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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Okay, but do we still get to be peeved because they don't realize they're doing it right? They just know they're being an asshole.
  2. WWHL is doing a week on the west coast I think. I don't watch anymore, but stayed over one night after a show. I always feel I need a shower after viewing much of an Andy Cohen performance. I know, I'm enabling him, lol. Jill looks amazing. Her "secret" was highlighted in her last or next-to-last season. Some non-surgical procedure she did or does. An heiress is not a sponge. Fortunate sperm maybe, but not a sponge.
  3. This photo from the season premiere, April 4th. Ramona - Oh Ramona Luann - Clearly thinner & toned Andy - ? Carole - Sequinned lingerie dress with a sleeved, collared blouse. Mkay Dorinda - Too much self tanner, but she looks great! Tinsley - Much, much better hair!
  4. See girls! We support women! You too can go without makeup, be yourself! (with a professional photog, lighting director, stylist, etc., etc., etc.)
  5. There ya go. I concur, fwiw. I do believe that her reconfiguration worsened her appearance, not bettered. In the interest of fairness, here's an image later than high school, but before the latter: She's always seemingly had an unfortunate mouth situation, but the 'fix' didn't fix it imo.
  6. If I may take the liberty, this is what I use (Windows 10 PC) http://www.shrinkpictures.com/ This site is really pretty easy, as long as you know how to navigate your file explorer. I usually default to 50% to resize. Your resized image will be in downloads.
  7. What we don't know, is the extent of any donations she may have given to other charities, whether or not for Puerto Rico hurricane relief efforts. How much is enough?
  8. One of my girls was a stray that we took in when she was somewhere between 10-12 months old. She was flea-ridden, but the sweetest cat I have ever known, and showed zero interest in ever going out again. She knew what lurked outside of that patio door.
  9. There are feral colonies everywhere, in varying numbers. There are lots of people that feed feral colonies. There are TNR (trap-neuter-release) groups that try to get them spayed/neutered for obvious reasons. Some feral cats can be eventually brought into a home, and will tame. Others - no bueno. One female cat can produce upwards of 100 kittens in her 'productive' lifespan. It's a huge, huge, problem.
  10. It's not a rumor. nfl-star-josh-norman
  11. Whether it's a guise or fact, it's unattractive and she shouldn't do it.
  12. Personally, I believe you're onto something. She did rather overact her pending nuptials.
  13. Many things are joked about in these forums. Things that are real problems for someone or another, from soup to nuts. I'll give a blanket 'ymmv' here, in advance of any unintended offense.
  14. 1) Dangerous wildlife 2) Disease 3) F*cked up humans for starters. https://www.thespruce.com/keep-cats-indoors-555124 These are domesticated animals, not panthers, tigers, etc. They do not have an inherent need to roam the wild by the time they're bred down to a domestic feline. Sorry, I'm done. Happy to discuss in the above-mentioned forum thread.
  15. That was the correct decision. Yes
  16. Dan also sold hot tubs/spas at Lanford Days festival.
  17. Works. With Bravo at the helm, Welcome to Waverly has the potential to be an epic sh*t show.
  18. Interesting interview with Alicia (who knew?) Goranson & Michael Fishman (mostly Lecy) from 2013. Lecy's voice doesn't seem as odd here. Plus, she looks great! lecy-goranson-becky-1-finale
  19. That's ridiculous, bordering on outrageous. Declawing is effectively an amputation. Times 10.
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