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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. As gifs go, this one pretty much sucks. First effort. I will try to do better. ?
  2. I thought so, and also the "fashion moment" or whatever comment.
  3. Yeah, a reunion of sorts. Harken back to the pre-surgery days.
  4. Correct. And they likely throw rose petals at her feet and give her steady affirmation of her fabulousness. For pay. The two Erikas. For me, the former is far more attractive and approachable than the latter. But I'm not part of a glam squad.
  5. Wow! She was perfectly chubby as a kid. <not really/kidding>
  6. Of course not. Mom, Apple pie, bodyguard/umbrella holder.
  7. I think it's very pretty. Not sure I would call it brunette. To me, this is brunette - I would call Heidi's medium brown or maybe a dark golden blonde?
  8. Now hang on a moment... Just how wonderful do you expect a 92-yr old to look?
  9. I'm rarely the first to jump to Bethenny's defense, but when she arrived to lunch and Carole and Tinsley were there talking, they hardly even acknowledged her arrival, just kept on with their conversation. As social graces go, that was very rude. You should always greet a new arrival. The conversation can be put on hold for a few moments.
  10. Note to self: When visiting foreign land under sketchy circumstances, be certain to carry a varied selection of wigs in jacket pocket.
  11. I am an animal lover to a fault, and sometimes at my own peril, but to me, the humans should take priority. It guts me to think of all of the homeless 4-legged creatures in need, no matter where they reside, but I don't believe they should be prioritized until and unless the humans are taken care of.
  12. I'm not one to go back and rewatch episodes, so I can't say this with certainty, but I'm thinking I recall Bethenny mumbling something about Carol and where she was staying, something like "Brynn will be here so it's probably best...", as if to imply it was better that she not be staying with her. I just don't recall the chronology of when that was stated, or whether she and Carol had actually discussed it.
  13. I find Thomas Ravenel to be repugnant. If what we see on camera is remotely accurate, then it is clear to me that any attraction women have for him is directly tied to his hip pocket. IMO, Ashley is simply auditioning for whatever aspirations she may have for her future. I refuse to believe that any woman with even a modicum of self respect* would actually pursue T Ravenel for anything beyond being an underwriter for those aspirations. I don't find his interaction or relationship with his children to be endearing, but more like he was their (sometimes) doting Uncle that visits every once-in-a-while. Whether spawning children with Kathryn was purely accidental or slightly on purpose, he is merely doing what parents are supposed to do; provide for their children. He is already his father's doppelganger, and it would appear that he is rushing headlong into becoming the apple that didn't fall far enough from that tree. *Where Kathryn is concerned, I believe she has some degree of self respect, but I also believe her to be emotionally or mentally deficient, thereby canceling hampering her ability to make good judgements.
  14. Okay, didn't know that. Someday, I'll join with the world and pop for The Netflix, lol.
  15. Okay, presuming all ^this is true, no pig roast for her.
  16. You've given me the sadz. Oh how I wish The Soup was still in production. Loved it.
  17. Oh okay, corrected. I thought I had read that she was on Twitter talking about how she was going to lay out the details, yadda yadda yadda.
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