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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. The child-naming discussion from the Divorce thread - Girl in my school, last name of Kane. You guessed it...the idiots named her Kandy. Family in a nearby community with the last name of Duck. You got it...named one of their sons Donald. You just can't make up this stuff.
  2. That is evil. I suppose her mumsy was an alum. We should take this to small talk, and cite examples of the names that parents foisted on their poor defenseless children, lol.
  3. Good call. They too however, are gathering rings around their trunks. We need an infusion of youth!
  4. It will be interesting to see his strategy as it relates to his company, going forward. He's already laid the groundwork; will he close it down citing inability to pay the bills, or will he just slow-pay or no-pay her back into court? As a side note, I always get a twinge when I read these extravagant numbers that are laid out every month by women who claim they simply couldn't be expected to cut costs. I thought she had family money and was raised high on the hog. Where's all of that? Anyway, I guess we'll all have a front row seat for this family's mess. p.s.: I'm in agreement that he should deny permission to film the kids. Actually, it shouldn't take the father to demand it. Shannon should have the wits to figure that out on her own. Not with all of this nastiness going on.
  5. Unfortunately, it seems like rock is dying off (literally & figuratively). I've never been a viewer of any of the music contest shows except AI, and I stopped watching that with the JLo era, but if I use that as a guage, I can recall that Daughtry was a rocker, and that Adam guy who joined Queen was a rocker, but they go pretty far back. I can't recall a female on AI that was a pure rocker. Kelly Clarkson dabbled in it for a couple of songs, but she's pretty much a pop/crossover artist. The genre is in desperate need of a boost from the younger generations. Our poor 70's rockers are getting tired. And worse. eta - If I knew how to "move" this to small talk, I would. Apologize for the thread hijack.
  6. I really like my Shark Rotator. It does an above average job on the cat hair imo. It's probably 3-4 years old, and I paid close to $200 for it, which probably isn't what you meant by budget conscious, but I thought perhaps you could pick up an older generation model like mine on Amazon or Ebay or even QVC? Not sure. They've sold a couple of new iterations since mine, and I'm assuming they're well over $200 now. Don't know if you can spend much less and still be happy with the results, especially with pet hair. I went cheap before the Shark and bought a Dirt Devil something-or-other and it was absolute junk.
  7. Had there been commission in my PTRERJ (part-time recession-era retail job) I would still be working it. I liked what I did and I was good at it, excel at customer service, product knowledge, etc., but to be treated like the dog mess on the bottom of a shoe for (at that time) paltry minimum wage was a deal breaker for me. Once my real job stabilized (straight-commission B2B sales rep), I was outta there.
  8. Haha. Good thought. The only face-to-face relationship that she's been successful with to date is Cookie.
  9. I can recall the name Bryn being around for some time... a couple of decades or more maybe? It's not original to the skinny girl.
  10. I'm often astounded at the people who think their life is interesting enough to write a "memoir" about. EJG needs to take a seat and get over herself.
  11. My feelings on this season are that I fell asleep about halfway through the episode. Saw the runway, but then...gone.
  12. Another week with a challenge that determines little about who these folks are as clothing designers, imo. Wasn't bowled over by any of them. THAT seems to be the running theme. Mediocrity. Onward to next week and a 60-minute Candy Crush commercial. Great.
  13. Don't hold back so much Ital Sol. You'll get ulcers. ?
  14. I'm on an island. I like the name Bryn(n), independent of the provenance.
  15. Side eye to PR's product placement design challenges. Actual clothing design be damned.
  16. Sounds about right. If the girls are mad at him, it could stem from the flaunting of the girlfriend on social media, among the other organic reasons that this family is broken. Teenage girls are so not going to appreciate the young chickie, or the fact that their father, at least to them, is showing that level of disrespect to their mother, especially so soon or what seems like soon to them. Divorce is a fascinating social construct, right up to the point that you live with it and through it. The adults are very often the least mature in the room.
  17. Spewing the 'C' word at every opportunity tends to make one glamorous. In opposite world.
  18. If David get's half of the lemons, Shannon's feng sho' gonna be shuied.
  19. Welp, two cities down...look out LA! lol Side note - when I see images of what one.point.whatever million buys on a coast, I appreciate even more, my flyover real estate. Is the show still in production?
  20. x ∞ ! I would balance my purse on my head before I would put it on the counter or (eeks!) the floor. #NeverGonnaHappen p.s.: Every image I have of Carrie in relation to a purse is her slinging a crossbody over her head as she exits a room/scene, but yeah, in this instance she has a clutch? Mkay.
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