nasty situation. She's raising another Bethenny, another socially inept human being who won't be able to trust anyone, and will torpedo relationships for sport.
  10. I read that too. What makes you think it's someone trying to present her that way? Perhaps she just is that way.
  11. I would think she would be universally disliked. She sucks all the air out of the room. Her intermittent bits of humor are all I've ever enjoyed about her, but they don't come often enough to compensate for her horrible demeanor. I'll watch the first episodes to see how bad it is. If it's too awful, I'll view it vicariously through you all here. It was bullspit from inception IMO.
  12. I smell a couple of planted stories, designed to build anticipation for the new season. Not saying these plot twists didn't occur, just saying that we'll all have to be the judge as to whether this has all been scripted for Mr. Nielsen et al.
  13. Maybe they can get the Roseanne "they hit the lottery" writers to pen those scripts.
  14. Could be. I didn't see it that way. Not saying he was innocent, just really looked rather deer in headlights to me.
  15. My sis loved to do this to me when we were little kids, as she knew that my claustrophobia would kick in. Awful.
  16. That's a fair observation. This does look much better. Still with the little girl affect - *ptui*.
  17. He struck me as someone with dementia issues.
  18. The do not call list appears to be a monumental waste of time and bandwidth. We no longer use a landline. I also have used a cell for business, an still don't answer unknown numbers, but we may be in different situations. No matter, I still like the air horn idea, lol.
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